Do you pray daily?

Do you pray daily?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 12 50.0%
  • I pray, but not every day

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters
What is praying other than organized, structured hoping?

In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

Yet without God it will avail them nothing, Starkey. God is in full control of all things.
Jeremiah alert. Remember she is pentencostal who believes only the kjv is correct and literal. So be careful to sift her chaff from the tares. Not all of her comment are chaff, of course. She tries.

I find praying regularly helps to defuse anger, focus compassion, assuage grief, and remind me of what is important.
What is praying other than organized, structured hoping?

In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

You mean during the Enlightenment Period?

No coincidence as we got less superstitious and smarter and stopped being anti science we excelled.

Now religion is smart. They've stopped being anti science. At least some of them have. There are theists who wont give their sick kids medicine. But no one still says we are the center of the universe. But do religions still think we are the only life in the universe? We haven't found any yet but do Christians still believe we are all there is? What if they are wrong? It still won't prove anything. Christians will move their goal post if we ever find any.

Anyways, I'd like to point out how right now millions of Muslims are praying death to America.
What is praying other than organized, structured hoping?

In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

You mean during the Enlightenment Period?

No coincidence as we got less superstitious and smarter and stopped being anti science we excelled.

Now religion is smart. They've stopped being anti science. At least some of them have. There are theists who wont give their sick kids medicine. But no one still says we are the center of the universe. But do religions still think we are the only life in the universe? We haven't found any yet but do Christians still believe we are all there is? What if they are wrong? It still won't prove anything. Christians will move their goal post if we ever find any.

Anyways, I'd like to point out how right now millions of Muslims are praying death to America.
Study Roger Bacon, faith, and science. Tell us what you discover.

We have many millions of far right reactionaries praying for the fall of America.
What is praying other than organized, structured hoping?

In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Jeremiah alert. Remember she is pentencostal who believes only the kjv is correct and literal. So be careful to sift her chaff from the tares. Not all of her comment are chaff, of course. She tries.

I find praying regularly helps to defuse anger, focus compassion, assuage grief, and remind me of what is important.

As the other bible translations have removed many Scriptures, changed the words, removed words, altered the Word of God, Jake, I can only endorse the King James Version bible so that is correct. The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit. Would you go into warfare with a dull Sword or one with a Missing edge? God forbid!

As for denominations?

There is only one denomination, Jake. Believer in Jesus Christ. You either are or you aren't. You either believe the whole Bible and take it literally or you don't.

On the day of Pentecost they were gathered in the upper room and..............that is how the church was born. Hallelujah. The Bible does not teach the Believers to separate into various denominations in order to believe this / not believe that, pick and choose what people will believe. We should be as the church in the book of Acts and Believe the entire Word of God - take it literally and live by it.
If we believe the Word of God? We should do what it tells us! Amen? Amen.

If we were to do our praying as it was done in the early church we would see more answers - the early church would never have went out to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ without praying every single day before. Today - we see the results of a prayerless church, Jake. Televangelists asking amiss and many are misled - because they have not sought the LORD - a false Gospel being preached, a lack of power in the churches. Why? There is no power without purity and there is no purity without preaching the true Gospel which warns the church of hell, preaches holiness, praying, fasting, obedience to the Word of God. If we truly loved God we could not count any human out because God knows the heart of each man and woman and He knows their future in Him! While they may be apart from Him now - it won't be forever - which is why all Believers are called to pray for others.
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What is praying other than organized, structured hoping?

In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

Yet without God it will avail them nothing, Starkey. God is in full control of all things.
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously
Oh, boy. Jeremiah you are not God's prophet to the Board. :lol: You have not the authority nor the Spirit to be so. I appreciate your faithfulness to what you believe is true. Rely and lean on the Lord, and you will be fine. Try and twist Him and His Words into your tool and it will break.
What is praying other than organized, structured hoping?

In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

You mean during the Enlightenment Period?

No coincidence as we got less superstitious and smarter and stopped being anti science we excelled.

Now religion is smart. They've stopped being anti science. At least some of them have. There are theists who wont give their sick kids medicine. But no one still says we are the center of the universe. But do religions still think we are the only life in the universe? We haven't found any yet but do Christians still believe we are all there is? What if they are wrong? It still won't prove anything. Christians will move their goal post if we ever find any.

Anyways, I'd like to point out how right now millions of Muslims are praying death to America.
Study Roger Bacon, faith, and science. Tell us what you discover.

We have many millions of far right reactionaries praying for the fall of America.
Self fulfilling prophecy?
sealybobo, for shame. Jimmy Carter Says He Has Cancer in His Brain

In a frank discussion with reporters, Carter said he is “in the hands of God” and feels “prepared for anything that comes.”

“I’m perfectly at ease with whatever comes. I have deep religious faith,” he said. He said he plans to continue to teach Sunday school “for as long as I am physically able.”

Carter said that upon learning of his diagnosis, “I thought I had a few weeks left.” He said he never thought about not getting treatment.
Praying is like begging....

Except when you beg, you are asking a real person for something.

Praying is NOT begging! There's an enormous difference between begging and respectively ASKING. Your analogy is interesting in that you don't consider God to be real. He should be the one you consult with for every aspect of your life, after all He gave you life and He continues to give you each and every day. We (my husband and I) thank Him for each day, and confer with Him throughout the day, and at the end of each day, we say our prayers joining our thoughts, concerns, and wishes together before Him. We wouldn't have it any other way.
sealybobo, for shame. Jimmy Carter Says He Has Cancer in His Brain

In a frank discussion with reporters, Carter said he is “in the hands of God” and feels “prepared for anything that comes.”

“I’m perfectly at ease with whatever comes. I have deep religious faith,” he said. He said he plans to continue to teach Sunday school “for as long as I am physically able.”

Carter said that upon learning of his diagnosis, “I thought I had a few weeks left.” He said he never thought about not getting treatment.

When did you hear that, Jake? Did you know that Jimmy Carter turned away from the LORD and told the people some time ago that homosexual marriage was alright in God's eyes and that he would endorse it? Do you know that the judgment of God was fell upon him back then? And now he has brain cancer? You see, you do not lead others into sin when you know the Word of God - you do not purposely teach others to sin by twisting the Scriptures. Let this be a warning to all who claim to be Christians and then tell lost little lambs that they can marry in same sex marriages and God will not hold them accountable.

Jimmy Carter Says Jesus Would Approve Of Gay Marriage

clip from Huffpost article / interview:

Faith is important to former President Jimmy Carter, and he writes about it extensively in his new memoir A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety. But his religious beliefs don't keep him from supporting every American's right to marry the person they love.

HuffPost Live's Marc Lamont Hill asked Carter on Tuesday whether he believes Jesus would approve of gay marriage, and Carter said he does.

"I believe Jesus would. I don't have any verse in scripture. ... I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage, but that's just my own personal belief. I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don't see that gay marriage damages anyone else," he said.

Mr. Carter's worst punishment has yet to begin. If he fails to repent publicly of what he has done (and set the record straight) he will be in hell for all eternity.

God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap. Jimmy Carter knew the Word of God. To whom much is given, much is required. Again - you do not lie about the Word of God and what God says about homosexual sin and get away with it. NOT ON YOUR LIFE.
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Praying is like begging....

Except when you beg, you are asking a real person for something.

Praying is NOT begging! There's an enormous difference between begging and respectively ASKING. Your analogy is interesting in that you don't consider God to be real. He should be the one you consult with for every aspect of your life, after all He gave you life and He continues to give you each and every day. We (my husband and I) thank Him for each day, and confer with Him throughout the day, and at the end of each day, we say our prayers joining our thoughts, concerns, and wishes together before Him. We wouldn't have it any other way.

That is beautiful! There is great synergy in prayer for a husband and a wife praying together. Where 1 person praying puts a thousand to flight 2 persons praying put 10,000 devils to flight - but in the matter of husband and wife praying - you are a three fold cord with Jesus Christ being that center cord - I believe it to be greater than 10,000 devils put to flight in those prayers. The family that prays together stays together.
Oh, boy. Jeremiah you are not God's prophet to the Board. :lol: You have not the authority nor the Spirit to be so. I appreciate your faithfulness to what you believe is true. Rely and lean on the Lord, and you will be fine. Try and twist Him and His Words into your tool and it will break.

I am not trying to be God's prophet to this board, Jake. I am telling you what the Word of God says. If you disagree with the Word of God your issue is not with me but with Jesus Christ Who is The Word of God! The Living Word of God is Jesus Christ. In the last book of the bible - The Revelation of Jesus Christ one of the things Jesus speaks to the churches about is those who have "kept His Word" - He is speaking of Holding fast to the Written Word because in these last days so many have departed from it.

Why do people deny The Word before men, Jake? Do you know why? Because they love the praises of men more than the praises of God. There is a pay off for them. To deny the Word of God - that is why they deny the Word of God that warns that homosexuality is a sin, that abortion is murder, they have traded the praise of God for the praises of men. The world loves men who do this, Jake, but Jesus Christ says if you deny me before men, I will deny you before the Father.

When people who profess to belong to Jesus Christ deny what the teachings of the Bible, the Written Word of God? They are denying Jesus Christ before men.
What is praying other than organized, structured hoping?

In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

Yet without God it will avail them nothing, Starkey. God is in full control of all things.
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously

I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
In a group setting it may seem organized or structured (prayer meetings) but still the purpose of a prayer meeting is the same as a personal prayer time with God - to pray whatever comes to your heart, Mr. Clean. Think about this - if you have a situation that is beyond your control, one in which you need a miracle, who are you going to turn to? If you were climbing the side of a mountain and suddenly find yourself dangling off the side of it with a rope and cannot reach a safety edge which is only a few feet away who do you cry out to? God! Right? Now here is a better way - if you were to have an ongoing relationship with God - seeking His face every day - you've believed on His Son Jesus Christ and are redeemed - you've become God's child through receiving His Son - do you believe you will have confidence towards God to ask whatever you will - and He'll answer? Of course you would! So why not have a relationship with Him now and pray to the LORD, read the Bible and listen to worship music sing and praise Him? Then in the day of trouble you will not fear. Read Psalm 91 and see if that does not minister to you and give you great comfort! A comfort you could have 24 / 7 and who would not desire that?
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

Yet without God it will avail them nothing, Starkey. God is in full control of all things.
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously

I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.
Jimmy Carter Says He Has Cancer in His Brain

You are trying to impute your understanding of the Bible as the only proper understanding and your way the only proper way. That seems very Pharisee to me.

Jeremiah would do well to follow biblical caution and leaving judgement to God.

You can be as naughty as Jesuit when you start this.
When a need a miracle I pray science comes up with something. A lot of good praying did people hundreds of years before the Greeks invented medicine and doctors.

Asclepius was the Greek God of healing. Sick people prayed to him. Hippocrates changed all that. People started resting dieting and taking medicine and what do you know, it worked.
Medical break through in the last 150 years have done miracles.

Yet without God it will avail them nothing, Starkey. God is in full control of all things.
I just want another good ten or 20 years. I consider myself lucky I lived healthy and happy this long.

I think jimmy Carter is an athiest. He said the same thing after getting the bad news.

Does the idea this is it bother you? Not me. What was it like the 13 billion years before you were born? I think that's what it's like after you die.

I feel bad for giving good people the facts but I think your way of thinking is holding people back.

In the future people will believe in gods but same way we believe in ghosts witches devils angels or boogymen. It's fine to believe but don't ask us to take it seriously

I want much more for you that 10 or 20 good years but I will most certainly pray that God grants you that, Sealy. I believe you should also consider it wasn't luck but rather that God loves you very much and sees your sincerity, Sealy.

I do not believe the earth is billions of years old. At one time I thought it possible but after learning of the flaws in how the earth was dated - I believe the earth to be much younger than some scientists claim. The Bible does address the matter of witches, divination and demons and warns us against having any part in such activity. As for taking the Bible seriously - I believe first and foremost that God is the one who removes the blinders - the veil - and sheds His light on the glorious Gospel. Apart from Him - salvation would not be possible. It's a matter of prayer because it is a matter of the heart. Not the mind. Your mind is fine. In fact, you have an exceptionally intelligent mind! You've been blessed with it! It is your heart that is uncertain and that is where the LORD will have to meet you.
Not like I didn't want seek or try. I think a real God would reward my intelligence. He'd be like "good for you not beliving something without being provided with sound evidence sealybobo" There is a heaven and athiests who are good despite not being afraid of hell are the chosen people for they don't use their intelligence for evil but instead for good.

Meanwhile, every civilization believes whatever religion they are born into.

And I would ask God, "how did they know there is a god if you never visited?" And God would say, "wasn't it obvious?" Then I would get in an argument with God.

How do you know that God will not answer these questions you have, Sealybobo? I believe He will! I find your honesty refreshing! I truly do. I believe God would bypass 10,000 others to find one like you, Sealy. Because you are not a hypocrite. You are real. What you think you say. There is no hypocrisy in you.

Here is what I believe about people who say the things you have said here - I believe they (you) are the toughest of audiences to win to Jesus Christ. You are not one to join something at the drop of a hat. But when you are in? You're all the way in. You don't do something half way - you are all the way sold out in what you believe. I believe that is what Jesus Christ saw in the Apostle Paul. Perhaps that is why Paul had such an "unusual" conversion!

Perhaps you do not believe this right now but I have got to tell you this - Satan fears people like you. He knows that the day you get saved? His kingdom is in big trouble.
Jimmy Carter Says He Has Cancer in His Brain

You are trying to impute your understanding of the Bible as the only proper understanding and your way the only proper way. That seems very Pharisee to me.

Jeremiah would do well to follow biblical caution and leaving judgement to God.

You can be as naughty as Jesuit when you start this.

Unless you want to join Jimmy? I must warn you to stop speaking against God's servants and those He has anointed - called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ (see Psalm 10:15, 2 Thess. 1:6, 1 Chronicles 16:22 AND Psalm 105: 15). I am also going to warn you to stop calling evil good (homosexual marriage is an abomination to God, Starkey, no matter what you say) and good evil or you will answer to the LORD for it. If you twist the scriptures and tell others that Jesus Christ approves of homosexual marriage you can expect the judgment of God to fall on you. God is no respecter of persons. You've been warned
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Do you pray daily in order to seek God's will for your life and have His presence go with you? Yes or no?

If you do not pray daily - why not attend the Prayer Meeting on USMB each morning, read the scriptures, listen to the worship music, sing along with the lyrics and seek the LORD in prayer? Try it for 90 days and see what happens. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The Virginia shooter prayed and apparently He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Virginia TV shooter said Charleston shootings put him ‘over the top’ | WNCN

Jesus, Allah, Yahway, Jehovah. It's all the same thing GOD. Stop praying to imaginary things. Grow the hell up.

Okay, so is this an example of god answering a prayer?

Seriously, I can remember actually trying to pray when I was a kid and made to go to church/Sunday school. I felt foolish.

As an adult, of course not.
When I pray its not for long periods. Its usually if something is bothering me, I just want to ask for guidance or just to be thankful,maybe pray for someone else...I usually look up a Bible passage pertaining to that and read it . Then I read commentary. One is Mathew Henry he is just really down to earth and summarizes it well for me. Sometimes Ill compare different versions to the KJV.
Its all short and sweet times frames I do all this.

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