Do You have Friends who Cut Themselves?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Man slices arms with saws at Calif. Home Depot - Houston Chronicle


I used to worry terribly over a friend I met in a forum who was still experiencing self-cutting and suicidal terrors after a classmate died of suicide.

When I read this story of a man cutting himself, as in using SAWS at Home Depot.
At first I felt grief and shock, then relief that a off-duty paramedic acted quickly to
stop him from bleeding to death. And then it really made me pause.

In comparison with this incident (or the recent stabbing spree at a campus in Houston),
people cutting themselves is "selfless" in comparison where they seek to hurt themselves
to cry out for help, and are not directly trying to hurt others though it is indirect.

It is humbling to think that suicides or self-harm are often judged as selfish, but in comparison with those who seek to shock or hurt others, it puts in a different perspective.

If you know anyone suffering from self-cutting/mutilation, self-medication due to addiction or
abuse, even self-starvation or binge eating/purging due to an eating disorder or phobia,
PLEASE give them a hug for me today, either verbally or nonverbally.

Please refer the ones who need help but don't want anyone to know:
(there is also a great self-help and support community online at mdjunction)

I plan to write to the students/staff at the local college where a criminally ill student stabbed about 15 people, and offer to help form a team to get grants for a R&D study in earlier diagnosis, intervention and treatment for criminal illness using brain technology for detection.

So sorry if anyone has lost someone to mental illness, addiction, abuse or other disorder.
Please take care and please ask for help, especially if your friends don't.

My friend who helps with free spiritual healing to reduce or cure physical and mental
disorders and diseases will help anyone who calls, and the help is free 24-hours:
713-829-0899 [One woman called and saved her brother from drugs who gave up on help.]

Thanks and please take care!
I think the guy wants a free ride through life from disability and unemployment and whatever else he can manage to draw from taxpayers.
Interesting the great influx of mental illness stories lately colliding with Obama adminstrations gun grab violating 2nd amendment rights.
I think the guy wants a free ride through life from disability and unemployment and whatever else he can manage to draw from taxpayers.

But cutting both arms where you could bleed out?
He'd be dead and wouldn't get his hands, uh sorry, on any benefits.
A lot of people can't understand other peoples' afflictions unless they experience those afflications themselves. No empathy. Especially for mental disorders. No compassion. Only judgement.
A lot of people can't understand other peoples' afflictions unless they experience those afflications themselves. No empathy. Especially for mental disorders. No compassion. Only judgement.

Yes, and also if they are in denial about their own issues, it's because they are afraid to be judged themselves and often project this even more onto others by judging them, based on this same fear and unforgiveness. When we realize it is mutual, and quit judging ourselves and others for this pattern that everyone is prone to, then we can recognize and resolve it.

As for mental disorders, and especially the great fear that criminal illness such as pedophilia cannot be cured and just has to be killed off,
the potential for medical studies and technological advances in measuring abnormal patterns in the brain can lead to a more reliable system of early diagnosis, treatment and cure -- similar to dangerous forms of cancer that can be cured if caught early enough!

The personal investigations I've done into spiritual healing methods used by deliverance practices HAVE successfully cured people of demonic voices and sickness that manifested as either "multiple personalities" (my friend Olivia in Houston cured a woman of this, and said the process of the patient fighting and resisting letting go of the demon voices talking through her reminded her of the Exorcist movie with snakeline spitting and thrashing that was very nasty)
or schizophrenia (as in the severe cases Scott Peck observed and documented in his books on People of the Lie and Glimpses of the Devil, where his team also reported witnessing similar snakish facial contortions, one clip he actually caught on video, where they all saw the same things even if some of this was on a visionary level like dream-hallucinations, they all saw it)

This same treatment method has also cured people of diabetes, cancer, addiction, and post-trauma following abuse because it involves forgiveness therapy which facilitates healing of all levels of a person's being from mind/body/spirit to the relationships with others.

So the good news is even the research to develop safer means of early detection, containment and cure of mental and criminal illness
also opens the door to more effective life-saving treatment for other dangerous diseases.

The bad that has come from these illnesses, can also lead to saving a lot more lives.
So that is another reason I push for medical research in the field of spiritual healing;
the more people who try this and see for themselves it saves the lives of loved ones
or themselves from danger, then others will try it and the positive effects multiply.

My friend in Houston is working with me and other schools/medical professionals
to set up formal studies to take this to the state and Governor; and some other
free resources are listed on a webpage I started for this cause at
freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy

Thanks for sharing your understanding of this misjudgment going on,
and I really hope the medical approach will take the fear of judgment out of the equation!
The more criminal corrections we switch over to medical treatment to cure people BEFORE crimes occur, instead of spending billions on judgment and punishment after crimes are committed cuz people DIDN'T get help in time, then we should be able to pay for health care.
Not just for the inmates but for all citizens at the rate we waste state budgets on failed systems of mental health and criminal justice that keep people rolling through revolving doors.
So this medical-based reform is necessary to resolve health care issues in general!

Yours truly,
Love, Emily
I think the guy wants a free ride through life from disability and unemployment and whatever else he can manage to draw from taxpayers.

I doubt it. We don't know if he was depressed, or suffering from some form of mental illness, but you'd have to be pretty fucked in the head to want to kill yourself in such an horrific way.

I also think he was hoping to be saved - he did this in a busy store where assistance was immediate. He could have purchased the saws and cut himself at home, but he didn't.
I knew people who cut themselves pretty severely. At the time I thought it was just something people did, like smoking pot. That was years ago. Thankfully they turned out okay.

One thing I'll never forget that I heard once:
Some people say those who do these things only do it as a cry for help... but you should never ignore a cry for help.
Do You have Friends who Cut Themselves?

Yea, his name is "Nick".
I think the guy wants a free ride through life from disability and unemployment and whatever else he can manage to draw from taxpayers.

That's just fucking stupid. If that were the case, there are much easier and less painful ways to do it.
A lot of people can't understand other peoples' afflictions unless they experience those afflications themselves. No empathy. Especially for mental disorders. No compassion. Only judgement.

Tell me about it. I'll never forget my father screaming at me after my failed suicide attempt. Here I'd been in a coma for 37 hours and all he could say was that I was selfish to do what I did. Hmph. I'd love to see these self-righteous assholes who think suicide is selfish or cowardly be in a situation that was so hopeless that death seems the only way out. There are no words for that kind of despair.

It's not cowardly to attempt suicide. It takes a lot of courage to try.

But I do resent that it seems to be a popular consensus that suicides are the result of "mental illness". Bullshit. In a lot of cases, life just sucks and you want a way out.
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No friends who cut themselves here. No enemies fact I have nobody or know anybody who does that.

This guy was no cutter.

NSSI (Non-Suicidal Self-Injury) behavior is not life threatening

Obviously this guys behavior is a whole 'nother smoke.
I think the guy wants a free ride through life from disability and unemployment and whatever else he can manage to draw from taxpayers.

Are you actually saying this guy is trying to put the "arm" on the government in order to live a life of luxury without working? If so I have to give this guy a hand for coming up with such a complex plan.
In the movie Looper, characters would cut themselves as a way to send a message to their future selves.

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