Do you leftest cretins realize what just happened?

Thats why they are trying to stop him. He can’t be bought.

Remember his stance on serving in government and then not being allowed to work for lobbyists after you retire?

Holy shit you people are funny as hell. A one hour meeting with the NRA and Trump sang a whole new song...but yeah he cannot be bought or influenced! Holy shit, where do you people come up with this stuff?

Oh, and that was not his rule, his rule is that you cannot register as a lobbyist, but you can still work for them. In other words it was all smoke and mirrors

Defending the 2nd amendment is not being bought Dumb Ass…

Changing your tune after 1 hour talk is little Trump zealot.

Trump is a populist. Like Bill Clinton, nothing he says means anything. It's about what he proposes. Be honest, you never went after Slick when he changed his position in every speech

Bill changed his position with some what regulatory, but nothing to the extent that Trump does. Trump will take two different positions in the same day.
Thats why they are trying to stop him. He can’t be bought.

Remember his stance on serving in government and then not being allowed to work for lobbyists after you retire?

Holy shit you people are funny as hell. A one hour meeting with the NRA and Trump sang a whole new song...but yeah he cannot be bought or influenced! Holy shit, where do you people come up with this stuff?

Oh, and that was not his rule, his rule is that you cannot register as a lobbyist, but you can still work for them. In other words it was all smoke and mirrors

Defending the 2nd amendment is not being bought Dumb Ass…

Changing your tune after 1 hour talk is little Trump zealot.

Trump is a populist. Like Bill Clinton, nothing he says means anything. It's about what he proposes. Be honest, you never went after Slick when he changed his position in every speech

Bill changed his position with some what regulatory, but nothing to the extent that Trump does. Trump will take two different positions in the same day.

What president had the most border wall built between the US and Mexico?
I was all for Trump lowering business taxes, however I'm not sure about raising taxes paid by consumers through tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. For now I'll give Trump the benefit of doubt and remain calm assuming it won't be affecting the cost of a six pack.
Trump, as president, has already cited on two occasions how he wants a weak dollar and wants companies to charge more for products and services...Something that hurts consumers in the US along with tariffs...Yet no tariffs were laid upon Trump Enterprise imports from wage slave nations..

A weak dollar increases the cost of imports and helps US manufacturers, I thought you support that?

Actually, a strong or weak dollar both have different advantages and disadvantages. As is typical, you only pick whatever helps Democrats.

There's a word for that. It's called, "partisan"
Thats why they are trying to stop him. He can’t be bought.

Remember his stance on serving in government and then not being allowed to work for lobbyists after you retire?

Holy shit you people are funny as hell. A one hour meeting with the NRA and Trump sang a whole new song...but yeah he cannot be bought or influenced! Holy shit, where do you people come up with this stuff?

Oh, and that was not his rule, his rule is that you cannot register as a lobbyist, but you can still work for them. In other words it was all smoke and mirrors

Defending the 2nd amendment is not being bought Dumb Ass…

Changing your tune after 1 hour talk is little Trump zealot.

Trump is a populist. Like Bill Clinton, nothing he says means anything. It's about what he proposes. Be honest, you never went after Slick when he changed his position in every speech

Bill changed his position with some what regulatory, but nothing to the extent that Trump does. Trump will take two different positions in the same day.

Bull shit. How old are you? You don't remember when Slick was President?
She won the popular vote by 3 million. That’s a fact. Prove it wrong, loon.

Who's the president of The United States?
That’s not the argument. The election was decided by the electoral vote, but the popular vote is still recognized. And Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million.

Answer the question!
Are you crying?

No, but it's apparent you're avoiding. :dunno:
You think I don’t know who won the election, numb nuts? That’s not the argument. A candidate can win the electoral vote and become president without winning the popular vote. Just ask Trump or GW Bush.
Hillary didn't win the popular vote
Yes, she did. By 3 million

No she didn't not stop pretending she won anything she lost.
She won the popular vote by 3 million. That’s a fact. Prove it wrong, loon.

Its not a fact its an absurd bunch of nonsense butthurt liberals cling to after Trump crushed them like a bug.
Nope. Sorry, nutjob. I know it bothers you, but Trump did not win the popular vote. Go change your diaper
Yeah but the Patriots had more rushing yards so really they won, you know, like the most rushing yards so they won sort of, even though the Eagles are the super bowl champions. That's what these liberal pea brains are trying to spin.
Nobody is claiming Hillary won the election, you fucking dumb ass. But she did win the popular vote. That is a fact.
Yes, she did. By 3 million

No she didn't not stop pretending she won anything she lost.
She won the popular vote by 3 million. That’s a fact. Prove it wrong, loon.

Who's the president of The United States?
That’s not the argument. The election was decided by the electoral vote, but the popular vote is still recognized. And Hillary Rodham Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million.

And what's the pay for that? :coffee:
About 500k per speech, I hear
Holy shit you people are funny as hell. A one hour meeting with the NRA and Trump sang a whole new song...but yeah he cannot be bought or influenced! Holy shit, where do you people come up with this stuff?

Oh, and that was not his rule, his rule is that you cannot register as a lobbyist, but you can still work for them. In other words it was all smoke and mirrors

Defending the 2nd amendment is not being bought Dumb Ass…

Changing your tune after 1 hour talk is little Trump zealot.

Trump is a populist. Like Bill Clinton, nothing he says means anything. It's about what he proposes. Be honest, you never went after Slick when he changed his position in every speech

Bill changed his position with some what regulatory, but nothing to the extent that Trump does. Trump will take two different positions in the same day.

Bull shit. How old are you? You don't remember when Slick was President?

I am 54 and I remember it well. For all of his problems, he never took two opposite positions in less than 24 hours.

If you think he did, feel free to provide the example of him doing so.
‘Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, a fellow Republican, urged Trump to rethink the tariffs.

“If the president wants to protect good-paying, family-supporting jobs in America, especially here in Wisconsin, then he should reconsider the administration’s position on these tariffs, particularly on ultra-thin aluminum,” Walker said in a statement.

Many economists say that instead of increasing employment, price increases for consumers of steel and aluminum such as the auto and oil industries will destroy more U.S. jobs than they create.’

'Trade wars are good,' Trump says, defying global concern over tariffs


There’s no evidence Trump put any ‘thought’ into his reckless, irresponsible tariffs.
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.


Trump is also catering more to the populist pressures
to use govt to do something about guns. (the Tariffs policy that affects American workers and businesses is also opposed by Levin and other conservative historians and Constitutionalists) So at the same time, he is losing and dividing more Republicans over traditional conservative and Constitutional positions.

In short, the Democrats got so out of whack going too far left,
that the Republicans have stepped in to take over as the new Democrats.

Happy with that either? Nobody I know is.
Last edited:
Hillary didn't win the popular vote
Yes, she did. By 3 million

No she didn't not stop pretending she won anything she lost.
She won the popular vote by 3 million. That’s a fact. Prove it wrong, loon.

Its not a fact its an absurd bunch of nonsense butthurt liberals cling to after Trump crushed them like a bug.
Nope. Sorry, nutjob. I know it bothers you, but Trump did not win the popular vote. Go change your diaper

I never claimed Trump won the popular vote you imbecile, Christ almighty you are dumb.
Yes, she did. By 3 million

No she didn't not stop pretending she won anything she lost.
She won the popular vote by 3 million. That’s a fact. Prove it wrong, loon.

Its not a fact its an absurd bunch of nonsense butthurt liberals cling to after Trump crushed them like a bug.
Nope. Sorry, nutjob. I know it bothers you, but Trump did not win the popular vote. Go change your diaper

I never claimed Trump won the popular vote you imbecile, Christ almighty you are dumb.

and nobody on here claimed that Hillary won either, you dumb fuck. All anyone did was dispute the Trump talking point that his victory was a huge or a landslide.
Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced the affirmative final determinations in the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of imports of aluminum foil from the People’s Republic of China (China). This determination and investigation have no bearing on the 232 report on aluminum that is under consideration by President Trump.

“This Administration is committed to trade that is fair and reciprocal, and we will not allow American workers and businesses to be harmed by unfair imports,” said Secretary Ross. “This decision comes after a transparent process with a thorough and unbiased review of the facts.

Commerce determined that exporters from China sold aluminum foil in the United States at 48.64 to 106.09 percent less than fair value. Commerce also determined that China is providing unfair subsidies to its producers of aluminum foil at rates of 17.14 to 80.97 percent.

As a result of today’s decisions, Commerce will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect cash deposits from importers of aluminum foil based on the final rates.

In 2016, imports of aluminum foil from China were valued at an estimated $389 million.

The petitioner is the Aluminum Association Trade Enforcement Working Group.

The AD and CVD laws provide U.S. businesses and workers with an internationally accepted mechanism to seek relief from the harmful effects of dumping unfairly priced and unfairly subsidized imports into the United States.

Enforcement of U.S. trade law is a prime focus of the Trump administration. From January 20, 2017, through February 26, 2018, the Commerce Department has initiated 102 antidumping and countervailing duty investigations – a 96 percent increase from 52 in the previous period. The Commerce Department currently maintains 424 antidumping and countervailing duty orders which provide relief to American companies and industries impacted by unfair trade.

U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Subsidization of Imports of Aluminum Foil From the People’s Republic of China

While this shows a current WTO issue and not specifically the Trump shows how OTHER COUNTRIES SUBSIDIZE THEIR PRODUCTS and then SELL IT TO US to DESTROY OUR INDUSTRIES...........................

In this case....................They make sure their industry WINS................and OURS LOSE..........
Actually they did come close, close enough to win the popular vote and the EC margin of victory was the 9th smallest in the history of the country.

And that was with the worst and most corrupt candidate ever who ran the worst campaign since Bush I in 1991/2.

Hillary didn't win the popular vote because there was no popular vote election, no popular vote campaign strategy, no popular vote campaign ads. There is no way to know who would have won a popular vote election so stop pretending Hillary won something. She lost, she got the shit kicked out of her Trump crushed her winning 30 states including 3 of Hillary's blue states.

Trump...56.5% margin of victory.

Obama...64.75% average margin of victory

Bush II...51.76% average margin of victory

Clinton...69.61% average margin of victory

Bush I...79.18% margin of victory

Reagan...94.23% average margin of victory

Carter...55.2% margin of victory

So, you can feel all good that Trump beat Bush II and Carter. I am sure that will help you sleep at night'

Margin of victory in regard to what? The EC?

Yes, the EC...that is why I said "the EC margin of victory was the 9th smallest in the history of the country"

So how is 304 to 227 a 56.5 % margin of victory cupcake?

My bad, the 56.5 % was the percent of EC votes won, not the margin of victory. I apologize for misspeaking.
Trump solidified the rust belt and the union vote. The blue wall just became a RED REPUBLICAN WALL.

‘The losers are plentiful, and there are actually way more losers than winners. The issue is that we’re not just talking about finished steel, but we’re talking about entire industries that use semi-finished steel to add value,” said Monica de Bolle, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

“Steel is used in a wide array of products, including equipment,” she said, predicting that manufacturers of everything from car parts to canned goods could be forced to increase prices and shed workers to make up for the higher costs a 25 percent tariff would impose.

Meanwhile, a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum could hurt workers at companies that make anything from airplanes to products packaged in aerosol cans.

While talk has centered around how the tariffs might affect manufacturing heavyweights like Boeing and General Motors, de Bolle said much of the damage would be to smaller companies less able to absorb a 25 percent price hike on a vital raw material.’

Trump administration wrong on tariffs and trade wars, economic experts say

It is correctly realized that tariffs are reckless and irresponsible, will not have the desired effect, and will do more harm than good – if any good at all.

The only cretins are Trump sycophants and others on the right who support Trump’s folly.
/----/ 'Meanwhile, a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum could hurt workers at companies that make anything from airplanes to products packaged in aerosol cans.' Where was this concern when Obozocare was shoved down out throats and healthcare insurance premiums skyrocketed?
/----/ Well that does it. I'm giving Trump one more chance in 2020 then after that I'm not voting for him ever again. Thanks for the inside scoop.
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Yep, and after that you will vote for whomever your party masters tell you to vote for. You are a good little sheep!
/----/ Who are my party masters? Sen Mc Turtle? John McLame? Lyin' Ryan? Who?

I do not know which ones you answer to personally.
/----/ I'm Tea Party - we have no Party leaders. Sorry, can't help you there.

I've never met a teatard that had over a high school education.

/----/ Bachelor of Science. 3.76 out of 4 GPA

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