Do You Rely On Greta Thunberg?

Yes, but we don't think she's a climate scientist. Personally, I think the hostility she gets from you folks tells me a lot more about you than it does about her.
It tells me I am tired of baseless propaganda. I get enough from the Democrats and media. I don't need a child from Sweden to give me any more.
His lifestyle and those of all the virtue signaling elites will always be a life of waste and extravagance while expecting you to live with minimal necessities.
Screw those assholes.
I will change nothing in my life to pander to hypocrites who consume massive resources.
Biden only drove that overpriced toy for a fucking stupid photo op.
That vehicle is just as wasteful as any gas powered pickup and you only delude yourself thinking otherwise.
Do you like Trump? According to Forbes, Trump is worth $3.2 billion (though Trump himself gives much higher values). Forbes tells us that Biden is worth $8 million. Does that mean anything to you?
Do you like Trump? According to Forbes, Trump is worth $3.2 billion (though Trump himself gives much higher values). Forbes tells us that Biden is worth $8 million. Does that mean anything to you?
Not really.
He is not the one telling me to change my lifestyle.
Rich liberals are.
Not really.
He is not the one telling me to change my lifestyle.
Rich liberals are.
The scientists that are telling us that we all need to change our lifestyles are of all political positions and damned few of them are rich.
The scientists that are telling us that we all need to change our lifestyles are of all political positions and damned few of them are rich.
I will not change my lifestyle and folks are just gonna have to accept that.

Do You Rely On Greta Thunberg?​

Do you believe Klaus Schwab and those who visit Davos annually have humanity's best interests in mind?
i have as much evidence that you have that she isnt being controlled by older people....
I have no evidence either way but, then, I haven't looked. Should I assume from this answer that you do not actually have any such evidence?

Do You Rely On Greta Thunberg?​

Do you believe Klaus Schwab and those who visit Davos annually have humanity's best interests in mind?
Don't you find it interesting that the globalist elites with the very BIGGEST carbon footprints in the world are flying this little troll doll all over to further their agenda and not one single mindless leftist in this forum has the intelligence necessary to note the irony?
She's telling us to listen to the scientists. So are a lot of other people. That isn't bad advice.

Thats her style and it sucks

The scientists are not promising the end of the world

But she is
Don't you find it interesting that the globalist elites with the very BIGGEST carbon footprints in the world are flying this little troll doll all over to further their agenda and not one single mindless leftist in this forum has the intelligence necessary to note the irony?
How do you know who is paying to fly her around? I don't think you do. Up until recently, she was under 18 and her parents paid for all her travel and accomodations.

For those not in the know, this guy explains WEF's agenda (climate change) narrative.

How do you know who is paying to fly her around? I don't think you do. Up until recently, she was under 18 and her parents paid for all her travel and accomodations.

Klaus paid for her airfare in baggage class and put her up in backpacker hostels. No wonder she's a pissed off angry young girl (puppet).
Klaus paid for her airfare in baggage class and put her up in backpacker hostels. No wonder she's a pissed off angry young girl (puppet).
Where is your evidence of that? I see she is going to meet with him and Christine Lagarde in Davos. Perhaps he has offered her those things to facilitate the meeting.

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