Do you miss Trump now America?

Read this slowly..."that stretched into Months"

And didn't fully end for well over a year
You are now conflating 2 issues...
The fact is that Trump made a suggestion without forcing anyone to comply.
Well the whole nation did it...while Trump was President.

That sounds like a national policy

We don't really need Trump back because you and the TDS crowd are continuing to melt down endlessly without him. Trump really pwns you. He's going to make you cluck like a chicken whenever anyone claps three times, LOL
We don't really need Trump back because you and the TDS crowd are continuing to melt down endlessly without him. Trump really pwns you. He's going to make you cluck like a chicken whenever anyone claps three times, LOL
We need Trump more than ever.
You do like Biden's America I'm sure.

So what happened to the original Toro? Seriously

I like an America that hasn't devolved into a dystopia that trashes our democracy to satisfy a narcissist who'd rather destroy the republic rather than bruise his precious fucking ego because he can't admit he lost.

Oh, and BTW, he doesn't give a fucking shit about you, snowflake.

Your great-grandchildren will be embarrassed by you.
I like an America that hasn't devolved into a dystopia that trashes our democracy to satisfy a narcissist who'd rather destroy the republic rather than bruise his precious fucking ego because he can't admit he lost.

Oh, and BTW, he doesn't give a fucking shit about you, snowflake.

Your great-grandchildren will be embarrassed by you.
Feel better?
Didn't think so.
I like an America that hasn't devolved into a dystopia that trashes our democracy to satisfy a narcissist who'd rather destroy the republic rather than bruise his precious fucking ego because he can't admit he lost.

Oh, and BTW, he doesn't give a fucking shit about you, snowflake.

Your great-grandchildren will be embarrassed by you.

They should kick you off the site for taking someone's account rather than creating your own. You're nothing like Toro. He's a good guy, even when we disagreed with each other. Anyone reading your post can tell instantly you are not Toro
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They should kick you off the site for taking someone's account rather than creating your own. You've nothing like Toro. He's a good guy, even when we disagreed with each other. Anyone reading your post can tell instantly you are not Toro

I'm toro.

And I'm disgusted at what the Republican Party has become. The Republican Party has become a cult of personality that would trash the COTUS because it's become enthralled to one man. It's a fucking disgrace.

The GQP is no longer anything resembling the party of Reagan.

Hopefully, the rubes can move on from this threat to democracy and the republic.

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