Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
It is the height of narcissism to think that God - the creator of the universe and every living thing - is intensely interested our daily lives.

Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Talk about the ultimate big brother. Thinking about me constantly? Stalker? You really are insane

God thinks of you constantly. His thoughts are continual about you. God is not a stalker! God is a loving, wonderful God and the Bible tells us that His thoughts about us are more in number than the sand. Can you imagine that? More in number than the grains of sand - even the grains of sand on the seashore! How wonderful!

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It is the height of narcissism to think that God - the creator of the universe and every living thing - is intensely interested our daily lives.

Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Talk about the ultimate big brother. Thinking about me constantly? Stalker? You really are insane

God thinks of you constantly. His thoughts are continual about you. God is not a stalker! God is a loving, wonderful God and the Bible tells us that His thoughts about us are more in number than the sand. Can you imagine that? More in number than the sand - even the sand on the seashore! How wonderful!

George Carlin was right religion is the greatest bullships story ever told.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.
Do you pray daily?
Not even yearly!

If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
I smoked my whole life, from early teens. Prolly had my first cigarette at 8/9 yrs old. I quit for 3 years in the early 1990s then went back to it. Finally quit for good in January 2002. No religion needed!

I'm happy for you and believe your health will be much better for it. As for religion - I wasn't speaking of religion. I was speaking of a living God who answers prayer. His name is Jesus Christ.
I didn't pray to stop smoking. Didn't ask for anyone's help. Just got tired of getting dressed at 2am to run to the convenience store for smokes because I forgot to pick some up and wanted one more before bed.

When it happened three times in one January week, I said screw this. But yes, I believe my health is much better than it would be if I kept smoking, and my wallet definitely is. At the price I was paying at the time ($3.35 per pack), times 1.5 packs per day, in ten years I saved close to $18,350.00. Of course, the price didn't stay at $3.35. What are they now, $8.00? So I believe that quitting 13 years ago has saved me at least $30,000.

Jesus Christ, that's a lot of money!
It is written men. Hundreds of years later.
It is written men. Hundreds of years later.

Wrong. It was recorded by men but the Holy Spirit is the author of the Scriptures. The Word of God is alive and active is supernatural and has the power to convert the souls of men. Words from ordinary men are not able to do that - Only the Word of God can do that, Synthaholic.

it is written:

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
It is the height of narcissism to think that God - the creator of the universe and every living thing - is intensely interested our daily lives.

Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Talk about the ultimate big brother. Thinking about me constantly? Stalker? You really are insane

God thinks of you constantly. His thoughts are continual about you. God is not a stalker! God is a loving, wonderful God and the Bible tells us that His thoughts about us are more in number than the sand. Can you imagine that? More in number than the sand - even the sand on the seashore! How wonderful!

George Carlin was right religion is the greatest bullships story ever told.

George Carlin is in hell as we speak and if he could warn you he would but as he cannot you'll have to take my word for it. Hell is real and you do not want to go there, Sealy. Not on your life.
How about him?
Prove he's not real.
Do you pray daily?
Not even yearly!

If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
I smoked my whole life, from early teens. Prolly had my first cigarette at 8/9 yrs old. I quit for 3 years in the early 1990s then went back to it. Finally quit for good in January 2002. No religion needed!

I'm happy for you and believe your health will be much better for it. As for religion - I wasn't speaking of religion. I was speaking of a living God who answers prayer. His name is Jesus Christ.
I didn't pray to stop smoking. Didn't ask for anyone's help. Just got tired of getting dressed at 2am to run to the convenience store for smokes because I forgot to pick some up and wanted one more before bed.

When it happened three times in one January week, I said screw this. But yes, I believe my health is much better than it would be if I kept smoking, and my wallet definitely is. At the price I was paying at the time ($3.35 per pack), times 1.5 packs per day, in ten years I saved close to $18,350.00. Of course, the price didn't stay at $3.35. What are they now, $8.00? So I believe that quitting 13 years ago has saved me at least $30,000.

Jesus Christ, that's a lot of money!
$6 a pack
It is the height of narcissism to think that God - the creator of the universe and every living thing - is intensely interested our daily lives.

Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Talk about the ultimate big brother. Thinking about me constantly? Stalker? You really are insane

God thinks of you constantly. His thoughts are continual about you. God is not a stalker! God is a loving, wonderful God and the Bible tells us that His thoughts about us are more in number than the sand. Can you imagine that? More in number than the sand - even the sand on the seashore! How wonderful!

George Carlin was right religion is the greatest bullships story ever told.

George Carlin is in hell as we speak and if he could warn you he would but as he cannot you'll have to take my word for it. Hell is real and you do not want to go there, Sealy. Not on your life.
How do you know Carlin is in hell? Do you speak for God now?
Prove he's not real.
Not even yearly!

If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
I smoked my whole life, from early teens. Prolly had my first cigarette at 8/9 yrs old. I quit for 3 years in the early 1990s then went back to it. Finally quit for good in January 2002. No religion needed!

I'm happy for you and believe your health will be much better for it. As for religion - I wasn't speaking of religion. I was speaking of a living God who answers prayer. His name is Jesus Christ.
I didn't pray to stop smoking. Didn't ask for anyone's help. Just got tired of getting dressed at 2am to run to the convenience store for smokes because I forgot to pick some up and wanted one more before bed.

When it happened three times in one January week, I said screw this. But yes, I believe my health is much better than it would be if I kept smoking, and my wallet definitely is. At the price I was paying at the time ($3.35 per pack), times 1.5 packs per day, in ten years I saved close to $18,350.00. Of course, the price didn't stay at $3.35. What are they now, $8.00? So I believe that quitting 13 years ago has saved me at least $30,000.

Jesus Christ, that's a lot of money!
$6 a pack
Are they really that expensive now? I praise God that I do not smoke! That is a lot of money to throw away every day - think of people who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day! That is 12 dollars a day times 7 - almost $400.00 a month? That is what some people pay for rent!
It is written men. Hundreds of years later.
It is written men. Hundreds of years later.

Wrong. It was recorded by men but the Holy Spirit is the author of the Scriptures. The Word of God is alive and active is supernatural and has the power to convert the souls of men. Words from ordinary men are not able to do that - Only the Word of God can do that, Synthaholic.

it is written:

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Wow you started out normal but you're turning out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing so to speak. You never know until you find out if a person takes the bible literally or not.

So Jonah lived in the belly of a whale? Jesus said he did.

You don't see Jesus is just the ultimate martyr in your story.
Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Talk about the ultimate big brother. Thinking about me constantly? Stalker? You really are insane

God thinks of you constantly. His thoughts are continual about you. God is not a stalker! God is a loving, wonderful God and the Bible tells us that His thoughts about us are more in number than the sand. Can you imagine that? More in number than the sand - even the sand on the seashore! How wonderful!

George Carlin was right religion is the greatest bullships story ever told.

George Carlin is in hell as we speak and if he could warn you he would but as he cannot you'll have to take my word for it. Hell is real and you do not want to go there, Sealy. Not on your life.
How do you know Carlin is in hell? Do you speak for God now?

Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Talk about the ultimate big brother. Thinking about me constantly? Stalker? You really are insane

God thinks of you constantly. His thoughts are continual about you. God is not a stalker! God is a loving, wonderful God and the Bible tells us that His thoughts about us are more in number than the sand. Can you imagine that? More in number than the sand - even the sand on the seashore! How wonderful!

George Carlin was right religion is the greatest bullships story ever told.

George Carlin is in hell as we speak and if he could warn you he would but as he cannot you'll have to take my word for it. Hell is real and you do not want to go there, Sealy. Not on your life.
How do you know Carlin is in hell? Do you speak for God now?

Gracie, George Carlin's life spoke for itself. Not everyone is going to heaven. Although some would like to believe that everyone from Jack the Ripper to David Brainerd will be in heaven - it is not the case.

The Sad Testimony Of George Carlin

George Carlin Speaks from the Flames of Hell
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It is written men. Hundreds of years later.
It is written men. Hundreds of years later.

Wrong. It was recorded by men but the Holy Spirit is the author of the Scriptures. The Word of God is alive and active is supernatural and has the power to convert the souls of men. Words from ordinary men are not able to do that - Only the Word of God can do that, Synthaholic.

it is written:

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Wow you started out normal but you're turning out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing so to speak. You never know until you find out if a person takes the bible literally or not.

So Jonah lived in the belly of a whale? Jesus said he did.

You don't see Jesus is just the ultimate martyr in your story.

Jonah survived 3 days in the belly of a whale - he didn't live there permanently. Jesus did say he was inside the belly of a whale for three days because he was! Jesus spoke the truth. You shouldn't doubt it, Sealy.
Gracie, George Carlin's life spoke for itself. Not everyone is going to heaven. Although some would like to believe that everyone from Jack the Ripper to David Brainerd will be in heaven - it is not the case.
So, you are comparing a non believer like Carlin to Jack the Ripper now. Um. Ok. have NO CLUE what transpired between God and Carlin when Carlin died. None. Shame on you.
Prove he's not real.
Not even yearly!

If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
I smoked my whole life, from early teens. Prolly had my first cigarette at 8/9 yrs old. I quit for 3 years in the early 1990s then went back to it. Finally quit for good in January 2002. No religion needed!

I'm happy for you and believe your health will be much better for it. As for religion - I wasn't speaking of religion. I was speaking of a living God who answers prayer. His name is Jesus Christ.
I didn't pray to stop smoking. Didn't ask for anyone's help. Just got tired of getting dressed at 2am to run to the convenience store for smokes because I forgot to pick some up and wanted one more before bed.

When it happened three times in one January week, I said screw this. But yes, I believe my health is much better than it would be if I kept smoking, and my wallet definitely is. At the price I was paying at the time ($3.35 per pack), times 1.5 packs per day, in ten years I saved close to $18,350.00. Of course, the price didn't stay at $3.35. What are they now, $8.00? So I believe that quitting 13 years ago has saved me at least $30,000.

Jesus Christ, that's a lot of money!
$6 a pack
OK. Still a lot of money at $60 per carton. I know they are around $13 per pack in NYC.
If praying daily means that i think of our Creator as soon as I open my eyes every morning....

then yes I pray daily.
If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
I smoked my whole life, from early teens. Prolly had my first cigarette at 8/9 yrs old. I quit for 3 years in the early 1990s then went back to it. Finally quit for good in January 2002. No religion needed!

I'm happy for you and believe your health will be much better for it. As for religion - I wasn't speaking of religion. I was speaking of a living God who answers prayer. His name is Jesus Christ.
I didn't pray to stop smoking. Didn't ask for anyone's help. Just got tired of getting dressed at 2am to run to the convenience store for smokes because I forgot to pick some up and wanted one more before bed.

When it happened three times in one January week, I said screw this. But yes, I believe my health is much better than it would be if I kept smoking, and my wallet definitely is. At the price I was paying at the time ($3.35 per pack), times 1.5 packs per day, in ten years I saved close to $18,350.00. Of course, the price didn't stay at $3.35. What are they now, $8.00? So I believe that quitting 13 years ago has saved me at least $30,000.

Jesus Christ, that's a lot of money!
$6 a pack
Are they really that expensive now? I praise God that I do not smoke! That is a lot of money to throw away every day - think of people who smoke two packs of cigarettes a day! That is 12 dollars a day times 7 - almost $400.00 a month? That is what some people pay for rent!
It's why I don't feel sorry for people who have nothing but smoke constantly.

Even people who make minimum wage smoke. Americans could be saving but smoke and go to bars and pay $3 a beer instead of get a case and drink at home for a buck a beer. I live on a lake so we drink on the boat outside the bar restaurant on our lake.

How about people who smoke weed. Add another $200 a month for weed. I use to buy weed now I make money on weed. Relax, its legal in Michigan. I have my Medical marijuana card. Pharmaceutical rep.

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