Do you lock your doors at night or leave them open with directions to your wallet or purse?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
If you do lock your doors then you have no business bitching about the plans to build border security and kicking out illegals.

If you don't then you're too stupid to be in this discussion
why....yes I do lock the doors.....

that's just common sense isn't it?:dunno:
My dogs take care of door issues.
I lock neither my doors nor my cars. There's no need to.

But no, there's no map to my wallet. I don't need that either.
I lock neither my doors nor my cars. There's no need to.
To be honest, I never lock my truck doors. If they want to steal whatever they see inside I don't want the added cost of a new window too. And that philosophy comes from experience
i leave mine open with a map of the place.....
Couple nite lights for safety I hope? dog Mouse usually is at the door to greet them....all they can see is his glowing red eyes ....havent had any one willing to take the midnight tour yet.........

Glowing red eyes would scare the bejeezus out of me...:ack-1::p
i inserted his picture....he is really a big softie....
They say locks are for honest people, if someone wants in your house badly enough they are going to come in. Your locked door and a border wall are both illusory security measures, no one is just going to casually walk in but to a determined person it is but a temporary obstacle to overcome. America is like a house with a thousand windows and doors, the Trumpbots want to just put a trillion dollar padlock on one of them and tell themselves they have done something effective.
Last thing I do at night is go around and lock my doors.. we have been getting break in's in the wee hours, and during the day.
If you use a Non wireless alarm, they will break in anyway..

And yes, this is one thing that got me listening to Trump, I am in agreement with secure borders, and sending back the ones who didn't come into America legally.
I have the doors locked and a full perimeter security system with cameras and motion sensitive lighting.

I have also availed myself of my Constitutionally protected rights under the 2nd amendment. Why would anyone want to be a victim when you can easily and inexpensively protect yourself?
They say locks are for honest people, if someone wants in your house badly enough they are going to come in. Your locked door and a border wall are both illusory security measures, no one is just going to casually walk in but to a determined person it is but a temporary obstacle to overcome. America is like a house with a thousand windows and doors, the Trumpbots want to just put a trillion dollar padlock on one of them and tell themselves they have done something effective.
Complete nonsense.

In my youth I broke into my fair share of houses. Most of which weren't locked. Unless I knew what I was after I never fucked with locked property, not worth the hassle
They say locks are for honest people, if someone wants in your house badly enough they are going to come in. Your locked door and a border wall are both illusory security measures, no one is just going to casually walk in but to a determined person it is but a temporary obstacle to overcome. America is like a house with a thousand windows and doors, the Trumpbots want to just put a trillion dollar padlock on one of them and tell themselves they have done something effective.
I know right...I hate the wall around the's so damn effective.....

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