Do you really care about the children?

1) Those coming here seeking refugee asylum, are not coming here illegally.... it's the law, they have a legal human right to seek asylum in another nation if they fear for their life or the life of an immediate family member.

Once they reach the southern Mexico border they are no longer in danger and can seek asylum in Mexico. Why travel another 1,000 miles to the USA unless their true intention is not asylum but financial gain. To scam the USA, cut to the front of the line ahead of legal immigrants, for money and welfare. I think we all know the answer. :eusa_hand:
Refugee parents coming with THEIR OWN CHILDREN are not the same as unaccompanied children crossing with coyotes.

THIS CRISIS is about taking kids away from THEIR PARENTS

I am not talking about refugees, nor am I talking about asylum seekers. I am talking about the children who came here alone. WHO WERE ALREADY SEPARATED FROM THEIR PARENTS. I am talking about the parents who chose to breach our laws with child in tow, which subjected them to the already existing requirement that a parent be separated from their child for committing a crime. This law applies to legal parents as well as illegal.

Goodness gracious you are thick headed.
they are REFUGEES from Central America Templar....there has been a caravan of them making their way up here for months now.... I am not talking about illegal mexicans with family in tow, nor am I talking about unaccompanied children, or child smugglers for sex trafficking, nor am I talking about MS13 members, nor am i talking about drug dealers trying to cross....

THE ENTIRE CRISIS that there were protests on and people have been so upset about...and that Trump allegedly changed his stance on, was about Central American refugee families making it here by mostly WALKING 2000 miles in the caravan.
1) Those coming here seeking refugee asylum, are not coming here illegally.... it's the law, they have a legal human right to seek asylum in another nation if they fear for their life or the life of an immediate family member.

Once they reach the southern Mexico border they are no longer in danger and can seek asylum in Mexico. Why travel another 1,000 miles to the USA unless their true intention is not asylum but financial gain. To scam the USA, cut to the front of the line ahead of legal immigrants, for money and welfare. I think we all know the answer. :eusa_hand:
And they do seek asylum in Mexico, but some want asylum in the USA....mainly due to having relatives here...the past 5 years Mexico has taken in tens of thousands of refugees from central America.... they have TEN FOLDED the amount of refugees they take in each's up 1000% there in Mexico....
You are not a refugee because you say so
You are not afforded elements of the Constitution by stepping onto US soil
1) Those coming here seeking refugee asylum, are not coming here illegally.... it's the law, they have a legal human right to seek asylum in another nation if they fear for their life or the life of an immediate family member.

Once they reach the southern Mexico border they are no longer in danger and can seek asylum in Mexico. Why travel another 1,000 miles to the USA unless their true intention is not asylum but financial gain. To scam the USA, cut to the front of the line ahead of legal immigrants, for money and welfare. I think we all know the answer. :eusa_hand:
And they do seek asylum in Mexico, but some want asylum in the USA....mainly due to having relatives here...the past 5 years Mexico has taken in tens of thousands of refugees from central America.... they have TEN FOLDED the amount of refugees they take in each's up 1000% there in Mexico....

They are safe in Mexico and they can stay in Mexico, their illegal relatives in the US can join them in Mexico.
Answer me honestly. Or troll my thread, I don't really care.

There are millions of children whose parents thought it would be okay to be a criminal, thusly having them separated, right here in America. There are those who are in foster care and have no idea who their parents are, once again, right here in America. In fact, I would have been a foster child myself if my grandmother hadn't stepped up to the plate.

But do you really care about the children? What about those starving to death on the streets here in our very own country?

For some of you, the answer couldn't be any more obvious. You don't. You'd rather use the 2,000 children being detained at the border as a political weapon. Before this so called outrage, your newfound compassion was nowhere to be seen. And it had everything to do with who is currently sitting in the White House.

Truth is, all children are precious. They are not tools or weapons, they are innocent life. But to sit there and whine and complain about minuscule amount of foreign children being separated from their parents, who smuggled them here illegally, over the children who currently exist in those conditions you decry on the border here in the US is downright appalling.

When or if the issue is resolved, your compassion will disappear, and you will continue living your life as you did before. Concern isn't something you can summon. You must already have it. You must genuinely care about a problem to solve it. Calling Trump a Nazi and a baby killer doesn't solve that problem.

He signed an executive order to keep families together, but you weren't satisfied. It was either that or continue separating them. Or, perhaps the end goal was simply to have them released into our country to go virtually unpunished for their breach of the law. No, you couldn't care less. Don't stand there and lecture me about my compassion or lack thereof for those children. Do us all a favor, don't taint the rest of society with your hypocrisy.

I know, a lot of you DO have genuine compassion for children everywhere, and I am doing my best not to make blanket assumptions. But to those who are reading, only you know whether this thread does or does not describe you. If it does, shame on you. If it doesn't, cool. I'm just sick of all the fake compassion out there, being bandied about for political gain.
Well said.
We should have compassion for ALL innocent children. It’s not their fault they were born.
It’s not their fault they were born into a particular nation and particular culture or subculture.

HOWEVER, we need to be PRACTICAL.
We can’t serve ALL innocent children, unfortunately. And we need to respect the needs of stressed women who contemplate an abortion.
Yeah? Well, you go right ahead and care for all the kids from everywhere else. Take them all into YOUR home and YOU raise them on YOUR dime.
So, can i assume you are pro abortion?
You betcha. Depending on how far along the woman is. Late term abortion? Fuck no. The woman can't do the "metoo" bullshit and wait.
In general, i agree with you, but we need to respect any special circumstances.
If the fetus is diagnosed with major physical handicap, are you willing to adopt the baby?
Yeah? Well, you go right ahead and care for all the kids from everywhere else. Take them all into YOUR home and YOU raise them on YOUR dime.
So, can i assume you are pro abortion?
You betcha. Depending on how far along the woman is. Late term abortion? Fuck no. The woman can't do the "metoo" bullshit and wait.
In general, i agree with you, but we need to respect any special circumstances.
If the fetus is diagnosed with major physical handicap, are you willing to adopt the baby?

a lot of people do

adopt these children
Yeah? Well, you go right ahead and care for all the kids from everywhere else. Take them all into YOUR home and YOU raise them on YOUR dime.
So, can i assume you are pro abortion?
You betcha. Depending on how far along the woman is. Late term abortion? Fuck no. The woman can't do the "metoo" bullshit and wait.
In general, i agree with you, but we need to respect any special circumstances.
If the fetus is diagnosed with major physical handicap, are you willing to adopt the baby?
a lot of people do
adopt these children
But if not YOU, would you be willing to pay more taxes to support adopted children?
Yeah? Well, you go right ahead and care for all the kids from everywhere else. Take them all into YOUR home and YOU raise them on YOUR dime.
So, can i assume you are pro abortion?
You betcha. Depending on how far along the woman is. Late term abortion? Fuck no. The woman can't do the "metoo" bullshit and wait.
In general, i agree with you, but we need to respect any special circumstances.
If the fetus is diagnosed with major physical handicap, are you willing to adopt the baby?
a lot of people do
adopt these children
But if not YOU, would you be willing to pay more taxes to support adopted children?

you are confused apparently

foster children funds come from taxes

adopted children the parents pay the tab

unless of course there are major medical/emotional problems

and the perhaps a state or federal medical programs

as for paying taxes on either foster or adopted children with special needs

my taxes already go for that same for any kid that ends up in system
So, can i assume you are pro abortion?
You betcha. Depending on how far along the woman is. Late term abortion? Fuck no. The woman can't do the "metoo" bullshit and wait.
In general, i agree with you, but we need to respect any special circumstances.
If the fetus is diagnosed with major physical handicap, are you willing to adopt the baby?
a lot of people do
adopt these children
But if not YOU, would you be willing to pay more taxes to support adopted children?
as for paying taxes on either foster or adopted children with special needs

my taxes already go for that same for any kid that ends up in system
So, you want to pay MORE taxes to support those children with special needs?
I wish more pro-life people would do that.
Anyhow, the law is the law. First their parents came here illegally, then they chose to commit a crime, any crime. If you want them to be subject to our laws, then they should be subject to the ones that separate a parent from their child if the parent commits a crime.

1) Those coming here seeking refugee asylum, are not coming here illegally.... it's the law, they have a legal human right to seek asylum in another nation if they fear for their life or the life of an immediate family member.

2) That right is their right, whether they cross the border at a crossing, or swim across the rio grande, as long as they turn themselves in to border patrol once on our soil, and tell them they are seeking asylum....which begins the process for the asylum seeking refugee...and they get a court date for a hearing on whether they qualify for asylum....

What the administration did, was decide they would charge refugees with illegal border crossing...., if they did not cross through the border crossing gates....which was NEVER DONE by previous administrations....

but this administration, PURPOSELY short handed the border crossing ports, knowing the caravan of refugees were on their way up here...

Which backed up, and the wait to cross through the gate was 9 days instead of the hour you arrive... mothers with children feared for their children waiting the 9 days in the sun and heat and found means to cross right outside of the border port and waited under shaded trees to then turned themselves in to border patrol.

THEN the administration, PURPOSELY short handed the Courts....taking months for their refugee status hearings...all in their cruel and unusual punishment for these people's legal right to seek asylum

The court ruling that said kids can not be held/interned with their parents longer than 10 days, and the very long waits to see a judge in court for their legal 'due process' gave Sessions an excuse to steal their children from them and send them to 17 different states at the $750 bucks a child,

the same system UNACCOMPANIED MINORS crossing the border are put in...and they start the process to steal their kids, by stating their parents abandoned them....BUT THEY DIDN'T abandon them!!!!!!!!!!!! And they try to place them in Foster care, until their court dates...again, their due process.....but they are kids and parents have no one fighting for them in court....

What Bush and Obama did was not charge asylum seeking refugees from central america with illegal border crossing, and set them up with a court hearing, and released them until their court date because they did NOT WANT TO SPLIT these mother and fathers from their children and do to the refugees what Trump has done with his zero tolerance policy change.

Obama started a test program, and put ankle bracelets on them so they would not just disappear within the country, while waiting for their refugee status hearing.... and the ankle monitoring program, had 100% compliance.... not a single one missed their court hearings, no one disappeared in to the grey....and families were kept together....

if the court ruled they did not qualify, they were deported as a family unit.

if the court ruled they qualified as refugees, then they got to stay and their asylum process began...

NOW the admin has decided that they will build internment camps for them, to keep them together while they wait trial/court date.... but GUARANTEED, that is illegal as well because it still calls for the kids being locked up, basically, longer than 10 days, only in an internment camp.

what the admin should do, is staff for the mass crossing, and fill the courts with more immigration judges to speed up the process of deportation, and issue monitoring ankle bracelets and let them free, with family, until their court date....
... I am not talking about illegal mexicans with family in tow, nor am I talking about unaccompanied children, or child smugglers for sex trafficking, nor am I talking about MS13 members, nor am i talking about drug dealers trying to cross.........

The problem is that often you ARE talking about all that without knowing it.
Answer me honestly. Or troll my thread, I don't really care.

There are millions of children whose parents thought it would be okay to be a criminal, thusly having them separated, right here in America. There are those who are in foster care and have no idea who their parents are, once again, right here in America. In fact, I would have been a foster child myself if my grandmother hadn't stepped up to the plate.

But do you really care about the children? What about those starving to death on the streets here in our very own country?

For some of you, the answer couldn't be any more obvious. You don't. You'd rather use the 2,000 children being detained at the border as a political weapon. Before this so called outrage, your newfound compassion was nowhere to be seen. And it had everything to do with who is currently sitting in the White House.

Truth is, all children are precious. They are not tools or weapons, they are innocent life. But to sit there and whine and complain about minuscule amount of foreign children being separated from their parents, who smuggled them here illegally, over the children who currently exist in those conditions you decry on the border here in the US is downright appalling.

When or if the issue is resolved, your compassion will disappear, and you will continue living your life as you did before. Concern isn't something you can summon. You must already have it. You must genuinely care about a problem to solve it. Calling Trump a Nazi and a baby killer doesn't solve that problem.

He signed an executive order to keep families together, but you weren't satisfied. It was either that or continue separating them. Or, perhaps the end goal was simply to have them released into our country to go virtually unpunished for their breach of the law. No, you couldn't care less. Don't stand there and lecture me about my compassion or lack thereof for those children. Do us all a favor, don't taint the rest of society with your hypocrisy.

I know, a lot of you DO have genuine compassion for children everywhere, and I am doing my best not to make blanket assumptions. But to those who are reading, only you know whether this thread does or does not describe you. If it does, shame on you. If it doesn't, cool. I'm just sick of all the fake compassion out there, being bandied about for political gain.

60 000 children in America die every year.

But of course, to the leftist morons, the only thing that could ever matter are the illegals.
So i'm reading we are obligated to offer asylum

Along with the howlings of the left ,pope, and whoever else wants a piece of Trump

Ok , i say we honor that obligation , but only if the rest of the free world obligates itself to focus on these countries w/o a shred of human rights

Pull all trade from them.....

Every country sanction them .....

Shut off any foreign aid.....

Pull any military oversight from them

ISOLATE the b*tches back to the stone age until they 'get it'

You betcha. Depending on how far along the woman is. Late term abortion? Fuck no. The woman can't do the "metoo" bullshit and wait.
In general, i agree with you, but we need to respect any special circumstances.
If the fetus is diagnosed with major physical handicap, are you willing to adopt the baby?
a lot of people do
adopt these children
But if not YOU, would you be willing to pay more taxes to support adopted children?
as for paying taxes on either foster or adopted children with special needs

my taxes already go for that same for any kid that ends up in system
So, you want to pay MORE taxes to support those children with special needs?
I wish more pro-life people would do that.

why who said that
I think there are about 2 Million of these children but you never hear lefty talk abou them. And Children are only separarted for a short time from their "adults" so we can verify if they are a child trafficker or their actual parents.

Answer me honestly. Or troll my thread, I don't really care.

There are millions of children whose parents thought it would be okay to be a criminal, thusly having them separated, right here in America. There are those who are in foster care and have no idea who their parents are, once again, right here in America. In fact, I would have been a foster child myself if my grandmother hadn't stepped up to the plate.

But do you really care about the children? What about those starving to death on the streets here in our very own country?

For some of you, the answer couldn't be any more obvious. You don't. You'd rather use the 2,000 children being detained at the border as a political weapon. Before this so called outrage, your newfound compassion was nowhere to be seen. And it had everything to do with who is currently sitting in the White House.

Truth is, all children are precious. They are not tools or weapons, they are innocent life. But to sit there and whine and complain about minuscule amount of foreign children being separated from their parents, who smuggled them here illegally, over the children who currently exist in those conditions you decry on the border here in the US is downright appalling.

When or if the issue is resolved, your compassion will disappear, and you will continue living your life as you did before. Concern isn't something you can summon. You must already have it. You must genuinely care about a problem to solve it. Calling Trump a Nazi and a baby killer doesn't solve that problem.

He signed an executive order to keep families together, but you weren't satisfied. It was either that or continue separating them. Or, perhaps the end goal was simply to have them released into our country to go virtually unpunished for their breach of the law. No, you couldn't care less. Don't stand there and lecture me about my compassion or lack thereof for those children. Do us all a favor, don't taint the rest of society with your hypocrisy.

I know, a lot of you DO have genuine compassion for children everywhere, and I am doing my best not to make blanket assumptions. But to those who are reading, only you know whether this thread does or does not describe you. If it does, shame on you. If it doesn't, cool. I'm just sick of all the fake compassion out there, being bandied about for political gain.
Anyhow, the law is the law. First their parents came here illegally, then they chose to commit a crime, any crime. If you want them to be subject to our laws, then they should be subject to the ones that separate a parent from their child if the parent commits a crime.

1) Those coming here seeking refugee asylum, are not coming here illegally.... it's the law, they have a legal human right to seek asylum in another nation if they fear for their life or the life of an immediate family member.

2) That right is their right, whether they cross the border at a crossing, or swim across the rio grande, as long as they turn themselves in to border patrol once on our soil, and tell them they are seeking asylum....which begins the process for the asylum seeking refugee...and they get a court date for a hearing on whether they qualify for asylum....

What the administration did, was decide they would charge refugees with illegal border crossing...., if they did not cross through the border crossing gates....which was NEVER DONE by previous administrations....

but this administration, PURPOSELY short handed the border crossing ports, knowing the caravan of refugees were on their way up here...

Which backed up, and the wait to cross through the gate was 9 days instead of the hour you arrive... mothers with children feared for their children waiting the 9 days in the sun and heat and found means to cross right outside of the border port and waited under shaded trees to then turned themselves in to border patrol.

THEN the administration, PURPOSELY short handed the Courts....taking months for their refugee status hearings...all in their cruel and unusual punishment for these people's legal right to seek asylum

The court ruling that said kids can not be held/interned with their parents longer than 10 days, and the very long waits to see a judge in court for their legal 'due process' gave Sessions an excuse to steal their children from them and send them to 17 different states at the $750 bucks a child,

the same system UNACCOMPANIED MINORS crossing the border are put in...and they start the process to steal their kids, by stating their parents abandoned them....BUT THEY DIDN'T abandon them!!!!!!!!!!!! And they try to place them in Foster care, until their court dates...again, their due process.....but they are kids and parents have no one fighting for them in court....

What Bush and Obama did was not charge asylum seeking refugees from central america with illegal border crossing, and set them up with a court hearing, and released them until their court date because they did NOT WANT TO SPLIT these mother and fathers from their children and do to the refugees what Trump has done with his zero tolerance policy change.

Obama started a test program, and put ankle bracelets on them so they would not just disappear within the country, while waiting for their refugee status hearing.... and the ankle monitoring program, had 100% compliance.... not a single one missed their court hearings, no one disappeared in to the grey....and families were kept together....

if the court ruled they did not qualify, they were deported as a family unit.

if the court ruled they qualified as refugees, then they got to stay and their asylum process began...

NOW the admin has decided that they will build internment camps for them, to keep them together while they wait trial/court date.... but GUARANTEED, that is illegal as well because it still calls for the kids being locked up, basically, longer than 10 days, only in an internment camp.

what the admin should do, is staff for the mass crossing, and fill the courts with more immigration judges to speed up the process of deportation, and issue monitoring ankle bracelets and let them free, with family, until their court date....
so sad that they are so desperate to take such risks.... :( we really don't appreciate how great our country is....

and I'm certain Border Patrol busts their butts on a daily basis to keep us safe and to save the lives of many of these desperate people....

BUT....Me thinks you and the young woman in the video might need to learn the difference between ICE and Border Patrol Agents and other agencies that protect us.

Here's just a short explanation:

Difference between U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

What are the differences between Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)?

United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is responsible for protecting our nation's borders in order to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States, while facilitating the flow of legitimate trade and travel.

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services is responsible for the administration of immigration and naturalization adjudication functions and establishing immigration services policies and priorities.

United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security, is responsible for identifying and shutting down vulnerabilities in the nation's border, economic, transportation and infrastructure security.

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