Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
And if this preacher named Jesus existed, he sounded like a great guy. I suppose I should give credit to the Jesus story for my knowing right and wrong, but its not much different than Santa taught me not to be naughty.

There just must be two kinds of people. Ones that want to believe and do and ones that want to but can't.

You can't believe if a guy/God name Jesus existed that he said people 2000 years from now have to believe the stories about his mom being a virgin and him walking on water or healing the sick or they won't go to heaven. In fact they'll burn forever? Ha! That may work on you but not me. When faced with bs I call bs. I don't play it safe. Call em like I see em.

The historical evidence is overwhelming that Jesus did exist. Yes. His mother was a virgin. Yes. He did walk on the water because He is God who came in the flesh to save lost mankind so yes to that too. He did heal the sick, there were many eye witnesses and we have written accounts of the miracles of Christ. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament that said he would come. I do believe you tell it as you see it but perception is a matter of having the right facts. If you didn't have the right facts then your perception would be different from what it is right now, Sealy. So keep that in mind too. But I appreciate your honesty.
But how do you know what Jesus said? Did you translate the original bibles from Hebrew to Greek? The Greeks are still debating the meaning and translation of the bibles.

But forget all that. Who's to say Jesus said believe or don't go to heaven. Or even worse go to hell. To me this is proof the Jesus story is man made used to demand loyalty.

Sealy, when you have some free time, I want to ask you to watch the video with Gail Riplinger and tell me what you think. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts about it! Thank you. Thank you for the discussion! I appreciate it!
B y the way, seems 50% of us polled are athiests. 7 non prayers and 7 prayers. It's a tie.
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.

I can't. I can prove that visible unicorns did exist however!

Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?
Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

Wilt thou trust him, because his strength is great? or wilt thou leave thy labour to him? Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn? Job 39: 9-12


And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.
Isaiah 34:7
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.

I can't. I can prove that visible unicorns did exist however!

Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?
Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

Wilt thou trust him, because his strength is great? or wilt thou leave thy labour to him? Wilt thou believe him, that he will bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy barn? Job 39: 9-12
Very good! Which version are you using? And you understand that Job's story is set beyond time and place, unlike a Greek tragedy? Do you take it literally?
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?

Do you really want to know?
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?

Okay. Do you know anything about the altar of Zeus also known as the seat of Satan?

Scripture referencing it:

I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Revelation 2:13


Have you ever seen a photograph of this before?
Google whynogod.con and fully read through points 1 & 2 of like 60 reasons there is no God. But points 1&2 cover all the reasons why you aren't right about this. All hearsay. The 11 apostles didn't write or pen the bibles and all that. Even if they did its the story of 11 guys. A small cult spread through Greece because they were worshipping the ridiculous Greek gods for far too long. The Jesus story made more sense.

Christianity was a easier religion for non Jews. Just pay, believe and dunk.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.

First let me ask you a question. Are you Greek? Second, I want to tell you that I know Greek people to be some of the most wonderful people on the face of the earth. Also one person I am thinking of - one of the most honorable and brilliant minds I have ever met. Truly Greek people are fascinating people, Sealybobo. No question about it but when it comes to Zeus some Greek people can get highly offended if one were to say the wrong thing.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.
Prove he is unreal. That's my point, and you secured it for me.
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.
Do you pray daily?
Not even yearly!

If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
The points are interesting but they don't "prove" God does not exist. Empirical data or philosophic logic cannot fill the function of metaphysical "proof". Two different belief systems.
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.

The truth is that much of what people believe is mythology is in reality the realm of the underworld & spiritual realm and that would include what is under the sea. As we see more people leaving Satanism and generational witchcraft there are more testimonies about such things which to those who do not know of it - it would sound bizarre, Sealy. There are many things that people believe is a myth which actually is a reality in the spiritual realm, water spirits, other topics of discussion that would be too far out there for some people to grasp. Now for people who were raised in the occult / generational witchcraft, they know full well it is a reality.
It is the height of narcissism to think that God - the creator of the universe and every living thing - is intensely interested our daily lives.

Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Prove invisible unicorns don't exist.
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.
Do you pray daily?
Not even yearly!

If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
I smoked my whole life, from early teens. Prolly had my first cigarette at 8/9 yrs old. I quit for 3 years in the early 1990s then went back to it. Finally quit for good in January 2002. No religion needed!
Can you equate God with an invisible unicorn. The philosophical logic does not exist to do that, and empircal data is lacking to do that. The two belief systems are different, sealybobo.
How about Zeus?
How about him?
Prove he's not real.
Do you pray daily?
Not even yearly!

If you smoke I'll pray for you to give it up! It's an awful habit and one that is not nearly as difficult to leave behind if you have people pray for you. I prayed for someone who had tried for years to give it up and that very day he was free of it and never smoked again! Prayer works!
I smoked my whole life, from early teens. Prolly had my first cigarette at 8/9 yrs old. I quit for 3 years in the early 1990s then went back to it. Finally quit for good in January 2002. No religion needed!

I'm happy for you and believe your health will be much better for it. As for religion - I wasn't speaking of religion. I was speaking of a living God who answers prayer. His name is Jesus Christ.
It is the height of narcissism to think that God - the creator of the universe and every living thing - is intensely interested our daily lives.

Why would you think that God is not interested in your life, Toro? Of course He is interested in your life! He loves you very much! He thinks about you constantly! CONSTANTLY! You are on God's mind all the time!!!

It is written:

How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
Psalm 139:17,18
Talk about the ultimate big brother. Thinking about me constantly? Stalker? You really are insane

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