Do you love God or the things of this world?

You are homeless but you have an internet connection? Or does your connection with God have a wifi hotspot that you are using instead?

I have to use Wifi connections at Starbuck's, McDonald's , etc.

I don't have any income to afford a place to stay so I'm homeless, however, I did get a little money from my mother's inheritance in March of this year but I gave most of it to family to help them with some issues. I only kept enough to get a weekly allowance to pay for gas for my gas stove that I use to cook with and to keep my clothes clean.

God doesn't want me to be a stinking saint because I preach to everyone He puts in my path until I'm killed one year and five months from now. I can't wait to get out of this crazy world that God planned and created to deceive all His people. Not because I can't tolerate it but because I know how we'll live in the next age, which is going to be awesome my friend.

Sounds like you are still holding on to things. That sort of get's in the way of letting go and living in the present, so does owning a lap top, by the standard you claim. Maybe consider that your premise is flawed. A time for all things, a time for letting go, there is a lesson in that, a time too, for building. What is your Guide? The Bible is a Tool, your Conscience is a Tool, When do you stop punishing, and learn to Love and give thanks??? The World is Temporal, why so much obsession and finger pointing??? Love God, Love Each Other. Sin against Another, We are Sinning against God. Start there. 1 Kings Chapter 8, Ezekiel Chapter 18, Roman's Chapter 8.
Are you worth Dieing for??? Live the example without the finger pointing. Pray for Salvation. Pray for Clarity of Purpose, a Purpose Driven Life. We are All Purposed by God, Each of Us. What We Each do with that is part of the lesson. Doing His Will does not Necessarily mean directing Other Peoples Lives, but reminding what takes precedence. Should I Presume I know more and tell you what Your Conscience should decide, or should I know my place and direct you to put God first in All things, leaving You, Your Conscience, and God, to work out Your Own Unique path and Action? Remember Jeremiah Chapter 23? He who has a dream? Salvation is the prize, keep your eye on it.

Why don't you listen to our Creator tell you what He's doing with my body instead of trying to correct something that He planned to do?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor" is something sinners can't obey.
If God didn't want us to love all these things, He wouldn't have put them here.

This means you love the things of this world instead of our Creator. It also means you cannot obey the commandments of God like us saints can.
I have to use Wifi connections at Starbuck's, McDonald's , etc.

I don't have any income to afford a place to stay so I'm homeless, however, I did get a little money from my mother's inheritance in March of this year but I gave most of it to family to help them with some issues. I only kept enough to get a weekly allowance to pay for gas for my gas stove that I use to cook with and to keep my clothes clean.

God doesn't want me to be a stinking saint because I preach to everyone He puts in my path until I'm killed one year and five months from now. I can't wait to get out of this crazy world that God planned and created to deceive all His people. Not because I can't tolerate it but because I know how we'll live in the next age, which is going to be awesome my friend.

Sounds like you are still holding on to things. That sort of get's in the way of letting go and living in the present, so does owning a lap top, by the standard you claim. Maybe consider that your premise is flawed. A time for all things, a time for letting go, there is a lesson in that, a time too, for building. What is your Guide? The Bible is a Tool, your Conscience is a Tool, When do you stop punishing, and learn to Love and give thanks??? The World is Temporal, why so much obsession and finger pointing??? Love God, Love Each Other. Sin against Another, We are Sinning against God. Start there. 1 Kings Chapter 8, Ezekiel Chapter 18, Roman's Chapter 8.
Are you worth Dieing for??? Live the example without the finger pointing. Pray for Salvation. Pray for Clarity of Purpose, a Purpose Driven Life. We are All Purposed by God, Each of Us. What We Each do with that is part of the lesson. Doing His Will does not Necessarily mean directing Other Peoples Lives, but reminding what takes precedence. Should I Presume I know more and tell you what Your Conscience should decide, or should I know my place and direct you to put God first in All things, leaving You, Your Conscience, and God, to work out Your Own Unique path and Action? Remember Jeremiah Chapter 23? He who has a dream? Salvation is the prize, keep your eye on it.

Why don't you listen to our Creator tell you what He's doing with my body instead of trying to correct something that He planned to do?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor" is something sinners can't obey.

I am curious as to what exactly God has planned to do with your body in 1 year and 5 months from now.
Sounds like you are still holding on to things. That sort of get's in the way of letting go and living in the present, so does owning a lap top, by the standard you claim. Maybe consider that your premise is flawed. A time for all things, a time for letting go, there is a lesson in that, a time too, for building. What is your Guide? The Bible is a Tool, your Conscience is a Tool, When do you stop punishing, and learn to Love and give thanks??? The World is Temporal, why so much obsession and finger pointing??? Love God, Love Each Other. Sin against Another, We are Sinning against God. Start there. 1 Kings Chapter 8, Ezekiel Chapter 18, Roman's Chapter 8.
Are you worth Dieing for??? Live the example without the finger pointing. Pray for Salvation. Pray for Clarity of Purpose, a Purpose Driven Life. We are All Purposed by God, Each of Us. What We Each do with that is part of the lesson. Doing His Will does not Necessarily mean directing Other Peoples Lives, but reminding what takes precedence. Should I Presume I know more and tell you what Your Conscience should decide, or should I know my place and direct you to put God first in All things, leaving You, Your Conscience, and God, to work out Your Own Unique path and Action? Remember Jeremiah Chapter 23? He who has a dream? Salvation is the prize, keep your eye on it.

Why don't you listen to our Creator tell you what He's doing with my body instead of trying to correct something that He planned to do?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor" is something sinners can't obey.

I am curious as to what exactly God has planned to do with your body in 1 year and 5 months from now.

The body I'm using to speak from God will be shot in the forehead with a bullet from a handgun and killed. As soon as I see three men walking towards me in the vicinity of where the killing takes place, I will have less than a minute in this world. Then I get to go to the next age and wake up in a new body alongside thousands of former saints and prophets who knew God and wrote and spoke for Him during this first age.

Since I'm the last saint to appear in this world, the death of my flesh will end the 1,000 year reign of Christ. The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.
Why don't you listen to our Creator tell you what He's doing with my body instead of trying to correct something that He planned to do?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor" is something sinners can't obey.

I am curious as to what exactly God has planned to do with your body in 1 year and 5 months from now.

The body I'm using to speak from God will be shot in the forehead with a bullet from a handgun and killed. As soon as I see three men walking towards me in the vicinity of where the killing takes place, I will have less than a minute in this world. Then I get to go to the next age and wake up in a new body alongside thousands of former saints and prophets who knew God and wrote and spoke for Him during this first age.

Since I'm the last saint to appear in this world, the death of my flesh will end the 1,000 year reign of Christ. The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.

You have piqued my curiosity even further. Where is this "vicinity" and why would these 3 men want to shoot the body you are using in the forehead?
The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.

the story of Noah should have revealed to you when the "Last Day" will occur.

I am curious as to what exactly God has planned to do with your body in 1 year and 5 months from now.

The body I'm using to speak from God will be shot in the forehead with a bullet from a handgun and killed. As soon as I see three men walking towards me in the vicinity of where the killing takes place, I will have less than a minute in this world. Then I get to go to the next age and wake up in a new body alongside thousands of former saints and prophets who knew God and wrote and spoke for Him during this first age.

Since I'm the last saint to appear in this world, the death of my flesh will end the 1,000 year reign of Christ. The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.

You have piqued my curiosity even further. Where is this "vicinity" and why would these 3 men want to shoot the body you are using in the forehead?

Because the unbelieving Christians hate my testimonies that come from the invisible "Christ", which they think is a man coming in the clouds of the sky. LOL
The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.

the story of Noah should have revealed to you when the "Last Day" will occur.


I won't be around for the "Last Day" of this age but it will be a dramatic ending, that's for sure.
The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.

the story of Noah should have revealed to you when the "Last Day" will occur.


I won't be around for the "Last Day" of this age but it will be a dramatic ending, that's for sure.

How are you so confident that the "Last Day" won't be tomorrow?
the story of Noah should have revealed to you when the "Last Day" will occur.


I won't be around for the "Last Day" of this age but it will be a dramatic ending, that's for sure.

How are you so confident that the "Last Day" won't be tomorrow?

It will be for the flesh that dies tomorrow but I'm not scheduled to die until February of 2015. After that, I really don't care when it happens to the rest of God's people because my next thoughts will be in the next world.
It will be for the flesh that dies tomorrow but I'm not scheduled to die until February of 2015. After that, I really don't care when it happens to the rest of God's people because my next thoughts will be in the next world.

Your perspective is not very loving or saintly. Are you sure you were chosen for this work or are you a self seeking, self appointed laptop toting forum "circuit rider"? Sounds to me like you have chosen to love selectively and have a total disregard for the rest. What would God do? Would God approve of your views about love?
I won't be around for the "Last Day" of this age but it will be a dramatic ending, that's for sure.

How are you so confident that the "Last Day" won't be tomorrow?

It will be for the flesh that dies tomorrow but I'm not scheduled to die until February of 2015. After that, I really don't care when it happens to the rest of God's people because my next thoughts will be in the next world.

How do I learn when I'm scheduled to die?
Or can you tell me?
Neither really. People and possessions mean very little to me, and since there's no god I don't have to worry about loving something that doesn't exist. I'm animal lover, first and foremost. They're so pure and honest, and they love you more deeply than a human ever could.
The body I'm using to speak from God will be shot in the forehead with a bullet from a handgun and killed. As soon as I see three men walking towards me in the vicinity of where the killing takes place, I will have less than a minute in this world. Then I get to go to the next age and wake up in a new body alongside thousands of former saints and prophets who knew God and wrote and spoke for Him during this first age.

Since I'm the last saint to appear in this world, the death of my flesh will end the 1,000 year reign of Christ. The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.

You have piqued my curiosity even further. Where is this "vicinity" and why would these 3 men want to shoot the body you are using in the forehead?

Because the unbelieving Christians hate my testimonies that come from the invisible "Christ", which they think is a man coming in the clouds of the sky. LOL

With all respect, what makes you think you are more Godlike or deserving that the rest of us?
What sets you apart from all of us ...who are children of God as much as you are?
Aren't we all created the same? you, me and everybody?

I would very much like to understand your reasoning. :)
It will be for the flesh that dies tomorrow but I'm not scheduled to die until February of 2015. After that, I really don't care when it happens to the rest of God's people because my next thoughts will be in the next world.

Dude, I'm not quite sure how to say this....but you sound kind of...ill.
It will be for the flesh that dies tomorrow but I'm not scheduled to die until February of 2015. After that, I really don't care when it happens to the rest of God's people because my next thoughts will be in the next world.

Your perspective is not very loving or saintly. Are you sure you were chosen for this work or are you a self seeking, self appointed laptop toting forum "circuit rider"? Sounds to me like you have chosen to love selectively and have a total disregard for the rest. What would God do? Would God approve of your views about love?

How do you show your love to disobedient children who won't listen to you?

The way God does it is to kill all their flesh that makes them disobedient, then All God's people will know His love for them.

If you look in a mirror and kill the enemy that's looking back at you, you will no longer be deceived of the Truth.
Why don't you listen to our Creator tell you what He's doing with my body instead of trying to correct something that He planned to do?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor" is something sinners can't obey.

I am curious as to what exactly God has planned to do with your body in 1 year and 5 months from now.

The body I'm using to speak from God will be shot in the forehead with a bullet from a handgun and killed. As soon as I see three men walking towards me in the vicinity of where the killing takes place, I will have less than a minute in this world. Then I get to go to the next age and wake up in a new body alongside thousands of former saints and prophets who knew God and wrote and spoke for Him during this first age.

Since I'm the last saint to appear in this world, the death of my flesh will end the 1,000 year reign of Christ. The "Last Day" of this age will end shortly after that but since God hasn't revealed that day to any of us prophets or saints, it doesn't matter to us in this world. We know from God's knowledge that the "End" will happen exactly as planned by our Creator.

Get psychiatric help through your county, or state mental health agency.
How are you so confident that the "Last Day" won't be tomorrow?

It will be for the flesh that dies tomorrow but I'm not scheduled to die until February of 2015. After that, I really don't care when it happens to the rest of God's people because my next thoughts will be in the next world.

How do I learn when I'm scheduled to die?
Or can you tell me?

Only us saints know how, when and where we'll be killed but God doesn't reveal this knowledge all at once. It all has to be learned as we become more obedient to His commands.

Since you don't even know who God is, you won't know how, when or where you'll die. All I know for the masses of people is that they'll all die at once on the "Last Day" of this age.

It's not such a big deal, anyway. Once our flesh has perished, we won't remember anything about this first age. We won't ever remember dying and since we'll never die in the next age, we won't understand what death of the flesh is.

Isaiah 65
16: So that he who blesses himself in the land shall bless himself by the God of truth, and he who takes an oath in the land shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten and are hid from my eyes.
17: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
18: But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.
19: I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress.
Neither really. People and possessions mean very little to me, and since there's no god I don't have to worry about loving something that doesn't exist. I'm animal lover, first and foremost. They're so pure and honest, and they love you more deeply than a human ever could.

In the next age, man and beast will be at peace with each other. Never again will we exist in flesh that deceives us of our created existence, which is God's thoughts spoken into invisible wavelengths of energy, also known as "Christ", or "Heaven".
Well. If we are made in God's image then I would have to say God. Because let me tell ya I love myself to death.

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