Do you notice increasing Cost of Living?

Menerva Lindsen

Active Member
Dec 18, 2014
Do you consider to live in the safe and stable country? I do not think so.
With growing inflation, the cost of living in America is also increasing significantly. But, the minimum wage is not increasing in the same fashion, and so, many people find it difficult to fulfill their daily basic requirements. The working population makes more money and again spends more on living, which hardly leaves anything behind for savings. America has the lowest saving rate compared to any other developed nation.
Is it a normal trend for the growing economics?
Or we are used as slaves in this agressive economical structure.
Gasoline has come way down, so you may want to keep up with current events.
Gazoline low prices is an occasional falling. I am speaking about gradually increasing prices. I mean the urgent social problem. That's why I've put my thread in "Politics". Moreover you know better than me why gazoline nas become cheaper now.
Do you consider to live in the safe and stable country? I do not think so.
With growing inflation, the cost of living in America is also increasing significantly. But, the minimum wage is not increasing in the same fashion, and so, many people find it difficult to fulfill their daily basic requirements. The working population makes more money and again spends more on living, which hardly leaves anything behind for savings. America has the lowest saving rate compared to any other developed nation.
Is it a normal trend for the growing economics?
Or we are used as slaves in this agressive economical structure.

You choose your own cost of living.
Gasoline has come way down, so you may want to keep up with current events.
Gazoline low prices is an occasional falling. I am speaking about gradually increasing prices. I mean the urgent social problem. That's why I've put my thread in "Politics". Moreover you know better than me why gazoline nas become cheaper now.
I have no idea why gasoline has become cheaper. Do you know?
Gasoline has come way down, so you may want to keep up with current events.
Gazoline low prices is an occasional falling. I am speaking about gradually increasing prices. I mean the urgent social problem. That's why I've put my thread in "Politics". Moreover you know better than me why gazoline nas become cheaper now.
I have no idea why gasoline has become cheaper. Do you know?
Unfortunately, no... Maybe here Obamagas to drop below 2 a gallon nationwide US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How much money does one need for food, shelter and clothing?
My income is up huge over the last 10 years in a row, then again I work hard I don't sit around whining and bitching about how the wealthy have more than me I went out and earned my own wealth.
Started reducing my outflow 4-5 yrs ago. Buy meat in bulk from local butcher, reduced my work drive to 1 mile while getting a raise, switched cell phone carriers ......
Do you consider to live in the safe and stable country? I do not think so.
With growing inflation, the cost of living in America is also increasing significantly. But, the minimum wage is not increasing in the same fashion, and so, many people find it difficult to fulfill their daily basic requirements. The working population makes more money and again spends more on living, which hardly leaves anything behind for savings. America has the lowest saving rate compared to any other developed nation.
Is it a normal trend for the growing economics?
Or we are used as slaves in this agressive economical structure.
From what I have experienced and read, food, health care, utilities, and rent have increased, while gasoline has decreased. It results in a net lose.
Inflation is very flat and health care costs have been steadily going down for about 5 years and yes, gas in really cheap.

For a couple of reasons, food is going up.

Generally, costs do not go down.
Inflation is very flat and health care costs have been steadily going down for about 5 years and yes, gas in really cheap.

For a couple of reasons, food is going up.

Generally, costs do not go down.
Try telling my checking account that health care cost is going down. It's been going up steadily for the past 2 years. Do you want to pay my health care bills?
Food costs have been climbing almost daily here for years. But suddenly they went down. Not enough to wipe out the past seven years of runaway Obamaflation but notably.


Walmart moved into the area with a superstore. Their prices were calculated to be just low enough to siphon off customers from the two supermarket chains. Both stores noticed.

One redecorated and went big on organics, actually jacking UP their prices. Their parking lot typically has a lot of big expensive cars with fading Obama bumper strips.

The other cut prices below Walmart and, when Walmart lowered theirs, cut prices again and introduced a lot more "house brand" stuff. Walmart cried "uncle" and now there's price parity so proximity means more than price.

It'll be interesting to see if falling gas prices change that equation in any way.
Food costs have been climbing almost daily here for years. But suddenly they went down. Not enough to wipe out the past seven years of runaway Obamaflation but notably.


Walmart moved into the area with a superstore. Their prices were calculated to be just low enough to siphon off customers from the two supermarket chains. Both stores noticed.

One redecorated and went big on organics, actually jacking UP their prices. Their parking lot typically has a lot of big expensive cars with fading Obama bumper strips.

The other cut prices below Walmart and, when Walmart lowered theirs, cut prices again and introduced a lot more "house brand" stuff. Walmart cried "uncle" and now there's price parity so proximity means more than price.

It'll be interesting to see if falling gas prices change that equation in any way.
Fair competition for market share usually brings prices down.
How much money does one need for food, shelter and clothing?
That is a good question we all need to carefully consider.
Trying to avoid debt I had to limit my food cost to one dollar per meal plus what I could grow in my garden. But I also knew the medical cost of junk food, so I are mostly organic beans an rice. (I already owned my house with no dept, but since then I had to increase my mortgage three times to pay unexpected expense.)

Now my social security pays 30% more than the wages I had then. But actual inflation on what I need is three times what they government calculates, so I plan to get another part time job just to meet expenses.

Food costs have been climbing almost daily here for years. But suddenly they went down. Not enough to wipe out the past seven years of runaway Obamaflation but notably.


Walmart moved into the area with a superstore. Their prices were calculated to be just low enough to siphon off customers from the two supermarket chains. Both stores noticed.

One redecorated and went big on organics, actually jacking UP their prices. Their parking lot typically has a lot of big expensive cars with fading Obama bumper strips.

The other cut prices below Walmart and, when Walmart lowered theirs, cut prices again and introduced a lot more "house brand" stuff. Walmart cried "uncle" and now there's price parity so proximity means more than price.

It'll be interesting to see if falling gas prices change that equation in any way.
I would rather starve than buy anything from WalMart. I support small family operations no matter if the price is double.
Gasoline has come way down, so you may want to keep up with current events.
Gazoline low prices is an occasional falling. I am speaking about gradually increasing prices. I mean the urgent social problem. That's why I've put my thread in "Politics". Moreover you know better than me why gazoline nas become cheaper now.
I have no idea why gasoline has become cheaper. Do you know?
Lol what a idiot
Eggs cost more than they have in any time in history.

Hamburger is extremely expensive, cost as much as steak, in the past hamburger cost less than half the cost of steak.

Electricity cost the more now, than yesterday, by 50%. And it will go up, not down.

Taxes also went up this year. For middle class saving for college and the new health care tax .
Gasoline has come way down, so you may want to keep up with current events.
Gazoline low prices is an occasional falling. I am speaking about gradually increasing prices. I mean the urgent social problem. That's why I've put my thread in "Politics". Moreover you know better than me why gazoline nas become cheaper now.
I have no idea why gasoline has become cheaper. Do you know?

Yep, world demand is down, that simple.

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