Do you read a newspaper?

Do you read a newspaper daily/regularly? IF so, which one?

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I use BBC as my main source of news, along with Finland's major (online) newspaper, and frequent looks at half a dozen other news sources. I don't read any paper versions these days.

One of my main impressions of this site is how many posters have an extremely poor knowledge of international events - it has also made me wonder how many posters do not read news at all and rely entirely on blogs and discussion forums for 'information'. It is something that I think should disturb all of us, really. We seem to be on the point of seeing a generation who are unable to distingush between objective and subjective reporting, many of whom will also be as functionally illiterate as many of our posters here are.
This AM I got curious how many people here read a newspaper daily or so. So often the conservatives will cite something that appeared in a newspaper and the lefties will want proof of that. If they simply read a reputable paper they would know about it already.
The only sources I see "conservatives" quoting around here are hack partisan sites. Fox News, Breitbart, CNS News, Washington Times, etc.

And I have demonstrated many, many times their sources are full of shit, and yet the rubes keep shoveling their manufactured bullshit into their mouths by the shovelful.

You amuse me.
Can't quote a physical newspaper moron. I cite CBS news radio regularly and the mods delete my threads for not having links.
Wow thats sort of intereting. I figured people under 30 didnt read them. But here are people way older than that already ditching paper.
I dont know what I would do without breakfast over the WSJ.

Thats the main reason I still read the analog version.
Sitting out on the porch with my coffee and paper has gotten pretty much ingrained.
I sometimes wonder if certain posters on here only read Mad Magazine

Several news sites on line daily including our local paper.

Still get the WSJ and USA Today delivered, but it's just a matter of time before I do them on line also. Old habits die hard sometimes.

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