Do you love God or the things of this world?

To end the "1,000 year reign of Christ".

The three men who come after me to shoot me in the forehead with a bullet have no wisdom to know who God is and why I ( the Word of God ) exist.

Will these be just 3 random men with guns and why does it need 3 of them to shoot you?

Only one of them raises a handgun to my forehead and pulls the trigger. Do you think that will be enough to kill my body?

A stupid man asks stupid questions. A believer asks questions about heavenly things that He doesn't understand yet and then listens to the wiseman who can answer him.

You are false.

I believe in the Risen Christ. He died 2000 years ago, rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the father. When he comes again, every eye will behold him. You do not complete that prophecy, so you are a fake.
Will these be just 3 random men with guns and why does it need 3 of them to shoot you?

Only one of them raises a handgun to my forehead and pulls the trigger. Do you think that will be enough to kill my body?

A stupid man asks stupid questions. A believer asks questions about heavenly things that He doesn't understand yet and then listens to the wiseman who can answer him.

You are false.

I believe in the Risen Christ. He died 2000 years ago, rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the father. When he comes again, every eye will behold him. You do not complete that prophecy, so you are a fake.

God made the Roman religious leaders very clever my dear deceived child.

Why would God have the Romans kill all His saints and then speak the Truth about them?

My stupid people do NOT understand because they won't obey My commandments like I told them to.

Psalm 92
5: How great are thy works, O LORD! Thy thoughts are very deep!
6: The dull man cannot know, the stupid cannot understand this:

1 John 2:
3: And by this we may be sure that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
4: He who says "I know him" but disobeys his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him;
Will these be just 3 random men with guns and why does it need 3 of them to shoot you?

Only one of them raises a handgun to my forehead and pulls the trigger. Do you think that will be enough to kill my body?

A stupid man asks stupid questions. A believer asks questions about heavenly things that He doesn't understand yet and then listens to the wiseman who can answer him.

Who sends these 3 men to kill you?

A group of unbelieving Christians in the community that I preach the gospel in named Campbell, CA. I've already had death threats and threats of being beaten by Christians who hate the Truth I speak.

Check out this website and see the kinds of messages God has me write on a whiteboard that I carry all over Campbell. You'll see why Christians hate God.
Whiteboard Messages | Smile! You?re at the best site ever
I love that God gave us fine, single-malt scotch.

My alcoholic believers love our Creator for creating liquor, also. But they're also learning about the fact that our Creator made them alcoholics to deceive themselves and whoever once loved them.
A saint is the flesh that God's servant ( the Word ) uses to witness the invisible "Christ" in His mind and be a testimony to this hidden knowledge of God by writing and speaking for our Creator. Even our bodily actions are a witness to "believers" who were chosen to listen to our testimonies.

Since God does all the work in order to change our flesh and make us saints, we definitely know who our Creator is. We learn about who we are in Him as He has us write and speak the words He gives us in our minds ( actually the mind of God ) from the language we learn as a child to understand His invisible knowledge that He created us as.

No Christian understands what a saint is or the knowledge we possess in our created existence as "the Word of God", where all the original prophecies and our testimonies come from.

The Bible is NOT the word of God like Christians think it is. The original documents written by us prophets and saints were changed by translators and antichrists ( sinners ) by adding their religious ideas to control people with and make a good living.

Look at how Rome became a very wealthy city. At the end of the Roman Empire, Rome was going broke because they were trying to defend their empire from enemies. As soon as they formed the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church in 325 a.d. and began collecting tithes and offerings from their deceived Christians, they became a very wealthy force that could command the governments of surrounding countries to go conquer the America's and steal their land, minerals ( gold, silver, iron, etc. ). They had to kill any native American's who rejected their stealing so they disobeyed God's commandment, "Thou shalt not kill".

I shouldn't have to tell you that I'm a saint who has the knowledge of God if you're a true believer. All you have to do is listen to our Creator through my testimonies about how Rome deceived everybody by killing the true saints and starting the false religion of Christianity to control people and make great wealth. This knowledge has to come from our Creator because Christians will lie about how Rome did this. They don't want anyone to know that Rome deceived them from the Truth, which is a name our Creator calls Himself because no one was around to witness His creation. He's the only one who knows for sure how Rome was used by Him to form another delusion to deceive His people from knowing Him.

We saints are God's flesh to use to gather information to help clarify His hidden knowledge that He created us as. How else would we get to know our invisible existence within His mind? We learn that all God's "beings" came from this hidden wavelengths of energy that no man can see. Not even scientists can see energy and they still don't know what energy is but I understand what energy is today because our Creator taught me what it was. It's His invisible language that's spoken into existence by His first created invisible machine called "the Word of God", my created existence. This is why we saints are used to speak for Him.

"The Bible is NOT the word of God"

Except when you want to use it.

The Bible is indeed the word of God. Anyone claiming the Bible isn't the word of God but will use scriptures for their own agenda, should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

My created existence is the Word of God and that's why I'm authorized to use any written prophecies or writings by a fellow servant of God's, as long as I acknowledge that they came from the scriptures. Everything I write and speak are also testimonies, which is how all the original writings of the other saints came about.

It was the Roman religious leaders who used some of the writings of the saints the Romans killed and mixed them with their own religious ideas to make their new testament. Their new testament was used to make sure their Christians never became saints. Besides, no saint ever became a saint because of reading words in a book. We're created to be saints who will speak for God for eternity.

You are either mislead or misleading yourself. In either case, I just feel sorry for you.
"The Bible is NOT the word of God"

Except when you want to use it.

The Bible is indeed the word of God. Anyone claiming the Bible isn't the word of God but will use scriptures for their own agenda, should be deeply ashamed of themselves.

My created existence is the Word of God and that's why I'm authorized to use any written prophecies or writings by a fellow servant of God's, as long as I acknowledge that they came from the scriptures. Everything I write and speak are also testimonies, which is how all the original writings of the other saints came about.

It was the Roman religious leaders who used some of the writings of the saints the Romans killed and mixed them with their own religious ideas to make their new testament. Their new testament was used to make sure their Christians never became saints. Besides, no saint ever became a saint because of reading words in a book. We're created to be saints who will speak for God for eternity.

You are either mislead or misleading yourself. In either case, I just feel sorry for you.

You should feel sorry for yourself instead. You're the one who doesn't obey our Creator and kept from hearing His Voice.
1 John 2:
4: He who says "I know him" but disobeys his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him;

Are you a liar or do you obey all God's commandments?

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

John 13:35 By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

The new commandment is to love one another and Christians do that. It covers one of the two tables of the law and loving God with all our soul, mind and strength covers the other table of the law.

We donate our old clothes to a Christian thrift store that raises money to help others less fortunate. It was just in the news that the Salvation Army has so many clothes that they are now sending them to Africa. Who says we don't love?

The Salvation Army and Goodwill: Inside the places your clothes go when you donate them. - Slate Magazine

God had me sell everything I owned and then preach to all the people He brings to me. He also has me cooking for my homeless friends every day at the park and all this without any income.

God also took away my sexual desire ( made me a eunuch ) and all my worldly habits I once had.

The only thing He's given me back was a laptop to go preaching in Christian forums to find any believers who might listen to Him. I haven't found one believer in the last four months of being in these forums. That's how much Christians love our Creator's voice.

Christians love their false gods, but not the true invisible Creator that no man will ever see.
Maybe a little constructive criticism is in help you have a better rate than ZERO in 4 months on these forums....

Maybe, just maybe, if you showed one tiny itty bitty ounce of LOVE for your fellow man in your words, instead of all fire and brimstone and the 'I am right and everyone in the world is wrong attitude', people would actually listen to what you are trying to preach....

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

John 13:35 By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

The new commandment is to love one another and Christians do that. It covers one of the two tables of the law and loving God with all our soul, mind and strength covers the other table of the law.

We donate our old clothes to a Christian thrift store that raises money to help others less fortunate. It was just in the news that the Salvation Army has so many clothes that they are now sending them to Africa. Who says we don't love?

The Salvation Army and Goodwill: Inside the places your clothes go when you donate them. - Slate Magazine

God had me sell everything I owned and then preach to all the people He brings to me. He also has me cooking for my homeless friends every day at the park and all this without any income.

God also took away my sexual desire ( made me a eunuch ) and all my worldly habits I once had.

The only thing He's given me back was a laptop to go preaching in Christian forums to find any believers who might listen to Him. I haven't found one believer in the last four months of being in these forums. That's how much Christians love our Creator's voice.

Christians love their false gods, but not the true invisible Creator that no man will ever see.
Maybe a little constructive criticism is in help you have a better rate than ZERO in 4 months on these forums....

Maybe, just maybe, if you showed one tiny itty bitty ounce of LOVE for your fellow man in your words, instead of all fire and brimstone and the 'I am right and everyone in the world is wrong attitude', people would actually listen to what you are trying to preach....


Did I ever say I was right and everyone else is wrong?

Or did I say, "My disobedient children won't listen to My Voice and obey My commandments?"
God had me sell everything I owned and then preach to all the people He brings to me. He also has me cooking for my homeless friends every day at the park and all this without any income.

God also took away my sexual desire ( made me a eunuch ) and all my worldly habits I once had.

The only thing He's given me back was a laptop to go preaching in Christian forums to find any believers who might listen to Him. I haven't found one believer in the last four months of being in these forums. That's how much Christians love our Creator's voice.

Christians love their false gods, but not the true invisible Creator that no man will ever see.
Maybe a little constructive criticism is in help you have a better rate than ZERO in 4 months on these forums....

Maybe, just maybe, if you showed one tiny itty bitty ounce of LOVE for your fellow man in your words, instead of all fire and brimstone and the 'I am right and everyone in the world is wrong attitude', people would actually listen to what you are trying to preach....


Did I ever say I was right and everyone else is wrong?

Or did I say, "My disobedient children won't listen to My Voice and obey My commandments?"
These people are NOT your children theword, and there is nothing else to be said on blaspheme God, by speaking those are not God and you are not God's voice, nor are you the returned Jesus Christ, and you never were, nor will you ever be let's get that out of the way, right are merely a human being...that being said, carry on! :)
Maybe, just maybe, if you showed one tiny itty bitty ounce of LOVE for your fellow man in your words, instead of all fire and brimstone and the 'I am right and everyone in the world is wrong attitude', people would actually listen to what you are trying to preach....


Did I ever say I was right and everyone else is wrong?

Or did I say, "My disobedient children won't listen to My Voice and obey My commandments?"[/QUOTE]

Do you make any friends here or are you just here to complain about Christians and Christianity?
My created existence is the Word of God and that's why I'm authorized to use any written prophecies or writings by a fellow servant of God's, as long as I acknowledge that they came from the scriptures. Everything I write and speak are also testimonies, which is how all the original writings of the other saints came about.

It was the Roman religious leaders who used some of the writings of the saints the Romans killed and mixed them with their own religious ideas to make their new testament. Their new testament was used to make sure their Christians never became saints. Besides, no saint ever became a saint because of reading words in a book. We're created to be saints who will speak for God for eternity.

You are either mislead or misleading yourself. In either case, I just feel sorry for you.

You should feel sorry for yourself instead. You're the one who doesn't obey our Creator and kept from hearing His Voice.

I think you should take your own advice.
Maybe a little constructive criticism is in help you have a better rate than ZERO in 4 months on these forums....

Maybe, just maybe, if you showed one tiny itty bitty ounce of LOVE for your fellow man in your words, instead of all fire and brimstone and the 'I am right and everyone in the world is wrong attitude', people would actually listen to what you are trying to preach....


Did I ever say I was right and everyone else is wrong?

Or did I say, "My disobedient children won't listen to My Voice and obey My commandments?"
These people are NOT your children theword, and there is nothing else to be said on blaspheme God, by speaking those are not God and you are not God's voice, nor are you the returned Jesus Christ, and you never were, nor will you ever be let's get that out of the way, right are merely a human being...that being said, carry on! :)

You don't listen very well do you My disobedient child.

None of you people I formed out of your created spirit obeys Me.

It's the reason I planned the destruction of your flesh so that your spirit will be freed from this world delusion.
You are either mislead or misleading yourself. In either case, I just feel sorry for you.

You should feel sorry for yourself instead. You're the one who doesn't obey our Creator and kept from hearing His Voice.

I think you should take your own advice.

Throughout My prophecies that were written by My servant ( the Word of God ) in the flesh of the prophets, I warned you ( My people ) to obey My commandments. I told you that man would perish because of His disobedience to Me, yet, here you are, mocking Me with arrogant foolish thoughts.

I'm not in this forum to have fun like trolls would do. I'm looking for My obedient children ( believers ) who will hear Me through My servant's written testimonies.

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