Do you notice how the wall is the only policy Trump is capable of talking about in detail?

He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.
Did you ever notice that you're a worthless leftist traitor hack? A crying communist bitch?
I didn't.

But I did notice Trump's doing a great job. One way to tell is by your threads, which scream desperation and incoherence.
So what exactly is Trump accomplishing that would make me desperate and incoherent?

Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

It's outdated. And you can add exposing progs. for what they are.
Christ signing a shitload of EO’s doesn’t make him an accomplished leader. In fact, when Obama did it, you called it fascist. What actually matters is passing signature legislation through Congress like what presidents did before him. The tax bill doesn’t even qualify for that because he had nothing to do with what was in it.
"The media are trying to convince Trump that if he abandons the wall, he'll be a statesman, so that as soon as he folds, they can start making fun of him as an untrustworthy liar. "
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.

So who do you think had a better grasp of foreign policy...Barack Obama...who bungled his way through eight years of foreign policy blunders...or Donald Trump...who despite being attacked non stop by you on the left has accomplished such things as getting our NATO allies to contribute more to defense...walked away from what was probably the most one sided "treaty" in the history of treaties...the Paris Accord...ended the awful deal Obama struck with Iran which gave them a huge sum of money, ended sanctions against them...which they did nothing in return for? Or did you want to critique Trump's use of the threat of tariffs to get better deals for the US from Canada, Mexico and the EU?

Obama foreign policy? Do you remember how truly clueless they WERE back then? This kind of sums it up!

Nato allies are not increasing anything they just reaffirmed the previous numbers that were agreed upon

Still the British are still mad that he walked in front of the queen instead of walking besides an old lady, he must have thought that it was a race

Paris accord show Countries uniting for a purpose with Nearly 200 nations signing the agreement. With that many involved it is easy to nit pick things as unfair. Global warming either do something about it or just hope for the best.

I choose do something about it yet it what ET did can be undone as it won;t take affect until the next election cycle

Iran deal well at least it was better than Trumps NK deal or lack of a deal and it was on real paper too

Trade wars may work agains Mexico and Canada who are are neighbors yet againts China it is not working so well.
What?..You know nothing
American and Chinese trade negotiators are working out details of a new agreement that could avert a wider trade war as the New Year approaches.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the deal could lead to a boost in U.S. exports to the Asian giant as well as a loosening of regulations that prevent or hamper U.S. firms from operating in China, people familiar with the negotiations said.

POTUS Donald Trump on Saturday tweeted that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping had made “great progress” in trade discussions, which are set to wrap up on March 1.

“Deal is moving along very well. If made, it will be very comprehensive, covering all subjects, areas, and points of dispute,” he tweeted.

The WSJ noted further, however, that other people familiar with the talks say that the president could be overstating the progress. They said that POTUS is looking to calm jittery markets which have been declining in recent weeks, many say due to the Federal Reserve’s rate hikes.

The paper noted further:

If no deal is reached, U.S. tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods are due to increase to 25% from 10% on March 2, potentially having a big impact on electronics, furniture, machinery and other U.S. industries that rely on Chinese imports. It could also deepen a slowdown in China’s economy, which would have broad consequences for global growth.


Yet as of today there is no deal and the fallacy of starting a trade war without a plan is economics 101
What fallacy, China just dropped tariffs on US sitos from 40% to 25% and try to keep up with what is going on...

China Cuts Tariffs on More Than 700 Goods Amid Open-Trade Drive - ...
Bloomberg › news › articles › china-cuts...

Dec 23, 2018 · China announced another round of tariff cuts, lowering import taxes on more than 700 goods from Jan. 1 as part of its efforts to open up the economy and lower costs for domestic consumers. There will also be cuts to some export tariffs, and temporary import tariff rates will be as ...

  • U.S. exports will get the benefit of the reductions as well, although most products will still be subject to the retaliatory tariffs until there is a breakthrough in the ongoing talks.
Trump lies about his wall in detail.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!


7:35 AM - Jan 2, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

66.7K people are talking about this
So you know what is in the trade deal which hasn't been released ?
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.
Trump did not get famous for having a reality TV show. He got famous because of his ability to get building projects finished on time and under budget. Something that was unheard of in New York at the time.

Trump has been building infrastructure for his entire life and this job creating border security infrastructure project is right up his alley. He's an expert on the subject.
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.
Yes, Trump talks constantly about the wall but he says nothing of substance. What exactly has he said about how he would spend the 5 billion he has requested. Where will the wall be built? Which prototype will he use" How much will it cost? How many miles will it cover? What is the construction schedule? Who has been selected to build it? What are the environmental impacts? Has the wall been tested? What are the results? If Mexico is paying for the wall, where is the 5 billion dollars from Mexico and how will it be transferred to the general fund? The first step in getting congress to approve funds for the wall is tell them exactly how those funds will used otherwise it's just a slush fund and will never be approved.
Trump lies about his wall in detail.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!


7:35 AM - Jan 2, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

66.7K people are talking about this
So you know what is in the trade deal which hasn't been released ?
How about you explain how exactly that would even work?
Trump lies about his wall in detail.

Donald J. Trump


Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!


7:35 AM - Jan 2, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

66.7K people are talking about this
So you know what is in the trade deal which hasn't been released ?


makes no difference, the government doesnt work like that
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.
Yes, Trump talks constantly about the wall but he says nothing of substance. What exactly has he said about how he would spend the 5 billion he has requested. Where will the wall be built? Which prototype will he use" How much will it cost? How many miles will it cover? What is the construction schedule? Who has been selected to build it? What are the environmental impacts? Has the wall been tested? What are the results? If Mexico is paying for the wall, where is the 5 billion dollars from Mexico and how will it be transferred to the general fund? The first step in getting congress to approve funds for the wall is tell them exactly how those funds will used otherwise it's just a slush fund and will never be approved.
Why give ammo to the opposition. Give out that info and they'll know where to boycott and/or riot.
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.

So who do you think had a better grasp of foreign policy...Barack Obama...who bungled his way through eight years of foreign policy blunders...or Donald Trump...who despite being attacked non stop by you on the left has accomplished such things as getting our NATO allies to contribute more to defense...walked away from what was probably the most one sided "treaty" in the history of treaties...the Paris Accord...ended the awful deal Obama struck with Iran which gave them a huge sum of money, ended sanctions against them...which they did nothing in return for? Or did you want to critique Trump's use of the threat of tariffs to get better deals for the US from Canada, Mexico and the EU?

Obama foreign policy? Do you remember how truly clueless they WERE back then? This kind of sums it up!

Nato allies are not increasing anything they just reaffirmed the previous numbers that were agreed upon

Still the British are still mad that he walked in front of the queen instead of walking besides an old lady, he must have thought that it was a race

Paris accord show Countries uniting for a purpose with Nearly 200 nations signing the agreement. With that many involved it is easy to nit pick things as unfair. Global warming either do something about it or just hope for the best.

I choose do something about it yet it what ET did can be undone as it won;t take affect until the next election cycle

Iran deal well at least it was better than Trumps NK deal or lack of a deal and it was on real paper too

Trade wars may work agains Mexico and Canada who are are neighbors yet againts China it is not working so well.

You mean the previous numbers that our NATO allies promised to meet...yet never came close to? Trump called them out on it and they grudgingly agreed to start spending more. Barry let them slide. So who did a better job...Obama or Trump?

Did you really just bring up Trump walking in front of Queen Elizabeth as a foreign policy failure? That's pathetic even for a die hard Trump hater, Kilroy!

If you really cared about climate control you'd have been disgusted with the Paris Accord! It let some of the world's biggest polluters continue to increase their emissions for decades while we cut ours back. So how does THAT solve the problem? Who would be stupid enough to sign something that doesn't decrease carbon emissions at all? Barry was. Trump pointed out correctly that the Accord was so one sided that it was a farce.

In what way was Obama's deal with Iran in any way shape or form "good" for America or peace in the world? It gave the mullahs in Tehran billions of dollars to continue to fund terrorism around the globe while it got ZERO in return except a "promise" that they'll "maybe" stop trying to build a nuke...a promise that any reasonable person knows is absolutely worthless.

As for Korea? Kim has stopped firing rockets. Did Barry ever achieve that? Trump has.

What Trump did with Mexico, Canada and the EU will work with China. Why? Because China needs the US market to sell it's goods to. Their economy is dependent on it. Trump grasps that fact. The Chinese have always played hardball with us...they steal our intellectual property and they flood our markets with subsidized goods. Trump is the first US President with the back bone to stand up to them and demand fair trade.
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.
Yes, Trump talks constantly about the wall but he says nothing of substance. What exactly has he said about how he would spend the 5 billion he has requested. Where will the wall be built? Which prototype will he use" How much will it cost? How many miles will it cover? What is the construction schedule? Who has been selected to build it? What are the environmental impacts? Has the wall been tested? What are the results? If Mexico is paying for the wall, where is the 5 billion dollars from Mexico and how will it be transferred to the general fund? The first step in getting congress to approve funds for the wall is tell them exactly how those funds will be used otherwise it's just a slush fund and will never be approved.
Why give ammo to the opposition. Give out that info and they'll know where to boycott and/or riot.
The opposition happens to be congress. 8 Senate republicans voted against the wall. At least 4 of them said the lack of details as to how the money would be spent was a major factor in voting against the wall. They simply refused to give Trump a 5 billion dollar slush fund.

Trump's strategy of using secrecy as a bargaining tool might work well in negotiating a deal between the Trump Organization and a corporate rival or land owner but it fails miserable in government because there is shared responsibility between the congress and the administration.
Last edited:
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.
Yes, Trump talks constantly about the wall but he says nothing of substance. What exactly has he said about how he would spend the 5 billion he has requested. Where will the wall be built? Which prototype will he use" How much will it cost? How many miles will it cover? What is the construction schedule? Who has been selected to build it? What are the environmental impacts? Has the wall been tested? What are the results? If Mexico is paying for the wall, where is the 5 billion dollars from Mexico and how will it be transferred to the general fund? The first step in getting congress to approve funds for the wall is tell them exactly how those funds will used otherwise it's just a slush fund and will never be approved.
Why give ammo to the opposition. Give out that info and they'll know where to boycott and/or riot.
The opposition happens to be congress. 8 house republicans in the Senate voted against the wall. At least 4 of them said the lack details as to how the money would be spent was a major factor in voting against the wall. They simple refuse give Trump a 5 billion dollar slush fund.
Then no bills.
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law?

Crazy Donald worked in construction, so he knows a little about bricks.

Health care reform? American history? World history? Fuggedaboudit.
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law?

Crazy Donald worked in construction, so he knows a little about bricks.

Health care reform? American history? World history? Fuggedaboudit.
He flip flops on the Wall all the time. You have to be a real moron to think we're going to build a brick wall in a desert that doesn't have a N-S road, let alone a town, for 100 miles. but when Colter calls him out, he goes full out bat shit crazy .. but Colter is full out bat shit crazy.
You mean the previous numbers that our NATO allies promised to meet...yet never came close to? Trump called them out on it and they grudgingly agreed to start spending more. Barry let them slide. So who did a better job...Obama or Trump?

My point was that ET said that he got them to agree to his 4 percent figure that he was pushing. And after the meeting he was saying that he got them to agree to the 4 percent. This was a LIE. They only agreed that they will work to get to the previously agreed 2 percent. That is all he did

Of the 29 nations
Currently, only five countries — the United States, Greece, Estonia, United Kingdom and Latvia — are meeting the 2 percent goal, though eight are expected to this year

Is ET letting the rest of them slide

Did you really just bring up Trump walking in front of Queen Elizabeth as a foreign policy failure? That's pathetic even for a die hard Trump hater, Kilroy!

Its called courtesy, everyone else walks beside her yet ET has to walk in front
It is pathetic that you can't see that. Do you walk in front of old people because you can?

If you really cared about climate control you'd have been disgusted with the Paris Accord! It let some of the world's biggest polluters continue to increase their emissions for decades while we cut ours back. So how does THAT solve the problem? Who would be stupid enough to sign something that doesn't decrease carbon emissions at all? Barry was. Trump pointed out correctly that the Accord was so one sided that it was a farce. There are countries that do take this serious and they are pushing forward even though the US has dropped out.

To get the ball rolling it takes a few to start doing something about it. Even if the US and a few nation do this it does make a difference. The paris accord is a framework that you can push to get others to follow suit. With no accord there is no reason for anyone to do anything. It is a step back thanks to Trump. It is a farce if you you got no ideal about climate control and all that is important is to make more money. Trump has made the US one of those disgusting countries. Yet there are some cities in the US who will be pushing forward in spite of ET. Also there are countries that do take climate control seriously and are doing things about it. Will everyone do it. No, but it doesn't mean that you can't set an example. You lead by example not griping.

In what way was Obama's deal with Iran in any way shape or form "good" for America or peace in the world? It gave the mullahs in Tehran billions of dollars to continue to fund terrorism around the globe while it got ZERO in return except a "promise" that they'll "maybe" stop trying to build a nuke...a promise that any reasonable person knows is absolutely worthless.

It was Iran's money that was frozen in US banks after they took the hostages years ago. At one time the US and IRan were buddies and they puchased military arms from us and a lot of that money was in US banks. They just returned it as a show of good faith. Russia funds terrorist in Crimea. Yet ET says that they should.

As for Korea? Kim has stopped firing rockets. Did Barry ever achieve that? Trump has.

Well did ET stop him from firing rockets. As I recall he fired a few of them while Et was president. ICBM launches were under ET. So what did ET achieve? At least Barry got hims to agree to something. ET got him to agree to nothing.

What Trump did with Mexico, Canada and the EU will work with China. Why? Because China needs the US market to sell it's goods to. Their economy is dependent on it. Trump grasps that fact. The Chinese have always played hardball with us...they steal our intellectual property and they flood our markets with subsidized goods. Trump is the first US President with the back bone to stand up to them and demand fair trade.

A trade deal means you give up something, they give up something. China has over a billion people , the US less than half a million. US companies want to do business in China. IF trump can get a better deal then he will certainly let you know when he does.

Did the US get a better deal from Mexico or Canada, Canda gave up something, US gave up somehting, Mexico gave up something, US gave up something. I people who had to give up something will be complaining real soon.

If you are an ET tweet follower, I would take what is said with a grain of salt and not factural.
He talks about the many design ideas and how it could be funded. I don’t know if he thinks he sounds smart or not, but that is just about the only policy he goes into depth with.

Can you imagine his dumbass trying to talk about foreign policy with any level of authority? Economic policy outside of slapping tariffs? The inner workings of congress? Constitutional law? Sure, he’s tried to talk about trade, but the only level of nuance we get with that is him actually saying “China respects me because I’ve got a very, very large brain.”

He’s figured out he lacks a basic understanding of just about every political issue, so he harps on the wall still. Of course, this is something an 8-year-old could easily do, but don’t tell Trump that.
Reminds me of the movie where the kid bets he can sleep with the girl over the summer. Trump bet people he would get his wall. But Here’s the thing. If he pays for a hooker that doesn’t count. Unless he gets Mexico to pay for the wall then he has failed.

He has failed for insisting, demanding, that we now pay for a wall he said Mexico would pay for.

Fail! One term president

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