Do you Planned Parenthood (PP) supporters understand "Fund Segregation"???

"No. 5 galvanizes the original point — dissecting and distributing baby parts serves the bottom line — while reemphasizing the inconvenient: The only place to obtain human tissue is from actual humans.
"Of course, we can anticipate the usual deflections." Amen! "The filming was sneaky and the actors presented themselves under false pretenses and there’s obvious editing.' So. Bloody. What. The left loves surreptitious, “heavily edited” footage when one of its bogeymen is the target; moreover, top journalistic ethicists endorse the tactic.
"Consistency is hard. I know.
"Back to Video No. 5. Perhaps in some warped parallel universe there exists a context in which a PPFA official — in this case it’s Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston) director of research Melissa Farrell — can say, “In terms of the areas that I can contribute to the revenue stream, both locally and nationally, is diversification of the revenue stream,” and it doesn’t mean her division is not only operating in the black, but is functioning as designed." does "diversification of the revenue stream" = shipping costs? Lolol...

Planned Parenthood Video No. 5 Gruesome and worse and The Tampa Tribune

And..has anybody explained why PP execs are bargaining for higher prices for different parts? How does that work when we're talking "shipping" costs? Why would shipping a one ounce brain cost more than shipping one ounce of liver?

Since they haven't released any transcript for #5 it's impossible to have an informed opinion.
You have never had an informed, opinion, coyote. And thank you for admitting you don't believe anything that isn't spoon fed you by propagandists.

:lol: just admit it - you have no interest in the entire picture. Just your edited bits and rightwing blogs.

Says the babykiller who won't believe anything that isn't fed to her through a planned parenthood filter, and who contests facts with statements like "I feel" and "I'm sure" and "I have a feeling that" and expects it to stand as a real argument.
Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.

Prepare for the shoddy and ignorant comparisons with the Nazi medical experiments.
We'll stand by for you to defend the same *procedures* that Nazi nurses were hung for performing, for sure. We'll also stand by to see how the reasons sound exactly the same as Mengele's justifications....

Let me know when you achieve a connection with reality - in particular when PP is doing grotesteque experiments with living children - like sewing them together to see how long they live.
Oh Mengele did a lot of other things before he got to that.

He started out experimenting on fetuses.

Like I said, let me know when PP starts experimenting on living children or, frankly - living fetus'.
Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.
Coyote maintains that experimentation isn't a part of research, lol. You guys should huddle before you post things that contradict one another, seriously.

I do? You are silly cow.

Research involves experiments. However, you're trying to conflate experiments with tissues derived from an abortion with experiments on living people.

I know that, baby killer. You're the one who denied that the dead babies were being sold for experimentation. Obviously, until I educated you, you had no idea that *research* involves *experimentation*. I'm glad I could expand your understanding of the practices you are devoted to supporting. I can educate you about how the women are treated in the abbatoirs, too, if you ever want to deny they're abused.

The only place dead babies are being sold are is in your delusional mind made manifest by your lack of reading comprehension.

"An incinerator in Oregon has been ordered to stop burning medical waste to power homes after it was discovered aborted babies from Canada were part of materials being used for energy. Apparently, this has been going on for years and it is common practice in Canada to mix "waste" baby parts in with cancer and other materials."

Horrifying Bodies of Aborted Babies Burned to Power Homes in Oregon - Katie Pavlich
You know, we could end this discussion quickly if we just talk about dead humans.
"No. 5 galvanizes the original point — dissecting and distributing baby parts serves the bottom line — while reemphasizing the inconvenient: The only place to obtain human tissue is from actual humans.
"Of course, we can anticipate the usual deflections." Amen! "The filming was sneaky and the actors presented themselves under false pretenses and there’s obvious editing.' So. Bloody. What. The left loves surreptitious, “heavily edited” footage when one of its bogeymen is the target; moreover, top journalistic ethicists endorse the tactic.
"Consistency is hard. I know.
"Back to Video No. 5. Perhaps in some warped parallel universe there exists a context in which a PPFA official — in this case it’s Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston) director of research Melissa Farrell — can say, “In terms of the areas that I can contribute to the revenue stream, both locally and nationally, is diversification of the revenue stream,” and it doesn’t mean her division is not only operating in the black, but is functioning as designed." does "diversification of the revenue stream" = shipping costs? Lolol...

Planned Parenthood Video No. 5 Gruesome and worse and The Tampa Tribune

And..has anybody explained why PP execs are bargaining for higher prices for different parts? How does that work when we're talking "shipping" costs? Why would shipping a one ounce brain cost more than shipping one ounce of liver?

Since they haven't released any transcript for #5 it's impossible to have an informed opinion.
You have never had an informed, opinion, coyote. And thank you for admitting you don't believe anything that isn't spoon fed you by propagandists.

:lol: just admit it - you have no interest in the entire picture. Just your edited bits and rightwing blogs.

Says the babykiller who won't believe anything that isn't fed to her through a planned parenthood filter, and who contests facts with statements like "I feel" and "I'm sure" and "I have a feeling that" and expects it to stand as a real argument.

You're "real argument" consists of screeching "baby killer" and "selling dead babies"over and over and that is pretty much it. Kind of like - if you repeat a lie often enough it might become truth. Forgive me if I don't take you to seriously.

In the meantime I'm going to wait for a transcript of #5 before deciding anything.
"A three-month 20/20 investigation has uncovered an industry in which tissue and organs from aborted fetuses, donated to help medical research, are being marketed for hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars," the program said in a press release.
"Included in the episode is a recapitulation of the prices charged for fetal spinal cords, brains, hearts, livers, and reproductive organs."
"The casual air in which commerce in fetal organs was discussed by one "middle man" almost defies imagination. Dr. Miles Jones discussed brains, kidneys, hearts, and livers as he munched "lobster bisque and roast duck," 20/20 reported.
"Ethicist Arthur Caplan, no friend to the pro-life movement, told 20/20 that "It's trading in body parts. There's no doubt about it." Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics, added, "It's a sleazy business."
"20/20's thorough investigation lent further credibility to calls for further investigation of how body parts of aborted infants are obtained from abortion clinics. Questions surround the issues of profit, consent, and the modification of abortion techniques when fetal body parts are sought."

" Jones was extremely candid, thinking he was talking with potential investor. In fact, he was actually talking with a 20/20 producer.
"How does Jones set his price? "It's market forces," he said to the "investor," adding, "It's what you can sell it for."
"20/20 said that Jones told them he paid "just $50 plus overhead" for an average "specimen," but that "he charges an average of $250." In fact, by selling different body organs, Jones told 20/20 that he can make up to $2,500 on a single fetus."

"According to 20/20, "Some of the most troubling evidence we found came from our undercover conversation with Dr. Jones. Here he explains how easy it is to talk a woman into donating a fetus."
"You can do something that's got all the legal mumbo-jumbo in it and they'll sign it anyway. If you have someone trained to ask properly, you can get 80, 90 percent consent rates.
also interviewed a former rival, James Bardsley of the Anatomic Gift Foundation (AGF), who was asked if "AGF ever encourage doctors to alter the way they did abortions to get specimens?"
"His first response was to say that would be "illegal." 20/20 then pointed out that one abortion clinic with whom AGF formerly did business ordinarily used a suction machine to perform "early abortions," but allegedly used a special syringe when the baby's body parts were being harvested.
""[W]asn't AGF supplying those special syringes to get better tissue?" 20/20 asked.
"After a pause, Bardsley replied, "That's - - that's - - that's the logical conclusion you would draw." But he then added, "I don't believe that was altering the abortion technique."
"[Bardsley later sent a letter to 20/20 saying that the clinic "already used syringes and that AGF provided special ones just to keep tissue sterile."]
"The National Journal article...included an interview with Dr. Curt Freed, who has performed many transplants using fetal brain tissue. "He said he has acquired 1,000 specimens of brain tissue from fetuses seven weeks to eight weeks old," according to the National Journal. "The fetus had been aborted using 10-millimeter tubes called cannula, he said, which are wide enough to allow useable tissue to be recovered from 1 in 10 abortions."
"The trouble is that leading abortionists say such abortions should be performed using a thinner tube. The bigger tubes "would hurt more...and it would increase risk" to the patient, according to the president of the National Abortion Federation, Dr. Suzanne Poppema. Poppema told the National Journal, "I don't do it that way, and I don't know anybody who does."

"Technically, it is against the law for any clinic to sell fetal remains for money. The NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 saw to this. The act makes it unlawful “to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.”
"However, many abortion clinics are able to get around this law. In the paper “Arguments Against Fetal Tissue Trafficking” the author explains how clinics circumvent the law.
“. . . The research institutes and the abortion clinics have joined with a third party, the fetal tissue wholesaler. The fetal tissue wholesaler pays the abortion clinics a “site fee” to place employees, known as “procurement agents,” who collect various body parts of the aborted fetuses as soon as the abortion process is finished and ship them to various research institutes. By having free access to all the desirable fetal tissue, these agents take the body parts that are requested to various research laboratories and government agencies."

Selling Unborn Babies the Reality of Fetal Tissue Research ClinicQuotes
"A three-month 20/20 investigation has uncovered an industry in which tissue and organs from aborted fetuses, donated to help medical research, are being marketed for hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars," the program said in a press release.
"Included in the episode is a recapitulation of the prices charged for fetal spinal cords, brains, hearts, livers, and reproductive organs."
"The casual air in which commerce in fetal organs was discussed by one "middle man" almost defies imagination. Dr. Miles Jones discussed brains, kidneys, hearts, and livers as he munched "lobster bisque and roast duck," 20/20 reported.
"Ethicist Arthur Caplan, no friend to the pro-life movement, told 20/20 that "It's trading in body parts. There's no doubt about it." Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics, added, "It's a sleazy business."
"20/20's thorough investigation lent further credibility to calls for further investigation of how body parts of aborted infants are obtained from abortion clinics. Questions surround the issues of profit, consent, and the modification of abortion techniques when fetal body parts are sought."

" Jones was extremely candid, thinking he was talking with potential investor. In fact, he was actually talking with a 20/20 producer.
"How does Jones set his price? "It's market forces," he said to the "investor," adding, "It's what you can sell it for."
"20/20 said that Jones told them he paid "just $50 plus overhead" for an average "specimen," but that "he charges an average of $250." In fact, by selling different body organs, Jones told 20/20 that he can make up to $2,500 on a single fetus."


Jones is the middleman buying the tissue?
"The woman is “donating” the tissue. Planned Parenthood implies that no money will be involved in the “donating” of fetal organs and parts. Yet Planned Parenthood makes money due to the method listed above. This is possible because the NIH Revitalization Act exempts “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue” allowing a loophole so that everyone can make money -except the woman involved." Who also suffers a higher risk and more painful and invasive procedure in order to facilitate this little money maker for PP.

Selling Unborn Babies the Reality of Fetal Tissue Research ClinicQuotes
“While ABC’s program was an eye-opener for many, it failed to air [the investigator]‘s eyewitness accounts of babies who were dissected and their organs harvested while still functioning.. In these cases, according to the eyewitnesses, abortions were not performed – instead, babies were born alive in order to procure undamaged fetal specimens.”
Selling Unborn Babies the Reality of Fetal Tissue Research ClinicQuotes
Yet not one PP supporter has been able to show me where all the operating expenses of an abortion is paid strictly out of NON-tax payer funds.
Will any PP supporter explain to me how tax dollars were not used to pay the abortion's operating expenses?
Yet not one PP supporter has been able to show me where all the operating expenses of an abortion is paid strictly out of NON-tax payer funds.
Will any PP supporter explain to me how tax dollars were not used to pay the abortion's operating expenses?

Why don't you write to PP HQ? There is no reason for anyone to work hard just for you. I mean, really, where is the incentive for us?
Yet not one PP supporter has been able to show me where all the operating expenses of an abortion is paid strictly out of NON-tax payer funds.
Will any PP supporter explain to me how tax dollars were not used to pay the abortion's operating expenses?

Why don't you write to PP HQ? There is no reason for anyone to work hard just for you. I mean, really, where is the incentive for us?

Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers and this is such a simple question that I'd think any one of you could be able to show me
where the tax revenue is paying ONLY the non-abortion services expenses. That would be simple...if it was happening.
Yet not one PP supporter has been able to show me where all the operating expenses of an abortion is paid strictly out of NON-tax payer funds.
Will any PP supporter explain to me how tax dollars were not used to pay the abortion's operating expenses?

Why don't you write to PP HQ? There is no reason for anyone to work hard just for you. I mean, really, where is the incentive for us?

Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers and this is such a simple question that I'd think any one of you could be able to show me
where the tax revenue is paying ONLY the non-abortion services expenses. That would be simple...if it was happening.

"Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers" This is an obvious straw man argument. No one has all the answers! Now go and write PP HQ to get your answer. Your question, why don't you seek its answer from the most likely source!!
Yet not one PP supporter has been able to show me where all the operating expenses of an abortion is paid strictly out of NON-tax payer funds.
Will any PP supporter explain to me how tax dollars were not used to pay the abortion's operating expenses?

Why don't you write to PP HQ? There is no reason for anyone to work hard just for you. I mean, really, where is the incentive for us?

Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers and this is such a simple question that I'd think any one of you could be able to show me
where the tax revenue is paying ONLY the non-abortion services expenses. That would be simple...if it was happening.

"Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers" This is an obvious straw man argument. No one has all the answers! Now go and write PP HQ to get your answer. Your question, why don't you seek its answer from the most likely source!!

This is a forum for people to ask questions of people like you PP supporters to find answers. But obviously you can't answer this simple question.
Obviously you've never had accounting 101 so right you can't answer this simple question.
Now I've found the IRS 990 form below and you see they have combined all expenses...
Other salaries for example $31 million... office expenses... $4.5 million
I'm sure you can explain that combined expenses.
Yet not one PP supporter has been able to show me where all the operating expenses of an abortion is paid strictly out of NON-tax payer funds.
Will any PP supporter explain to me how tax dollars were not used to pay the abortion's operating expenses?

Why don't you write to PP HQ? There is no reason for anyone to work hard just for you. I mean, really, where is the incentive for us?

Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers and this is such a simple question that I'd think any one of you could be able to show me
where the tax revenue is paying ONLY the non-abortion services expenses. That would be simple...if it was happening.

"Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers" This is an obvious straw man argument. No one has all the answers! Now go and write PP HQ to get your answer. Your question, why don't you seek its answer from the most likely source!!

This is a forum for people to ask questions of people like you PP supporters to find answers. But obviously you can't answer this simple question.
Obviously you've never had accounting 101 so right you can't answer this simple question.
Now I've found the IRS 990 form below and you see they have combined all expenses...
Other salaries for example $31 million... office expenses... $4.5 million
View attachment 46517
I'm sure you can explain that combined expenses.

If it is such a simple question, then I am assured you have the simple answer!!
Ask all you want, but once someone told you where you can go to find out you should beat trails to that source.

But you refuse? I guess the question is not so important to you, now is it?
Yet not one PP supporter has been able to show me where all the operating expenses of an abortion is paid strictly out of NON-tax payer funds.
Will any PP supporter explain to me how tax dollars were not used to pay the abortion's operating expenses?

Why don't you write to PP HQ? There is no reason for anyone to work hard just for you. I mean, really, where is the incentive for us?

Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers and this is such a simple question that I'd think any one of you could be able to show me
where the tax revenue is paying ONLY the non-abortion services expenses. That would be simple...if it was happening.

"Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers" This is an obvious straw man argument. No one has all the answers! Now go and write PP HQ to get your answer. Your question, why don't you seek its answer from the most likely source!!

This is a forum for people to ask questions of people like you PP supporters to find answers. But obviously you can't answer this simple question.
Obviously you've never had accounting 101 so right you can't answer this simple question.
Now I've found the IRS 990 form below and you see they have combined all expenses...
Other salaries for example $31 million... office expenses... $4.5 million
View attachment 46517
I'm sure you can explain that combined expenses.

If it is such a simple question, then I am assured you have the simple answer!!
Ask all you want, but once someone told you where you can go to find out you should beat trails to that source.

But you refuse? I guess the question is not so important to you, now is it?
Like the sheep you and other FFOs are you refuse to answer the simple question.
I am now confident that people like you are so willing to following the Messiah anywhere because it is so much easier to be lead then to be questioning.
You have answered me so please ignore my pleas for the other FFOs of this forum to answer the simple question.
Why don't you write to PP HQ? There is no reason for anyone to work hard just for you. I mean, really, where is the incentive for us?

Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers and this is such a simple question that I'd think any one of you could be able to show me
where the tax revenue is paying ONLY the non-abortion services expenses. That would be simple...if it was happening.

"Well you PP supporters have ALL the answers" This is an obvious straw man argument. No one has all the answers! Now go and write PP HQ to get your answer. Your question, why don't you seek its answer from the most likely source!!

This is a forum for people to ask questions of people like you PP supporters to find answers. But obviously you can't answer this simple question.
Obviously you've never had accounting 101 so right you can't answer this simple question.
Now I've found the IRS 990 form below and you see they have combined all expenses...
Other salaries for example $31 million... office expenses... $4.5 million
View attachment 46517
I'm sure you can explain that combined expenses.

If it is such a simple question, then I am assured you have the simple answer!!
Ask all you want, but once someone told you where you can go to find out you should beat trails to that source.

But you refuse? I guess the question is not so important to you, now is it?
Like the sheep you and other FFOs are you refuse to answer the simple question.
I am now confident that people like you are so willing to following the Messiah anywhere because it is so much easier to be lead then to be questioning.
You have answered me so please ignore my pleas for the other FFOs of this forum to answer the simple question.

I did not understand a word you said!
sheep?...FFO....messiah? Is that nutdaily-speak?

Sorry. Remember, I don't know who Claus the Lion is. I definitely wouldn't understand the codewords used by your handlers.

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