Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
My wife's friend (who is an AF Dependent Wife and Japanese) worked at a WalMart for a year or so when her husband was stationed at nearby Andrews AFB. They promoted her real quick and wanted to put her into Management but she turned it down.

She said working for WalMart was ok it's just the workers there are just too lazy and stupid (Well, she used Polite Japanese to describe them but that's basically what she said) . She said that she was called upon to finish up what the workers couldn't do (which was often) and apparently was fast tracked for management because of that.

She was real happy to leave.

I try not to shop at WalMart so we go to Giant and Wegmans instead but we do occasionally stop in for one or two items on the way home from somewhere.

My impression of WalMart is that it's a filthy, Illegal Alien magnet. Whenever I'm in there I just wanna' get the f*ck out as soon as possible.
A friend's brother is a professor at Columbia and lives in Manhattan. He asks her to go to Wal-Mart and buy him toiletries and other daily necessities and bring them to him when she goes to New York. I'd never heard of such a thing until she told us.

any idea how much stuff costs in manhattan? Hell... the doorman at the home depot had a long dress coat, cap...and gloves!!

I think it says it all when the Home Depot has a doorman in the first place. My local Home Depot has a bunch of people in jeans and orange aprons, and automatic doors.
A friend's brother is a professor at Columbia and lives in Manhattan. He asks her to go to Wal-Mart and buy him toiletries and other daily necessities and bring them to him when she goes to New York. I'd never heard of such a thing until she told us.

I was in Manhattan in 2002. The cheapest a coffee shop or net cafe had online usage was for $15 for 10 minutes. That's base cost. I think I found somewhere else that was $20-$25 for an hour. Eventually I found a BK by Wall Street that gave a free half hour with an order. But it was a long way from Time Square.

You're shitting me. Every coffee shop, bookstore, and fast food restaurant in my city - plus many other businesses - have free Wifi, and will happily let you sit there all damned day, so long as you're quiet and behave yourself. Most of them don't care if you buy anything, either.

I will say that the mall nearest my house limits the amount of time you can use their Wifi, but since their food court has a McDonald's that's hooked up for unlimited Wifi, it's not exactly an issue.
My wife's friend (who is an AF Dependent Wife and Japanese) worked at a WalMart for a year or so when her husband was stationed at nearby Andrews AFB. They promoted her real quick and wanted to put her into Management but she turned it down.

She said working for WalMart was ok it's just the workers there are just too lazy and stupid (Well, she used Polite Japanese to describe them but that's basically what she said) . She said that she was called upon to finish up what the workers couldn't do (which was often) and apparently was fast tracked for management because of that.

She was real happy to leave.

I try not to shop at WalMart so we go to Giant and Wegmans instead but we do occasionally stop in for one or two items on the way home from somewhere.

My impression of WalMart is that it's a filthy, Illegal Alien magnet. Whenever I'm in there I just wanna' get the f*ck out as soon as possible.

This just means you live in a shitty area. Try to improve yourself and do better. Good luck.
A friend's brother is a professor at Columbia and lives in Manhattan. He asks her to go to Wal-Mart and buy him toiletries and other daily necessities and bring them to him when she goes to New York. I'd never heard of such a thing until she told us.

any idea how much stuff costs in manhattan? Hell... the doorman at the home depot had a long dress coat, cap...and gloves!!

I think it says it all when the Home Depot has a doorman in the first place. My local Home Depot has a bunch of people in jeans and orange aprons, and automatic doors.

i was rather amused myself.

Uh...yes, they are the ONLY incomes they have. Period.
I have a problem with 10 year olds working 14 hour days - obviously you do not.

if they are 10 year olds it is not their primary income

and I wasreall referring to Wal mart employees

WalMart employees are not the reason WalMart is successful.
WalMart is successful because they sell products Americans want at the lowest price possible. Which means 10 year olds working 14 hour days. Which means slave labor, people earning $.12 an hour living on dirt floors...all so you can buy a new Mattell toy for $4 instead of $5.99.
this is where you bleeding heart liberals dont think it throu .
sure you can buy a new matell toy in walmart for $4 that would cost you $5.99 in others stores .
that matell toy sold in *other stores *is made in the same factory that makes the walmart one is and the 10 yr olds are working the same 14 hour day / the only differance is the mark up .
if you dont want to buy a product that is made by 10 yr olds working 14 hr a day you wont buy that produce in ANY store

wake up and smell the roses
I shop at walmart or what ever store has the item i want at the best price dont give a shit of the workers are union or not dont really care if they are part time full time or just working there for kicks .
most items you buy and i MEAN MOST are made elsewhere in every store at all price ranges
the pay for retail workers is mostly competitive 'in all companies
small mun and pop stores dont pay or have benefits for employees any better than the chains .
the idea that if you buy a product in a high class store say **macys** the product is made in american and the workers are union getting above minimun wage and benefits nothing can be further from the truth .
and before you knock walmart any more dont forget that company has job opening for retiries / students and mothers who can only work certain hours .. not many big companies do that ..

where do you think APPLE PRODUCTS the adult toys many are so fond of made ??

why in china or course and the workers toil under the same conditions as those that produce items for sale in walmart t

Jobs was a darling of the left making his money the same way as the walton family does if you really believe in what you say dont buy apple products .

stop picking on walmart cus they dont have a union ..
Just reading this at Huffpo and looking at the comments. Made me wonder if people who disapprove of Walmart still shop there.

Walmart's Internal Compensation Documents Reveal Systematic Limit On Advancement

You could almost predict it. A new union assault on Walmart. Does anyone think that unionized Walmart would make things cheaper? What does the word "shop" mean anyway? I get stuff at Walmart and I shop at Tiffany's. So how is it anyone's business but mine?

are you kidding...its union business becasue its money!!! The union is looking at the dues 1% of America... 1.4 million people...would bring in to their coffers.

they could give a shit about the workers.
I cannot vote, Amelia. The choices are too drastic. I do not shop at Wal*Mart, but I frequently pop in and out to pick up something that I cannot find at Costco. I do this with Publix, also.

So, technically, I do shop there, but I don't shop there. ;)

I bought my son's Halloween costume there, only place that had a Ninja costume. First time I had been in Walmart in about six months.
I don't like to support them, plus anytime I go in there the place pisses me off.

ooohh..... off topic... does he like ninja things?

He does. I will have to PM you the best story.
I do shop at K Mart here in Oz .... electronics are cheaper ...why not ... make up too
I will not buy bird seed or tools from Walmart. They are of a poor quality and the bird seed is filled with millet I like black oil. Walmart has too many twigs that get stuck in my feeder.
I will not buy bird seed or tools from Walmart. They are of a poor quality and the bird seed is filled with millet I like black oil. Walmart has too many twigs that get stuck in my feeder.

Imas cat food is iams cat food.....

some things walmart is good for... some not.

same as everywhere else.

so campbell's soup is a different campbells soup at walmart? How about gurbers baby food and pampers? Tide detergent and Dawn dishwashing liquid?

the list is endless... National brands are national brand products. The dont come from china either.

Can get any and all of that stuff at my local grocery store or even Kroger if I want to shop more upscale. I'm talking about crappy Wal-Mart brands like Mainstays and the like.

I only concern myself for getting the quality that I pay for, the rest is irrelevant. Based on what I've bought from Wal-Mart in the past, this has not been the case by and large.

Walmart does not just offer crappy walmart brands. I am not talking about that stuff

I make my comparisons with the exact same thing i get at lucky, safeway, wall greens, target ect. You cant beat walmart prices on national brand stuff.

I too purchase for quality... and can afford anything i want. And still shop at walmart. Why... becasue its the same thing at a better price.

I would be all for low prices if the stuff I bought from lasted half as long as advertised. That's my problem with Wal-mart and it's not just one store. Maybe its just my personally poor experiences with, but when you go to any store expecting to get the bang for your buck and you don't even get half that, the natural thing to do is stop shopping there. Period.
While this will never happen, could you imagine if everyone in the US had an advanced degree and wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or wanted some other high profile job? Who would work at Walmart or any of the low paying jobs? There is a point when we need to ask ourselves if people who work full-time deserve a certain level of compensation. This doesn't mean that a Walmart worker should make as much as the store manager. But if they work full-time, should they not earn enough to pay their rent, put food on the table, and be covered by adequate health insurance? These are simple basics that I believe everyone should receive if they work for a living.

I do not believe that an advanced degree is a guarantee for a job or position, it merely qualifies a person for a specific position.

Sure if a person works full time they should get the rewards that come with that position. Should someone does not and finds that untenable they should leave or find alternative employment. This shell game of switching hours or compelling employees to do more than they get paid for is a very old one. There are laws to protect employees and there is the free market to get a job or start a business. The world does not care whether I succeeded or have enough to pay my rent, that is my responsibility. I need to use all that is at my disposable whether it be job assistance, returning to school, working several jobs or whatever the situation calls for in order to maintain myself and survive in this world.

The US became the superpower that it is behind its middle class. That middle class was created by demanding that American workers be paid fair and reasonable wages for the work they did. We no longer back the American worker, and because of this, we are losing the middle class. The funniest thing about it is that we blame the poor workers for all of it. American business continues to shoot itself in the foot for the long run in the name of instant profit for the short run.

A "fair" wage has nothing to do with an employee's needs. Rather it has everything to do with the value of his/her services. Period.
I do not believe that an advanced degree is a guarantee for a job or position, it merely qualifies a person for a specific position.

Sure if a person works full time they should get the rewards that come with that position. Should someone does not and finds that untenable they should leave or find alternative employment. This shell game of switching hours or compelling employees to do more than they get paid for is a very old one. There are laws to protect employees and there is the free market to get a job or start a business. The world does not care whether I succeeded or have enough to pay my rent, that is my responsibility. I need to use all that is at my disposable whether it be job assistance, returning to school, working several jobs or whatever the situation calls for in order to maintain myself and survive in this world.

The US became the superpower that it is behind its middle class. That middle class was created by demanding that American workers be paid fair and reasonable wages for the work they did. We no longer back the American worker, and because of this, we are losing the middle class. The funniest thing about it is that we blame the poor workers for all of it. American business continues to shoot itself in the foot for the long run in the name of instant profit for the short run.

A "fair" wage has nothing to do with an employee's needs. Rather it has everything to do with the value of his/her services. Period.

So you are good with Chinese people getting 50 cents an hour living in dorms etc.. so you can save a few cents on some product? How do you feel about child labor?

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