Do you realize that the USA is a corporate country run by corporations?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015

When will our citizens get the idea that this is a corporate country, run by corporations, for the benefit of big bosses?
I really wonder when?
I hope many realize but don't know what to do. Like me...
Corporations and businesses are generally good as our standards of living are high. They're part of the difference between a third world shit hole with a bunch of losers sitting around and a first world country like us.

Do I think they should control our electoral system? Fuck no. But that is quite different.

What is your vision of a economic system that could do better then ours??

End welfare. Starting with corporate welfare. (Laissez-faire)

Separation of church and State was a smashing success. Have separation of economy and State and get the same success for the same reason.

End welfare. Starting with corporate welfare. (Laissez-faire)

Separation of church and State was a smashing success. Have separation of economy and State and get the same success for the same reason.

So we couldn't have much of a millitary without corporations like Boeing, etc
Most infrastructure is funded by tax dollars
Our science programs are mainly funded by tax dollars

We'd be a third world hell hole. I don't think you understand what you're asking for. This is why I hate loserterianism. Utter idiocy!

End welfare. Starting with corporate welfare. (Laissez-faire)

Separation of church and State was a smashing success. Have separation of economy and State and get the same success for the same reason.

Well put.
As long as they're regulated I believe corporations add great wealth to our society. Loserterians live within a world of tiny little stores at the street corner within a Somalia like America.
If it makes us a wealthier and stronger country with a higher standard of living, who cares?

End welfare. Starting with corporate welfare. (Laissez-faire)

Separation of church and State was a smashing success. Have separation of economy and State and get the same success for the same reason.

So we couldn't have much of a millitary without corporations like Boeing, etc
Most infrastructure is funded by tax dollars
Our science programs are mainly funded by tax dollars

We'd be a third world hell hole. I don't think you understand what you're asking for. This is why I hate loserterianism. Utter idiocy!

Actually I don't think you understand what we're asking for. Nobody said "exterminate the corporations". Bit melodramatic, innit?

Just stop genuflecting before them like the goddam church and get clear on who's in charge.
As long as they're regulated I believe corporations add great wealth to our society. Loserterians live within a world of tiny little stores at the street corner within a Somalia like America.

What in the fuck is a "losertarian"?
As long as they're regulated I believe corporations add great wealth to our society. Loserterians live within a world of tiny little stores at the street corner within a Somalia like America.

Do know what else should be regulated? Religion, speech, newspapers, and where we can assemble. We can do any of those as long as the proper paperwork is filled out. We never know when someone will say the wrong thing, print the wrong story, practice their religion incorrectly, and just plain assemble where we don't want them to. I live freedom!
As long as they're regulated I believe corporations add great wealth to our society. Loserterians live within a world of tiny little stores at the street corner within a Somalia like America.

Do know what else should be regulated? Religion, speech, newspapers, and where we can assemble. We can do any of those as long as the proper paperwork is filled out. We never know when someone will say the wrong thing, print the wrong story, practice their religion incorrectly, and just plain assemble where we don't want them to. I live freedom!

Somalia is pure freedom. You don't like businesses becoming successful? Well, I hope you enjoy starving to death within a shit hole.
As long as they're regulated I believe corporations add great wealth to our society. Loserterians live within a world of tiny little stores at the street corner within a Somalia like America.

Do know what else should be regulated? Religion, speech, newspapers, and where we can assemble. We can do any of those as long as the proper paperwork is filled out. We never know when someone will say the wrong thing, print the wrong story, practice their religion incorrectly, and just plain assemble where we don't want them to. I live freedom!

You have some wicked sarcasm my dear. :badgrin:

End welfare. Starting with corporate welfare. (Laissez-faire)

Separation of church and State was a smashing success. Have separation of economy and State and get the same success for the same reason.

So we couldn't have much of a millitary without corporations like Boeing, etc
Most infrastructure is funded by tax dollars
Our science programs are mainly funded by tax dollars

We'd be a third world hell hole. I don't think you understand what you're asking for. This is why I hate loserterianism. Utter idiocy!

Not against corporations, just corporate welfare. Separation of church and state worked. We still have churches. Every mid-sized town has a dozen and they exit in peace with eachother. Separation of economy and state would work the same way.

All infrastructure is funded by private dollars taken by force via tax dollars. Those same dollars can be used for the same purpose (and with much greater efficiency sans the "force".

Same goes for science.

We could be a first world paradise. Don't think you understand what you're settling for. This is why I hate republicrats. Utter stasis.
As long as they're regulated I believe corporations add great wealth to our society. Loserterians live within a world of tiny little stores at the street corner within a Somalia like America.

Do know what else should be regulated? Religion, speech, newspapers, and where we can assemble. We can do any of those as long as the proper paperwork is filled out. We never know when someone will say the wrong thing, print the wrong story, practice their religion incorrectly, and just plain assemble where we don't want them to. I live freedom!

Somalia is pure freedom. You don't like businesses becoming successful? Well, I hope you enjoy starving to death within a shit hole.

"Somalia is pure freedom." Does your enter-webs not have Google?

If it does, look up "Orwellian". "War is peace, freedom is slavery"... etc etc.

Somalia exist in a state of civil war, islamic courts, starvation and all the usual accompaniments of rule by force.

The only legit purpose of government is the prevention of force on individuals. (an Army to prevent foreign invasion, the police to ensure civil rights and the courts to adjudicate legit grievances)
If it makes us a wealthier and stronger country with a higher standard of living, who cares?
Certainly not you but some like their elected leaders to be loyal to The People rather rather than the biggest donor.
If it makes us a wealthier and stronger country with a higher standard of living, who cares?
Certainly not you but some like their elected leaders to be loyal to The People rather rather than the biggest donor.
Sort of like "The People's Republic of China"?
No, " The United States of America" where we forgot that we used to hate big corporations buying the government and using it further their own narrow purposes.
If it makes us a wealthier and stronger country with a higher standard of living, who cares?
Certainly not you but some like their elected leaders to be loyal to The People rather rather than the biggest donor.
Sort of like "The People's Republic of China"?
No, " The United States of America" where we forgot that we used to hate big corporations buying the government and using it further their own narrow purposes.
You have it backwards. Our government is taking over the corporations and using them against the people to empower themselves. My point about "The People's Republic of China" is that simply using the word "people" does not necessarily mean that anything is being done for the people.

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