Do you know a single Trump supporter who has been swayed?

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
Trump wants Americans to have jobs, Democrats want Americans on unemployment lines

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.
And you are lost in denial and delusion.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
Trump wants Americans to have jobs, Democrats want Americans on unemployment lines


Total control of the masses is their goal.
If they control the means of production they have all of us by the balls and can do whatever the hell they want.
Not to mention gov healthcare.
Anyone who would allow that kind of power over them is insane!!
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

You're saying that some people in Arizona are digging a hole and placing their head?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

You're saying that some people in Arizona are digging a hole and placing their head?

The stupid ones already have a place for their head.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.
The reason I would vote for a normal Democrat for the House is because Rs don't spend a penny on anything.
IMHO there won't be any Trump voters from 2016 that will vote for Biden in 2020.
That means that the 31 House seats that the dems won in 2018 (via the Mueller scam) will swing back to the GOP, and the GOP gets the House back.
So the democrats have to really swarm the polls to beat Trump.
Who is excited to vote for Sleepy Joe? <no one>
Bernie voters? <nope>
Warren voters? <nope>
Biden has bimbo problems, Hunter Biden problems, China problems, and the Ukraine video extortion problem.
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IMHO there won't be any Trump voters from 2016 that will vote for Biden in 2020.
That means that the 31 House seats that the dems won in 2018 (via the Mueller scam) will swing back to the GOP, and the GOP gets the House back.
So the democrats have to really swarm the polls to beat Trump.
Who is excited to vote for Sleepy Joe? <no one>
Bernie voters? <nope>
Warren voters? <nope>
Biden has bimbo problems, Hunter Biden problems, China problems, and the Ukraine video problem.

If Biden wins you know there were shenanigans involved.
Yes, I am a long-time Trump supporter and I have been swayed.

Up to a couple of weeks ago my support was vocal in public places.

But now there are no public places.

So instead I contribute money to the campaign and make up food packages for deserving folks being deprived due to Democrat local officials having do their best to instill terror. Each package with a little literature that might help the recipient that conservatives give and liberals only take.
I don't know anybody who has been swayed but haters seem all that much more hateful. I don't care for Trump but my wife and her friends are real haters of the guy. I've tried to get her to at least be open minded about these things. Those that either love or hate everything that a politician does seem brainwashed to me and incapable of thinking for themselves. I keep trying but then too I have fun with the situation. Every now and then when Trump is shown on TV I'll excitedly point and exclaim, "Honey look, it's our President!"

I look at the Democrat efforts as a get out the vote drive rather than being swayful.
I don't care for Trump but my wife and her friends are real haters of the guy.
I’m guessing you live in a ‘border town’ in AZ?
Ask them this one simple question that none of the haters can answer and watch them lose all their shit....”Which three POLICIES of Trumps do you hate?”
I've gone back and forth. Not that I can vote there. About two years ago I thought there was no way Trump would get a second term. He just lucked into Bernie voters being arseholes and Hillary not visiting states she should have.

However, over the past 18 months, the Dems started shooting themselves in the foot. The impeachment (which was totally deserved - he is a scum sucking idiot and was absolutely trying to bribe the Ukrainians. However, you have to be a special kind of dumb - Nancy - to get him impeached knowing he could have been a serial peodophile and the Repub Senate still would have aquited) did the Dems no favours, and putting up Biden as their candidate is just unbelievable.

However, the Orange Buffoon has almost fucked things up with the coronavirus beyond repair....amazing. I think he is toast. Absolute toast. Of course, we all have to wait for the Dem and Repub versions of the November Surprise before things will truly be settled. The US is so really is.
Biden is beating Trump in almost every poll and the Democrats are phenomenally outraising the Republicans in Congressional races. The GOP is also having problems recruiting quality candidates in a lot of districts they should be able to win back. Once again the Trump Tards have their heads buried in the sand just like they did in 2018.
I don't care for Trump but my wife and her friends are real haters of the guy.
I’m guessing you live in a ‘border town’ in AZ?
Ask them this one simple question that none of the haters can answer and watch them lose all their shit....”Which three POLICIES of Trumps do you hate?”

Nah, we're in the East Valley a handful of miles north of the Gila River Indian Reservation.

Your point about asking questions is well taken though. I found it of no use once I tried. It occurred when I was sitting with one of her friends in the waiting room back in December during my wife's hip replacement surgery. Trump appeared on the TV set and she muttered something or other so I inquired who she liked for the Democratic nomination? She replied she'd vote for any of them running against Trump. I gave up on any meaningful political conversation right then and there.

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