Do you have a problem with Tennessee's "curbs [for] trans treatment and drag for children"?

No, not at all. You're quick to call right wrong and wrong right. You have no moral compass therefore you'll toss to and fro like a weed, devoid of any logic or common sense.

To understand how the left sees reality, you have to go to O'Brien's rant on reality from 1984.

I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.
No, not at all. You're quick to call right wrong and wrong right. You have no moral compass therefore you'll toss to and fro like a weed, devoid of any logic or common sense.
Gender dysphoria doesn't have anything to do with morality you dipshit, it has to do with science and morality is subjective so whatever you imagine to be morally wrong means fuck all objectively speaking.
Gender dysphoria doesn't have anything to do with morality you dipshit, it has to do with science and morality is subjective so whatever you imagine to be morally wrong means fuck all objectively speaking.

Again, you're a sick person. I feel sorry for people like you who are so morally bankrupt and have no foundation. Its sad.
You think education on biology and genetics is complete at the grade school level?

You also apparently think strawman and non sequiturs are rational arguments rather than logical fallacies. 😄
As far as identifying the sexes it’s complete by the time you’re three years old. You don’t need to study into your 30’s to understand it. As a matter of fact if you’re older than three and still trying to figure out the science of what makes a boy and what makes a girl you’re fucking retarded.
I did not jump in the middle, I asked a question that even the one making the post lacked the balls to anwer.

You are the one that thinks Trans people need to kill themselves.

Too late to walk it back now
You are not being honest

My position is if young children cant handle the perverted life your side has led them to snd must kill someone let it be themselves

Whereas you seem to prefer mass murder of strangers instead
You are not being honest

Easy to understand old chap. Their priorities appear to be severely misplaced. Lets teach little Timmy to read first eh?
Which other laws are mis-prioritized? Murder? Rape? And which states get to address these types of concerns? The top half maybe, or the top ten, possibly only the state who’s first in educational systems can take these laws up.

Using a states educational ranking as a reason they can’t or shouldn’t be dealing with these issues is a poor argument to make.
Which other laws are mis-prioritized? Murder? Rape? And which states get to address these types of concerns? The top half maybe, or the top ten, possibly only the state who’s first in educational systems can take these laws up.

Using a states educational ranking as a reason they can’t or shouldn’t be dealing with these issues is a poor argument to make.

Plus things like this in the classroom turn into major distractions, thus impacting student's ability to learn even further.
1. This is ignorant placing MORE laws on top of laws that ALREADY EXIST in EVERY state!!! Just MORE tax dollars being wasted by corrupt politicians, in order to shovel more of the peoples tax dollars into THEIR pockets!!!!

2. Not ALL drag shows are woke pieces of shit. Most are just performers imitating celebrities, or dancing on stage while miming songs.
And even at that, most all of these are done in adult only venues. And just like adult sex shops and alcohol sellers, they are all zoned by city ordinances to be a certain distance from schools, churches, child daycare centers, and other places like that. BY LAW. In Texas, its one mile. And all other states have similar ordinances and laws regarding adult venues.......whether these cities and states have slacked off enforcing these, is all THEIR faults....not the publics.

I say ONCE AGAIN I say.............

What you see in the "news" is less than 1% of the ENTIRE population of adults who like such things. And 99.99% of THOSE adults (including the performers) DO NOT BELIEVE IN HAVING CHILDREN ANYWHERE NEAR THEIR VENUES!!! And those parents who try to bring their kids with them, are turned away and NOT allowed in.

The trans count seems to be less than Zero point 7%
Just a political ploy to keep people upset.

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