Do You Rely On Greta Thunberg?

More indications of NO developing Climate Emergency, it seems that global warming rate is in slow decline for 18 years.


Good 2022 Climate News the MSM didn’t tell you

January 7, 2023

Guest Post by Javier Vinós


No minimally informed person denies that climate changes. The climate has always changed. Since 1860 the predominant climate change has been warming, which is fortunate because if we had a winter like those of 1800-1850, we would be in for a shock. No one has been able to prove that global warming is primarily a consequence of our emissions. It is reasonable to assume that increased CO2 has contributed to warming since the mid-20th century when our CO2 emissions increased significantly, but no one knows how much they have contributed, no matter how much the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) insists that “humans are the dominant cause of observed global warming over recent decades.” (IPCC AR6, page 515).

There is no evidence for this statement. I know this because I have read thousands of scientific papers looking for it. And no, computer models are not evidence of anything but the programming skills of their authors. Models and their predictions are constantly changing and when our knowledge of climate changes, they must be redone.

The absolute lack of evidence contrasts sharply with the decision to cut our CO2 emissions to zero by completely changing our fossil fuel-based energy system and calling CO2 a pollutant—when it is as essential to life as oxygen. All this while most of the world doesn’t give a damn about emissions and many are only on board for the promised money.

To get to the good news about global warming we need to look at variations in the rate of global warming, i.e., the speed of warming. Today we are going to use satellite-calculated global temperature data from the University of Alabama in Huntsville, UAH 6.0. They are plotted in Figure 1.



Meanwhile I have posted the following in several forums including here to see that warmist/alarmists never counter the CONTENT of this article not after 1,000 posts over 5 forums.

Where is the Climate Emergency?

"autistic climate justice advocate,"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
She wasn't alone.
She wasn't alone.

Mass delusion is obvious......

Meanwhile you and every warmist/alarmist can't address the easy-to-understand content of this article because it completely destroys your climate crisis delusion since there isn't any climate crisis at all developing.

Where is the Climate Emergency?

Just posted this at another forum:
Apparently, they ALL find it too difficult as they completely ignore the CONTENT of post one article.

It is the same in 4 other forums I posted it in which means a sum total of 750-1,000 posts where they NEVER address the CONTENT of the article.

100% avoidance rate......

Haw haw haw haw haw.......
You will do the same too because you can't answer it.
Mass delusion is obvious......

Meanwhile you and every warmist/alarmist can't address the easy-to-understand content of this article because it completely destroys your climate crisis delusion since there isn't any climate crisis at all developing.

Where is the Climate Emergency?

Just posted this at another forum:

You will do the same too because you can't answer it.
All the howler monkeys are a brainwashed cult, fed by the media.
I have no evidence either way but, then, I haven't looked. Should I assume from this answer that you do not actually have any such evidence?
when she has a degree by her name then she might have some credibility.....until then she is just repeating what someone is feeding her...and im sure those ones have an agenda...
when she has a degree by her name then she might have some credibility.....until then she is just repeating what someone is feeding her...and im sure those ones have an agenda...
She is repeating what she has learned from the world's scientists. What is wrong with that? Their agenda appears to be saving the human race from enormous harm. What is your agenda?
She is repeating what she has learned from the world's scientists. What is wrong with that? Their agenda appears to be saving the human race from enormous harm. What is your agenda?
So she's a parrot like most leftists.
So she's a parrot like most leftists.
I really don't think any of you have any grounds on which to criticize her. She listened to what scientists have been saying about the threat posed by global warming and became worried that her government and others weren't doing enough to deal with the threat. She decided to organize a protest at her school. It was successful and she has carried on with her campaign. That so many of you think that she is somehow evil or deluded is actually quite pathetic. Attacking her is just as pointless as attacking Al Gore. If you disagree with the science, let's see some science. If you agree with the science, you should probably be doing more of what she is doing.
She is repeating what she has learned from the world's scientists. What is wrong with that? Their agenda appears to be saving the human race from enormous harm. What is your agenda?

Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha so the world MUST listen to an AUTISTIC girl with ZERO demonstrated science understanding of the topic.

No evidence of a developing climate harm has been found it is all models and delusions all the time.

Where is the Climate Emergency?

A sampling from the most feared article in the world.





lot more in the link.


You might be in love with her to be such a suck up for her.......
As I crack the throttle of my snowmobile, I don't have a single thought of Greta.

Why isn't the left criticizing Biden for having a gas guzzling Corvette?

If the elites can enjoy stamping their massive carbon footprint, I will feel no guilt enjoying how I live as my footprint is that of an ant in comparison.
Come on Petro, you know that THEIR CO2 isn't harmful!!

One thousand five hundred private jets flown by Globalist elites to a conference so they can all get together and come up with a plan to convince the rest of us about all sacrifices we need to make for them.
Those are not peer-reviewed studies. They contain no data, no methodology, and no statistical analysis. They are in popular media, not scholarly journals. The USA Today logo should have been a clue to that.

But if that's all you got . . .

First chart of your first link:


Take it as a fair comparison, which it isn't, but for the sake of argument: The EV's carbon footprint is about 22 tons of carbon in a vehicle's lifetime and the ICEV has a footprint of about 43. So the EV has just under half the footprint. Not nearly enough to turn the economy upside down for.

Going by the vehicle lifetime is completely misleading. It would be more honest to go by the first five years, or the first ten years, or by the mile. At that point EV's are ready to be scrapped or at least in need of a new battery, which will prompt most drivers to buy new, while a car will last much longer, thus adding to its lifetime, thus adding to its CO2 emissions.


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That you posit this as some sort of simplistic battle between left wing and right only indicates the degree to which you are a true believer.

The actual issue has to do with powerful elites vs ordinary people. Now, you have certainly taken the side of the powerful elites and in doing so, aligned yourself with the least truly liberal forces on the planet. That is certainly your prerogative, but your support for a world divided between an all- powerful aristocracy and powerless little peons has more to do with your gullibility and ultra-conformity than it does political ideology.
You started it fool.
Those are not peer-reviewed studies. They contain no data, no methodology, and no statistical analysis. They are in popular media, not scholarly journals. The USA Today logo should have been a clue to that.

But if that's all you got . . .

First chart of your first link:

View attachment 748113

Take it as a fair comparison, which it isn't, but for the sake of argument: The EV's carbon footprint is about 22 tons of carbon in a vehicle's lifetime and the ICEV has a footprint of about 43. So the EV has just under half the footprint. Not nearly enough to turn the economy upside down for.

Going by the vehicle lifetime is completely misleading. It would be more honest to go by the first five years, or the first ten years, or by the mile. At that point EV's are ready to be scrapped or at least in need of a new battery, which will prompt most drivers to buy new, while a car will last much longer, thus adding to its lifetime, thus adding to its CO2 emissions.
Here is the listed source for the first article:


IEA analysis based on IEA (2020c); Kelly et al. (2020); Argonne National Laboratory (2020).
She is repeating what she has learned from the world's scientists. What is wrong with that? Their agenda appears to be saving the human race from enormous harm. What is your agenda?
she is repeating what the people who sponsor her want her to say....and im sure they are making money along the way....
No one is sponsoring her aside from her parents. She has accepted pay from no one.
yea sure she doesnt.....who pays her expenses riding around on those nice jets? about when she gets to were she is sure buy these activists bullshit dont you?...

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