Do you miss Trump now America?

INFLATION is the crocodile that eats away at the American pocketbook. BIDEN, with 43 years of EXPERIENCE, has harmed every mother's son with a TAX called INFLATION. Under Trump, inflation was 1.4%. Do you miss Trump now America?

January 31, 2021 1.40%
July 31, 2021 5.37%
December 31, 2021 7.04%
March 31, 2022 8.54%
June 30, 2022 9.06%
A price I'm happy to pay.
If you say Americans are better off now than three years ago you're a retard.

100% better than Trump's last year. I know you morons want to pretend like 2020 didn't happen, but it absolutely-fucking-did and NO ONE was tired of winning under Trump...except maybe Democrats at the voting box.
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We don't really need Trump back because you and the TDS crowd are continuing to melt down endlessly without him. Trump really pwns you. He's going to make you cluck like a chicken whenever anyone claps three times, LOL
Dems are permanently damaged by TDS. Trump destroyed their entire world then refused to concede the stolen election pushing them over the edge.
INFLATION is the crocodile that eats away at the American pocketbook. BIDEN, with 43 years of EXPERIENCE, has harmed every mother's son with a TAX called INFLATION. Under Trump, inflation was 1.4%. Do you miss Trump now America?
January 31, 2021 1.40%
July 31, 2021 5.37%
December 31, 2021 7.04%
March 31, 2022 8.54%
June 30, 2022 9.06%

Are you saying without Trump inflation wouldn't have happened?

What nonsense.
With Trump, no Ukraine bullshit and most supply lines affected by Ukraine would never exist,
I’m not certain of that. He felt pressure to sanction Russia heavily and push NATO to it’s borders, because the Ds and MSM kept pushing Russiagate.
Imo, Biden is a doddering, incompetent piece of garbage. He's allowing our country to be over-run by illegal aliens. And everything he touches turns to shit.

But I also HATE the self-absorbed, spoiled child, donnie-boy trump. Who could possibly miss an idiot who, in a childish temper tantrum, throws his lunch at a White House wall, splattering catsup on the wall and carpet.

Fuck trump. He's a silly, spoiled little boy.

America can surely do better than the likes of these two geriatric clowns. We're in dire need of intelligent, capable leaders - neither of these imbeciles can fill that need.
100% better than Trump's last year. I know you morons want to pretend like 2020 didn't happen, but it absolutely-fucking-did and NO ONE was tired of winning under Trump...except maybe Democrats at the voting box.
Trump last year was due to tyrannical actions of democrat governors.
SEVEN fucking states and

Only one of the seven states that did not issue a stay-at-home order did not require any businesses to close: South Dakota. All seven states also closed schools to in-person instruction.

That's a national shutdown
Dumbass the shut down was not a national mandate directive of trump.
INFLATION is the crocodile that eats away at the American pocketbook. BIDEN, with 43 years of EXPERIENCE, has harmed every mother's son with a TAX called INFLATION. Under Trump, inflation was 1.4%. Do you miss Trump now America?
January 31, 2021 1.40%
July 31, 2021 5.37%
December 31, 2021 7.04%
March 31, 2022 8.54%
June 30, 2022 9.06%

Of course not.

Couldn’t be happier that Trump is gone.
I'm toro.

And I'm disgusted at what the Republican Party has become. The Republican Party has become a cult of personality that would trash the COTUS because it's become enthralled to one man. It's a fucking disgrace.

The GQP is no longer anything resembling the party of Reagan.

Hopefully, the rubes can move on from this threat to democracy and the republic.
Trump is the product of the GOP.

We need to reject the myth that Trump ‘corrupted’ an otherwise right-of-center party interested in sound, responsible governance.

For more than 50 years the GOP has pursued an anti-democratic agenda facilitated by racists and bigots, the Christo-fascist right, political corruption, and an agenda of misinformation and lies – a party with nothing but contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions; Trump is merely the most recent manifestation of that.

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