Do you know the left think Kayla Mueller deserved to tortured and killed cause she was white?

Yeah and its my opinion that it becomes nauseating when people search so hard for a way to bring up race.
Joe doesn't have to search hard on this message to bring up race. USMB is crawling with racists each and every day.
You probably see racists in your lunch.
I'm eating lunch now and don't see a single racist in it, thank you very much.
Are you SURE? You better look again. Gotta be something racist about your lunch.

You think that loser has taken cauliflower out of his diet after their summa cum laude genius said growing cauliflower is racist since it is a colonial vegetable?

Just MIND NUMBING how STUPID these people are.
"Well, no, I don't get upset about another episode of "White Women In Peril".

Anyone who was dumb enough to let themselves get caught in the middle of Syria's Civil War, I can't work up a lot of sympathy for."

Post from JoeB
Kayla Mueller....kept as a slave by ISIS chief baghdadi

That is right. That is what that fucking loser said.

Why? Cause she was white. Do you think that piece of shit is the only one that thinks like that?

They are all trash.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized the prisoner swap that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at a New Hampshire town hall on Wednesday, going so far as to appear to pantomime the soldier's execution.

Trump: Bergdahl a "Dirty, Rotten Traitor"

And then of course you voted for Donald Trump after he said this in 2015

Trump attacks McCain: 'I like people who weren't captured'

He takes his feud with the Arizona senator to a new level.

You have lowered the bar so low you can't criticize anyone for anything ever again. And Trump is a criminal. Impeach! Then Lock Him Up!
Should JoeB be banned for that post?


Here, let me help you losers out. Replace white woman with black woman.

What do you think? He was not trolling like I do. That loser truly believes that.

What do you think?

Honestly, she's stupid for going over there and you all know it. I remember righties making this argument when it was current news.
It's the same reason why the left celebrates the rapists and killers of white women here. The idea that white women deserve to be killed is why Kate Steinle's killer is walking free still in this country.
I am on the left and I don't celebrate rapists and killers of white women.....but GOPrs seem to love rape and rape culture.
"Well, no, I don't get upset about another episode of "White Women In Peril".

Anyone who was dumb enough to let themselves get caught in the middle of Syria's Civil War, I can't work up a lot of sympathy for."

Post from JoeB
Kayla Mueller....kept as a slave by ISIS chief baghdadi

That is right. That is what that fucking loser said.

Why? Cause she was white. Do you think that piece of shit is the only one that thinks like that?

They are all trash.

JoeB is not "the left". He's just an incredibly stupid person who happens to be on the left. Kind of like how you are an incredibly stupid person who happens to be on the right.
Why do you inbreed, and have friendships with stupid people?
Joe doesn't have to search hard on this message to bring up race. USMB is crawling with racists each and every day.
You probably see racists in your lunch.
I'm eating lunch now and don't see a single racist in it, thank you very much.
Are you SURE? You better look again. Gotta be something racist about your lunch.

You think that loser has taken cauliflower out of his diet after their summa cum laude genius said growing cauliflower is racist since it is a colonial vegetable?

Just MIND NUMBING how STUPID these people are.

Yes, you are mind numbing. Now that you've cleared that up.

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