Do You Rely On Greta Thunberg?

She is the foremost authoritative mind on the matter of climate change, save/excluding those outside the movement there is no one smarter than her on the matter of climate change.

She has no record of scientific study. I can only assume she got a revelation from some supernatural being on the subject. She is from Sweden, so perhaps a god of the ancient Viking religion appeared to her in a dream.
She has no record of scientific study. I can only assume she got a revelation from some supernatural being on the subject. She is from Sweden, so perhaps a god of the ancient Viking religion appeared to her in a dream.
Why are you so afraid of her?
His lifestyle and those of all the virtue signaling elites will always be a life of waste and extravagance while expecting you to live with minimal necessities.
Screw those assholes.
I will change nothing in my life to pander to hypocrites who consume massive resources.
Biden only drove that overpriced toy for a fucking stupid photo op.
That vehicle is just as wasteful as any gas powered pickup and you only delude yourself thinking otherwise.
Uncle Jojo should do his photo ops from a convalescent home.
Why would they, when they have the fake POTUS and VP both dumb as dogshit and no clue with a broken moral and ethical compass?

Everyone must check his mailbox. A survey company is sending everyone who voted for Biden a questionairre with this question: "When you voted for Jojo, were you serious?"

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