Do you know a single Trump supporter who has been swayed?

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
The Dems/Press have totally disgraced themselves with their fanatical hate mongering.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

Yes. I know people that voted for him and now have come to realize he is a total moron that is spectacularly bad at making deals.

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
'Swayed' HOW?

That's a mighty broad generalization / term?

Do you mean are there any Trump supporters who have bought any of the 4 continuous, never-ending, crime / FISA Court Abuse-fueled bullshit, false narratives, false accusations?

If you mean do any of the people who support Trump believe he has made mistakes and has been wrong a times?

The latest such time was his insistence that he had sole authority to control the opening back up of the country. Cuomo actually had a GREAT sound-byte slam of the President when he said, "What? You're going to 'GRANT' me authority the Founding Fathers already gave me as governor BEFORE YOU WERE BORN? It's called the 10th Amendment!"

:p Ok, that was good....and brought Trump 'back down to Earth'. Trump quickly switched from declaring he had the power to open up states to giving recommended requirements and working more with Governors / states to do so wisely, listening to their inputs since they know their states and all states are different.

The broad brush you attempt to use in the OP was / is 'ham-handed', seeking to declare a faux narrative rather than actually ask a specific question.
The broad brush you attempt to use in the OP was / is 'ham-handed', seeking to declare a faux narrative rather than actually ask a specific question.

Not really...nobody else seems to be confused.
I asked a very specific question using a single word with broad meaning...if you allowed that one word to mislead you you were probably looking to be misled.
I’ll dumb it down...
“Do you know any ex Trump supporters?”
Biden is beating Trump in almost every poll and the Democrats are phenomenally outraising the Republicans in Congressional races. The GOP is also having problems recruiting quality candidates in a lot of districts they should be able to win back. Once again the Trump Tards have their heads buried in the sand just like they did in 2018.

“Polls” like this one?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

trump very narrowly won Wisconsin in 2016...He will lose this state by 175,000+ votes in November.

Seems that more than a few have turned.

Is that what a poll told you?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
Trump wants Americans to have jobs, Democrats want Americans on unemployment lines

Democrats want Americans dead.
Here's another.

Trump’s old friend Piers Morgan watches briefings ‘with mounting horror,’ urges president to stop ‘self-aggrandizing’

Piers Morgan, the outspoken host of “Good Morning Britain,” issued a personal plea Sunday to his old friend, asking President Trump to stop “playing petty politics” with the coronavirus pandemic and to “stop making it about yourself.”
Appearing on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” with host Brian Stelter, the longtime Trump ally said he was watching the president’s daily coronavirus briefings “with mounting horror.” Trump, he said, couldn’t seem to stop blaming governors or attacking Democrats, and kept wasting time quarreling with reporters.
The whirlwind news conferences were becoming “almost like a rally to him — almost like what’s more important is winning the election in November,” Morgan said.
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work.
Strongest economy in DECADES, only stopped / stalled by 'Act of God' / Chinese Pandemic

Lowest unemployment rate in DECADES, in some cases EVER

The highest number Americans working at 1 time EVER

Higher wages, Raises, bonuses

Millions Americans off of Welfare, Food Stamps....the Democrats' 'Economic Slavery'

Manufacturing jobs back from overseas

Highest Stock Numbers in history

Negotiated better trade deals for Americans
Won the Trade War with China, securing one of the best deals we have ever had
-- Willing to take on China when Democrats defended keeping status quo

Used Drones to kill leader of largest terrorist group in the world, not US citizens
-- Democrats mourned loss of terrorist, attacked President for killing the terrorist responsible for thousands of deaths of US troops, women and children

Imposed a Travel Ban to protect the US while China, WHO, and Dems declared 'all is well', while Dems opposed travel ban and advocated action that would result in increased spread of COVID-19 and increased number of US infected / dead....

Obama-appointed Ambassadors appeared before House Committees and declared Foreign Policy better under Trump than Obama (probably has something to do with how Barry and Biden extorted foreign leaders, as Biden bragged about on videotape).....

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.
So you're not going to vote for Trump this time?
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work.
Strongest economy in DECADES, only stopped / stalled by 'Act of God' / Chinese Pandemic

Lowest unemployment rate in DECADES, in some cases EVER

The highest number Americans working at 1 time EVER

Higher wages, Raises, bonuses

Millions Americans off of Welfare, Food Stamps....the Democrats' 'Economic Slavery'

Manufacturing jobs back from overseas

Highest Stock Numbers in history

Negotiated better trade deals for Americans
Won the Trade War with China, securing one of the best deals we have ever had
-- Willing to take on China when Democrats defended keeping status quo

Used Drones to kill leader of largest terrorist group in the world, not US citizens
-- Democrats mourned loss of terrorist, attacked President for killing the terrorist responsible for thousands of deaths of US troops, women and children

Imposed a Travel Ban to protect the US while China, WHO, and Dems declared 'all is well', while Dems opposed travel ban and advocated action that would result in increased spread of COVID-19 and increased number of US infected / dead....

Obama-appointed Ambassadors appeared before House Committees and declared Foreign Policy better under Trump than Obama (probably has something to do with how Barry and Biden extorted foreign leaders, as Biden bragged about on videotape).....

None of that from trump policy. Gdp growth stayed the same as Obama years. Unemployment was decreasing for years. Enter trump tax cuts and regulation cuts and no additional gdp growth and trillion dollar deficits.
Not really...nobody else seems to be confused. I asked a very specific question using a single word with broad meaning...if you allowed that one word to mislead you you were probably looking to be misled. “Do you know any ex Trump supporters?”

So, again, you demonstrate your question is has anyone been swayed IN GENERAL about Trump. You claimed to ask a very specific question then demonstrate you are NOT. I asked you 'Swayed' about WHAT. Your answer to me is 'In General'.

Seeing how the choice at the time was a career criminal elitist politician who should have been wearing an orange jump suit, a POS who paid thugs to beat and bloody Americans at opposition political rallies, who had to have her party rig their primaries to help her win the nomination and even then had to be given the nomination she could not win on her own while the previous administration protected her from indictment / prison, and the fact that she paid foreign spies for Russian Intel Service Counter-Intel propaganda the Obama administration knowingly used to commit FISA Court abuses and other crimes in an attempt to rig the General election for Hillary...and then there was Donald Trump, the decision to go with Trump was simple.

Seeing as how despite having to fend off political coups, undermining political opposition, sedition and treason his 1st 4 years in office and still managed to successfully accomplish more in only 4 years than Barry did in 8 years, NO, I have not been convinced still that the party of conspirators, criminals, AND TRAITORS - who are even now intentionally hurting Americans suffering from COVID-19 for their own personal / party benefit - should be rewarded for all that with being given any amount of additional power.

They should be stripped even more of power...starting with Marie Antoinette Pelosi and her $25K fridge and 13 gallons of expensive gourmet ice cream.

Enter trump tax cuts and regulation cuts and no additional gdp growth and trillion dollar deficits.
You claiming the $2+ trillion in additional debt due to COVID-19 Stimulus, to include Pelosi's Kennedy Center financing and attempt to add money for abortions and the Green New Deal - nothing that had to do with actual COVID-19, as some of that debt 'Trump' added?
Enter trump tax cuts and regulation cuts and no additional gdp growth and trillion dollar deficits.
You claiming the $2+ trillion in additional debt due to COVID-19 Stimulus, to include Pelosi's Kennedy Center financing and attempt to add money for abortions and the Green New Deal - nothing that had to do with actual COVID-19, as some of that debt 'Trump' added?
I’m talking about the disaster before corona. Tax cuts flattened revenue and his military spending did the rest. Trillion dollar deficits and less than 3% growth. The real damage done when repubs were in full control.
Here's another.

Trump’s old friend Piers Morgan watches briefings ‘with mounting horror,’ urges president to stop ‘self-aggrandizing’

Piers Morgan, the outspoken host of “Good Morning Britain,” issued a personal plea Sunday to his old friend, asking President Trump to stop “playing petty politics” with the coronavirus pandemic and to “stop making it about yourself.”
Appearing on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” with host Brian Stelter, the longtime Trump ally said he was watching the president’s daily coronavirus briefings “with mounting horror.” Trump, he said, couldn’t seem to stop blaming governors or attacking Democrats, and kept wasting time quarreling with reporters.
The whirlwind news conferences were becoming “almost like a rally to him — almost like what’s more important is winning the election in November,” Morgan said.

Trump ally?
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work.
Strongest economy in DECADES, only stopped / stalled by 'Act of God' / Chinese Pandemic

Lowest unemployment rate in DECADES, in some cases EVER

The highest number Americans working at 1 time EVER

Higher wages, Raises, bonuses

Millions Americans off of Welfare, Food Stamps....the Democrats' 'Economic Slavery'

Manufacturing jobs back from overseas

Highest Stock Numbers in history

Negotiated better trade deals for Americans
Won the Trade War with China, securing one of the best deals we have ever had
-- Willing to take on China when Democrats defended keeping status quo

Used Drones to kill leader of largest terrorist group in the world, not US citizens
-- Democrats mourned loss of terrorist, attacked President for killing the terrorist responsible for thousands of deaths of US troops, women and children

Imposed a Travel Ban to protect the US while China, WHO, and Dems declared 'all is well', while Dems opposed travel ban and advocated action that would result in increased spread of COVID-19 and increased number of US infected / dead....

Obama-appointed Ambassadors appeared before House Committees and declared Foreign Policy better under Trump than Obama (probably has something to do with how Barry and Biden extorted foreign leaders, as Biden bragged about on videotape).....

There was no act of God. It was an agreement between the democrats and the Chinese. In 2015, despite the pablum the press was feeding the public, it was clear that Trump was going to win. The democrat president gave the Chinese 3.7 million dollars to develop this virus and seed it into the United States. Democrats took this ball and ran it into an economy shredder.

That's what happened. The Trump investigation will prove it.

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