Do you Planned Parenthood (PP) supporters understand "Fund Segregation"???

Is that really our job?
Personally, I wouldn't mind if PP used government funds for abortion.
The only ones who would get upset are those who don't want their tax dollars going to abortion.

Is it not great they do not fully itemize the funding? It leaves you without proof if they are or if they are not!!

What? Did you think they would tell you if they were? That is a crime!

Why don't you just trust their word?

Right! Trust the word of people that are selling baby body parts! Wow. You guys all upset about Cecil the Lion and yet blasé unconcerned about
the cannibalistic like behavior i.e. making money off human body parts! Where is you sense of decency...of proportion!
This world doesn't have room for Nazis, beheading groups and people that have NO problem in selling baby parts!
The reason is all the above groups are anti-humans...hate the human race!

first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
Is that really our job?
Personally, I wouldn't mind if PP used government funds for abortion.
The only ones who would get upset are those who don't want their tax dollars going to abortion.

Is it not great they do not fully itemize the funding? It leaves you without proof if they are or if they are not!!

What? Did you think they would tell you if they were? That is a crime!

Why don't you just trust their word?

Right! Trust the word of people that are selling baby body parts! Wow. You guys all upset about Cecil the Lion and yet blasé unconcerned about
the cannibalistic like behavior i.e. making money off human body parts! Where is you sense of decency...of proportion!
This world doesn't have room for Nazis, beheading groups and people that have NO problem in selling baby parts!
The reason is all the above groups are anti-humans...hate the human race!

first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.
Money is Fungible.

The real reason NaziCon Republicans have used various forms of lies, misinformation, and "doctored" videos to destroy or weaken the following groups is because they overwhelmingly support Democrats:

Planned Parenthood

Still haven't explained how expenses for abortions are segregated so that tax revenue is not used for abortions.
More importantly, PP selling body parts reduces the operating costs for abortions, so why are tax dollars necessary?

Abortions are legal. So why do you hate women who seek abortions for mental, physical and/or financial reasons?
Partial birth abortions aren't legal.
Changing procedures to facilitate organ harvest isn't legal.
Selling dead babies for profit isn't legal.

So why do you support all those things? Are you a felon?

1.Partial birth abortions aren't legal. YES
2.Changing procedures to facilitate organ harvest isn't legal. Is that true? State the law.
3.Selling dead babies for profit isn't legal. They are not selling Dead Babies!

You haven't answered my question! If the lights, power,building expenses, salaries, supplies are used for abortions, and the money used to pay
those expenses comes from tax funds is it legal?

If government fund is used for abortion, then that is illegal. If you can't make heads or tails of that answer, not my problem.

I think I said it before--It is not my job to tell you how the expenses breakdown. If you want to do something about it, then it is your job to make the determination. Re-read my post about how I feel about govt funded abortion. We are not, nor ever will be, on the same page!
Money is Fungible.

(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
"money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another"

So it is OK for TAX money agreed upon by Congress NOT to be used for abortions but because it is PP ok... you can do illegally abortions
using tax payers money that voted for representatives that DID NOT want tax money used for abortions!
Right! Trust the word of people that are selling baby body parts! Wow. You guys all upset about Cecil the Lion and yet blasé unconcerned about
the cannibalistic like behavior i.e. making money off human body parts! Where is you sense of decency...of proportion!
This world doesn't have room for Nazis, beheading groups and people that have NO problem in selling baby parts!
The reason is all the above groups are anti-humans...hate the human race!

first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
Right! Trust the word of people that are selling baby body parts! Wow. You guys all upset about Cecil the Lion and yet blasé unconcerned about
the cannibalistic like behavior i.e. making money off human body parts! Where is you sense of decency...of proportion!
This world doesn't have room for Nazis, beheading groups and people that have NO problem in selling baby parts!
The reason is all the above groups are anti-humans...hate the human race!

first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.
"No. 5 galvanizes the original point — dissecting and distributing baby parts serves the bottom line — while reemphasizing the inconvenient: The only place to obtain human tissue is from actual humans.
"Of course, we can anticipate the usual deflections." Amen! "The filming was sneaky and the actors presented themselves under false pretenses and there’s obvious editing.' So. Bloody. What. The left loves surreptitious, “heavily edited” footage when one of its bogeymen is the target; moreover, top journalistic ethicists endorse the tactic.
"Consistency is hard. I know.
"Back to Video No. 5. Perhaps in some warped parallel universe there exists a context in which a PPFA official — in this case it’s Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston) director of research Melissa Farrell — can say, “In terms of the areas that I can contribute to the revenue stream, both locally and nationally, is diversification of the revenue stream,” and it doesn’t mean her division is not only operating in the black, but is functioning as designed." does "diversification of the revenue stream" = shipping costs? Lolol...

Planned Parenthood Video No. 5 Gruesome and worse and The Tampa Tribune

And..has anybody explained why PP execs are bargaining for higher prices for different parts? How does that work when we're talking "shipping" costs? Why would shipping a one ounce brain cost more than shipping one ounce of liver?
first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.
Coyote maintains that experimentation isn't a part of research, lol. You guys should huddle before you post things that contradict one another, seriously.
first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
first--they are not selling baby parts. They are discussing the cost of shipping and handling of aborted fetal tissue for research purposes. That is legal

2nd--I doubt the reseachers are cannibals
. I do no believe they are eating human fetuses.

3rd--The world have room for Nazis, terrorists that behead people, and even kluckers that burn crosses.Welcome to planet Earth! For every group here, there is another group trying to destroy it.

4th--I don't give a damn about Cecil the Lion. Who the hell is Cecil the Lion? Did he play in the Lion King or some other movie?

Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.

Prepare for the shoddy and ignorant comparisons with the Nazi medical experiments.
Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.

Prepare for the shoddy and ignorant comparisons with the Nazi medical experiments.
Nazis said they weren't experimenting, too. They were just taking out the trash. So what is it you guys are calling dead babies these days? Oh yeah. Tissue.
Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.

Prepare for the shoddy and ignorant comparisons with the Nazi medical experiments.
We'll stand by for you to defend the same *procedures* that Nazi nurses were hung for performing, for sure. We'll also stand by to see how the reasons sound exactly the same as Mengele's justifications....
"No. 5 galvanizes the original point — dissecting and distributing baby parts serves the bottom line — while reemphasizing the inconvenient: The only place to obtain human tissue is from actual humans.
"Of course, we can anticipate the usual deflections." Amen! "The filming was sneaky and the actors presented themselves under false pretenses and there’s obvious editing.' So. Bloody. What. The left loves surreptitious, “heavily edited” footage when one of its bogeymen is the target; moreover, top journalistic ethicists endorse the tactic.
"Consistency is hard. I know.
"Back to Video No. 5. Perhaps in some warped parallel universe there exists a context in which a PPFA official — in this case it’s Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston) director of research Melissa Farrell — can say, “In terms of the areas that I can contribute to the revenue stream, both locally and nationally, is diversification of the revenue stream,” and it doesn’t mean her division is not only operating in the black, but is functioning as designed." does "diversification of the revenue stream" = shipping costs? Lolol...

Planned Parenthood Video No. 5 Gruesome and worse and The Tampa Tribune

And..has anybody explained why PP execs are bargaining for higher prices for different parts? How does that work when we're talking "shipping" costs? Why would shipping a one ounce brain cost more than shipping one ounce of liver?

Since they haven't released any transcript for #5 it's impossible to have an informed opinion.
If Republican men could get pregnant - Walmart would be performing abortions.
Money is Fungible.

(of goods contracted for without an individual specimen being specified) able to replace or be replaced by another identical item; mutually interchangeable.
"money is fungible—money that is raised for one purpose can easily be used for another"

So it is OK for TAX money agreed upon by Congress NOT to be used for abortions but because it is PP ok... you can do illegally abortions
using tax payers money that voted for representatives that DID NOT want tax money used for abortions!

There is nothing in my post which suggests I think it is OK for PP to use taxpayers' money for abortions.

I'm pointing out that for PP to claim no taxpayer money is being used is bogus.
"No. 5 galvanizes the original point — dissecting and distributing baby parts serves the bottom line — while reemphasizing the inconvenient: The only place to obtain human tissue is from actual humans.
"Of course, we can anticipate the usual deflections." Amen! "The filming was sneaky and the actors presented themselves under false pretenses and there’s obvious editing.' So. Bloody. What. The left loves surreptitious, “heavily edited” footage when one of its bogeymen is the target; moreover, top journalistic ethicists endorse the tactic.
"Consistency is hard. I know.
"Back to Video No. 5. Perhaps in some warped parallel universe there exists a context in which a PPFA official — in this case it’s Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston) director of research Melissa Farrell — can say, “In terms of the areas that I can contribute to the revenue stream, both locally and nationally, is diversification of the revenue stream,” and it doesn’t mean her division is not only operating in the black, but is functioning as designed." does "diversification of the revenue stream" = shipping costs? Lolol...

Planned Parenthood Video No. 5 Gruesome and worse and The Tampa Tribune

And..has anybody explained why PP execs are bargaining for higher prices for different parts? How does that work when we're talking "shipping" costs? Why would shipping a one ounce brain cost more than shipping one ounce of liver?

Since they haven't released any transcript for #5 it's impossible to have an informed opinion.
You have never had an informed, opinion, coyote. And thank you for admitting you don't believe anything that isn't spoon fed you by propagandists.
Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
Coyote Yo coyote, note the bolded reference to "research purposes"....aka "experimentation". Since you claimed experimentation has nothing whatever to do with fetal sales. Just want to point out to everybody what a dishonest baby killing hack you are.

Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.
Coyote maintains that experimentation isn't a part of research, lol. You guys should huddle before you post things that contradict one another, seriously.

I do? You are silly cow.

Research involves experiments. However, you're trying to conflate experiments with tissues derived from an abortion with experiments on living people.
the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.

Prepare for the shoddy and ignorant comparisons with the Nazi medical experiments.
We'll stand by for you to defend the same *procedures* that Nazi nurses were hung for performing, for sure. We'll also stand by to see how the reasons sound exactly the same as Mengele's justifications....

Let me know when you achieve a connection with reality - in particular when PP is doing grotesteque experiments with living children - like sewing them together to see how long they live.
the shipping and handling of aborted fetus tissue for 'experimentation', then. No, it does not have anything to do with fetal tissue sales. CMP does not prove it does. You do not either.

If there were, criminal charges would have been pressed by several states by now. You are empty handed on evidence for 'sales'.

Dishonest baby killing hack? -- All false accusations. But then, I don't expect you to face facts honestly.
Research purposes is exactly what the tissue is donated for you silly twat.

noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.
Coyote maintains that experimentation isn't a part of research, lol. You guys should huddle before you post things that contradict one another, seriously.

I do? You are silly cow.

Research involves experiments. However, you're trying to conflate experiments with tissues derived from an abortion with experiments on living people.

I know that, baby killer. You're the one who denied that the dead babies were being sold for experimentation. Obviously, until I educated you, you had no idea that *research* involves *experimentation*. I'm glad I could expand your understanding of the practices you are devoted to supporting. I can educate you about how the women are treated in the abbatoirs, too, if you ever want to deny they're abused.
"No. 5 galvanizes the original point — dissecting and distributing baby parts serves the bottom line — while reemphasizing the inconvenient: The only place to obtain human tissue is from actual humans.
"Of course, we can anticipate the usual deflections." Amen! "The filming was sneaky and the actors presented themselves under false pretenses and there’s obvious editing.' So. Bloody. What. The left loves surreptitious, “heavily edited” footage when one of its bogeymen is the target; moreover, top journalistic ethicists endorse the tactic.
"Consistency is hard. I know.
"Back to Video No. 5. Perhaps in some warped parallel universe there exists a context in which a PPFA official — in this case it’s Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (Houston) director of research Melissa Farrell — can say, “In terms of the areas that I can contribute to the revenue stream, both locally and nationally, is diversification of the revenue stream,” and it doesn’t mean her division is not only operating in the black, but is functioning as designed." does "diversification of the revenue stream" = shipping costs? Lolol...

Planned Parenthood Video No. 5 Gruesome and worse and The Tampa Tribune

And..has anybody explained why PP execs are bargaining for higher prices for different parts? How does that work when we're talking "shipping" costs? Why would shipping a one ounce brain cost more than shipping one ounce of liver?

Since they haven't released any transcript for #5 it's impossible to have an informed opinion.
You have never had an informed, opinion, coyote. And thank you for admitting you don't believe anything that isn't spoon fed you by propagandists.

:lol: just admit it - you have no interest in the entire picture. Just your edited bits and rightwing blogs.
noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.

Prepare for the shoddy and ignorant comparisons with the Nazi medical experiments.
We'll stand by for you to defend the same *procedures* that Nazi nurses were hung for performing, for sure. We'll also stand by to see how the reasons sound exactly the same as Mengele's justifications....

Let me know when you achieve a connection with reality - in particular when PP is doing grotesteque experiments with living children - like sewing them together to see how long they live.
Oh Mengele did a lot of other things before he got to that.

He started out experimenting on fetuses.
noun: research; plural noun: researches
  1. 1.
    the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, to examine the validity of a hypothesis, or to determine the efficacy of something previously untried. The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.

Lefties are fucking idiots when it comes to science.

No one was arguing the definition of research.
Coyote maintains that experimentation isn't a part of research, lol. You guys should huddle before you post things that contradict one another, seriously.

I do? You are silly cow.

Research involves experiments. However, you're trying to conflate experiments with tissues derived from an abortion with experiments on living people.

I know that, baby killer. You're the one who denied that the dead babies were being sold for experimentation. Obviously, until I educated you, you had no idea that *research* involves *experimentation*. I'm glad I could expand your understanding of the practices you are devoted to supporting. I can educate you about how the women are treated in the abbatoirs, too, if you ever want to deny they're abused.

The only place dead babies are being sold are is in your delusional mind made manifest by your lack of reading comprehension.

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