Do you know a single Trump supporter who has been swayed?

I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Obama's debt was at least 80% to avert another corrupt GOP world depression. 2 trillion in bailouts + 6 trillion + in welfare and unemployment that had little to do with him. Meanwhile reagan-bush and now Trump have tripled doubled and wrecked the deficit in supposedly Good times.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
I have been swayed. Where I was fairly open minded, I am now 100% anti Leftist.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
I have been swayed. Where I was fairly open minded, I am now 100% anti Leftist.
Nothing sways you more than failed policy and huge deficits. What a loser.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
It will be so much fun when "sleepy creepy" beats the pussygrabber, it will be pure enjoyment to see right wing deplorables acting like rabid dogs....
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
It will be so much fun when "sleepy creepy" beats the pussygrabber, it will be pure enjoyment to see right wing deplorables acting like rabid dogs....

Another lib pretending to not know the meaning of the word let.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?

You find the world economy being wrecked funny Brainless?
You never answer any questions,you only support your chi com masters.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
It will be so much fun when "sleepy creepy" beats the pussygrabber, it will be pure enjoyment to see right wing deplorables acting like rabid dogs....

He has a worse chance of winning than hillary did.
I predict your noob ass will be gone after November.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?

You find the world economy being wrecked funny Brainless?
You never answer any questions,you only support your chi com masters.
are u gonna be one of them right wing radical deplorables whining bout uncle joe making gaffes and forgetting stuff? if so, I'll be laughing at you...
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?

You find the world economy being wrecked funny Brainless?
You never answer any questions,you only support your chi com masters.
are u gonna be one of them right wing radical deplorables whining bout uncle joe making gaffes and forgetting stuff? if so, I'll be laughing at you...

LOL...are you trying to prepare yourself in advance for Sideshow Biden's gaffes?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
I have been swayed. Where I was fairly open minded, I am now 100% anti Leftist.
Does antileft means pro-failed delusionals ?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?

You find the world economy being wrecked funny Brainless?
You never answer any questions,you only support your chi com masters.
are u gonna be one of them right wing radical deplorables whining bout uncle joe making gaffes and forgetting stuff? if so, I'll be laughing at you...

LOL...are you trying to prepare yourself in advance for Sideshow Biden's gaffes?
If you dont mind pussygrabber's incoherent, delusional, rabid rants, you should be ok with Biden's senility...
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?

You find the world economy being wrecked funny Brainless?
You never answer any questions,you only support your chi com masters.
are u gonna be one of them right wing radical deplorables whining bout uncle joe making gaffes and forgetting stuff? if so, I'll be laughing at you...

LOL...are you trying to prepare yourself in advance for Sideshow Biden's gaffes?
If you dont mind pussygrabber's incoherent, delusional, rabid rants, you should be ok with Biden's senility...

You have to be really stupid to not know the meaning of the word let.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
I have been swayed. Where I was fairly open minded, I am now 100% anti Leftist.
Does antileft means pro-failed delusionals ?

Once more in english please.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?
I have been swayed. Where I was fairly open minded, I am now 100% anti Leftist.
Does antileft means pro-failed delusionals ?
Anti Leftist means those who think men can identify as women and then play sports vs actual women. You one of those?
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?

You find the world economy being wrecked funny Brainless?
You never answer any questions,you only support your chi com masters.
are u gonna be one of them right wing radical deplorables whining bout uncle joe making gaffes and forgetting stuff? if so, I'll be laughing at you...

LOL...are you trying to prepare yourself in advance for Sideshow Biden's gaffes?
If you dont mind pussygrabber's incoherent, delusional, rabid rants, you should be ok with Biden's senility...

I dont care if he grabs your pussy and tosses you off a rooftop as long as he keeps making liberal heads explode.
You dumb fucks have tried every trick in the book and he only gets stronger.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

As a matter of fact I know some new Trump supporters now. And the hatred for the media/democrat complex is reaching a dangerous lever.
I don’t know one who has.
The Dems have pushed saga after saga and it seems the engineered drama has only strengthened his ‘base’.
I’m in Arizona right now and I’ve never seen so many MAGA hats, Trump flags and stickers....nobody here is talking about Covid-19....the discussion is all about the ass-whooping Trump will hand the Mexicrats in November.
Is it the fence-sitters who will make the difference in November...are they ready to vote in favor of free shit for Mexico and to end American sovereignty?

I know plenty. Trump has shattered The Reagan coalition. The suburban part of the equation has been shattered as Democrats make major inroads among suburban voters. That is why Democrats took over the House. Even suburban voters in red states are abandoning the GOP.

There is no free anything for Mexico and no sovereignty. You are a nut.

Total bullshit.
You dont know any Republicans and no self respecting Republican would want anything to do with you.

You are bullshit
I don't know any Trump Republicans and I am grateful for that. I know Reagan Republicans who like myself have left the party. Republicans are conceding they will have to fight to win Texas. Clearly Trump has lost support. Suburban voters will vote against Trump.

I'm calling bullshit on your post.
1. If you were a Reagan Republican tell me which of Trump's "promises kept" you don't like.
2. Tell me that you want liberal judges appointed
3. Tell me you want gun control, open borders, sanctuary cities, Medicare for all, Paris Climate Change Treaty, The Green New Deal, No Electoral College, and The New Way Forward Act
4. The Texans I know all love Trump
All trump has done is prove republican policy doesn’t work. He cut regulations and taxes and promised growth of 4-6%. All he delivered was less than 3% growth and trillion dollar deficits.

1. How specifically is GOP policy not working? I agree that the personal tax cuts were bad, but the corporate cuts were needed to keep companies here.
2. Also agree that the Budget assumed 5% growth which never happens, so the tax cuts do not pay for themselves.
3. Obama had big deficits too. Keep raising taxes and the 1% move out. We need a Fed sales tax (VAT), a tax on stock transactions, a top rate tax increase, and then we'd be back in the black.
4. WTF did Nancy and her dems do to lower the deficit? They control the Budget. Its not all on the GOP.
GOP policy increased deficits, not growth. That’s a huge failure.
Democrats increased deficits, that's a huge failure too.
What if Trump takes China's bonds to pay for COVID damages? Would you like him then?
Look at more than one policy.
Trump policy increased deficits without increasing gdp. Huge failure and he’s used the whole repub economic playbook. What do you mean takes China’s bonds? Defaults on our debt? What happens when countries will no longer buy our debt?
Then we use a Balanced Budget Amendment and stop borrowing.
If countries injure the US economy like COVID-19 then they forfeit their bonds too.
They can buy Venezuela's or Greek bonds.
Its not a default, its a debt owed by China for the pandemic.
Great way to promote not buying our debt when we really need them to.

So you think we should let china off scot free?
That’s how it works, they suffered too. It would be bad for us to not repay our debt.

And no,thats not how it works.
They repay the world or it's an act of war.
Good luck with that . We sure are in trouble when nobody will buy our debt.

So they can wreck the worlds economy with no repercussions?
Explain how that works.
According to you we could release a deadly virus on the world and walk away? Or would it be different somehow?

You find the world economy being wrecked funny Brainless?
You never answer any questions,you only support your chi com masters.
are u gonna be one of them right wing radical deplorables whining bout uncle joe making gaffes and forgetting stuff? if so, I'll be laughing at you...

LOL...are you trying to prepare yourself in advance for Sideshow Biden's gaffes?
If you dont mind pussygrabber's incoherent, delusional, rabid rants, you should be ok with Biden's senility...
Not what he said. But you keep repeating that lie. Leftist loser. Why don’t you identify as a logical person for a day and see how that goes for you?

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