Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
We needed new drip pans for our electric range, and I checked at Lowe's, Home Depot, and a local supplier, but when they had ones that fit our stove, they were so expensive I just couldn't see laying out the money. So I resigned myself to cleaning up the ones I had that are really past redemption and just continue to use them. I was in the neighborhood so stopped at Wal-mart to buy a pumpkin--they had a large supply--and decided to check out their drip pans. I found a whole set of drip pans that fit my stove, and were perfectly satisfactory, for $6.98. All the other places wanted up to $30. And while not everything you buy at Wal-mart is going to be a bargain, it is precisely that kind of thing that makes them perhaps the most successful retailer the world has ever known.

I'll be going back there today or tomorrow to acquire a new tablecloth for Thanksgiving.
We needed new drip pans for our electric range, and I checked at Lowe's, Home Depot, and a local supplier, but when they had ones that fit our stove, they were so expensive I just couldn't see laying out the money. So I resigned myself to cleaning up the ones I had that are really past redemption and just continue to use them. I was in the neighborhood so stopped at Wal-mart to buy a pumpkin--they had a large supply--and decided to check out their drip pans. I found a whole set of drip pans that fit my stove, and were perfectly satisfactory, for $6.98. All the other places wanted up to $30. And while not everything you buy at Wal-mart is going to be a bargain, it is precisely that kind of thing that makes them perhaps the most successful retailer the world has ever known.

I'll be going back there today or tomorrow to acquire a new tablecloth for Thanksgiving.

Exactly. I can't tell you how many times I've bought something and then found it for more than 50 percent cheaper at Wal Mart. More often than not, I'll hold off on buying something til I've seen what Wal Mart has. The exception I'll make is when I'm putting a premium on quality. I've bought bikes at Wal Mart and they've fallen apart fast or not rode so well. This last time, I paid the premium for a bike at Target and I'm much happier with my purchase.
I pay for atmosphere and ambience in things like restaurants and movie theatres. In choosing between WalMart and Target, assuming we're talking about the ones that are both on my side of town? Puhleeze. That's like talking about whether McDonald's or Burger King has the prettier drive-through. Who cares?

Admittedly, I wouldn't shop at the WalMart OR the Target on the other side of town, but that's because my car might not be there when I come back out.

You may live in a town with a high quality Wal Mart. Let me tell you that there is a big difference in most Wal Marts and Targets.

Targets are:

- Cleaner
- Have better trained and more professional workers
- Are less crowded
- Have higher quality products
- Have less grungy people hanging out at them

Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.

I'd have to agree with TGG.

Walmart is below Target for "shopping experience" i.e. cleanliness, crowds, quality and staff. However, it does hold a much higher standard than KMart.

The one area that I would say Walmart kicks butt in is selection. Walmart offers so much more than Target.

As Wal-Mart destroys it competitors, it no longer needs to offer as much variety or even as low price.

You mean there is no sears, Meijer, cosco, Publix, ect ect ect ?

No, that's not what I mean.
There are no Albertson's, Food World, Food Lion, Save-A-Lot, Shop n' Save. Very few Winn-Dixie compared to a few years ago.

Now it's mostly Wal*Mart and Publix in Florida, with Costco doing well everywhere it has a warehouse.
As usual, Oddball is talking out his ass.

It is a FACT that Wal*Mart has re-designed most of their stores (it's ongoing), converting them to have less variety within product. Instead of offering 5-7 varieties, they offer 2-3, with one being Great Value.
You mean there is no sears, Meijer, cosco, Publix, ect ect ect ?

No, that's not what I mean.
There are no Albertson's, Food World, Food Lion, Save-A-Lot, Shop n' Save. Very few Winn-Dixie compared to a few years ago.

Now it's mostly Wal*Mart and Publix in Florida, with Costco doing well everywhere it has a warehouse.

Gotta love Costo and its "Kirkland" brand. :) Local company does good, even despite shareholder whining about its higher wages.

PS: Walmart, now, not Wal*Mart. They finally got with the program: no extended charaters, punctuation, nor wingdings in logos / trademarks!!! They're learning. :)
You may live in a town with a high quality Wal Mart. Let me tell you that there is a big difference in most Wal Marts and Targets.

Targets are:

- Cleaner
- Have better trained and more professional workers
- Are less crowded
- Have higher quality products
- Have less grungy people hanging out at them

Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.

I'd have to agree with TGG.

Walmart is below Target for "shopping experience" i.e. cleanliness, crowds, quality and staff. However, it does hold a much higher standard than KMart.

The one area that I would say Walmart kicks butt in is selection. Walmart offers so much more than Target.


Yea. K Mart is the worst. I'm surprised they're still in business. I thought they'd go out of business some years back when their stock went under a buck. They must've did a chapter 11 and restructured.
You may live in a town with a high quality Wal Mart. Let me tell you that there is a big difference in most Wal Marts and Targets.

Targets are:

- Cleaner
- Have better trained and more professional workers
- Are less crowded
- Have higher quality products
- Have less grungy people hanging out at them

Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.

I'd have to agree with TGG.

Walmart is below Target for "shopping experience" i.e. cleanliness, crowds, quality and staff. However, it does hold a much higher standard than KMart.

The one area that I would say Walmart kicks butt in is selection. Walmart offers so much more than Target.


As far as selection, cleanliness, convenience, and customer service there isn't that much difference between a Target and a Wal-mart in our area. We do seem to find what we are looking for at a good price at Wal-mart more consistently than we do at Target. And on a personal note, we now go exclusively to Wal-mart as a preference because they still invite the Salvation Army bell ringers at Christmas and Target tossed them out. For us it is a grand tradition and Christmas just isn't the same without them.
Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.

I'd have to agree with TGG.

Walmart is below Target for "shopping experience" i.e. cleanliness, crowds, quality and staff. However, it does hold a much higher standard than KMart.

The one area that I would say Walmart kicks butt in is selection. Walmart offers so much more than Target.


Yea. K Mart is the worst. I'm surprised they're still in business. I thought they'd go out of business some years back when their stock went under a buck. They must've did a chapter 11 and restructured.

They bought Sears, leveraged and pilfered it for operating cash. Now both are in a squeeze.
Why do you feel bullied?

Have you ever crossed a picket line? I have and those refusing to do their jobs like to try and intimidate others who want to work.

If they are breaking the law you should call the cops. If they are just hurting your feelings then you're a pussy.

They didn't stop me from crossing the picket line so I don't give a shit. Again I have no respect for any picket line never did never will.

How many businessmen organize picket lines in front of other businesses to protest a price?
Why would that be effective? Should the tactics employees use to get the deal they want be determined by what would be best used by their employers in negotiation with other businesses? That wouldn't even make sense.

Hey idiot you're the one who compared walking off a job and attempting to shut down a business to a business person renegotiating with a vendor not me.
I wouldn't shop at any store who's employees strike on Black Friday.

Sorry. I get that way whenever I have to waste my time at HuffPo.

I would shop there because employees were on strike.

I refuse to respect picket lines. And If I needed a job I would cross a picket line to get work.
Scab pos.

Yeah call a guy who wants to work a scab and call people who walk off a job heroes.

When is your welfare check coming in you fucking leech?
If the store had the lowest price on something that I wanted yes I would. For those who feel victimized by Walmart's practices I suggest they make themselves better equipped for the job market. Opportunities are plentiful for those who possess the best qualifications, market themselves well and have the wherewithal to commit to what the job market demands.

What dream world do you live in? I'm 51 and have tried to get a job since the economy tanked in '08. Well educated, experienced, but yet never even get in for an interview after submitting enough resumes to wall paper a house.

I can commiserate with that. Best of luck to you in your search.

Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.

I'd have to agree with TGG.

Walmart is below Target for "shopping experience" i.e. cleanliness, crowds, quality and staff. However, it does hold a much higher standard than KMart.

The one area that I would say Walmart kicks butt in is selection. Walmart offers so much more than Target.


As far as selection, cleanliness, convenience, and customer service there isn't that much difference between a Target and a Wal-mart in our area. We do seem to find what we are looking for at a good price at Wal-mart more consistently than we do at Target. And on a personal note, we now go exclusively to Wal-mart as a preference because they still invite the Salvation Army bell ringers at Christmas and Target tossed them out. For us it is a grand tradition and Christmas just isn't the same without them.

Here the Targets seem to be much cleaner, but as I think about it that may be a function of how full they pack their stores. In Target there are wide aisles... i.e. actually big enough for at least two carts to pass each other going in opposite directions whereas in Walmart, if someone is already in the aisle and stopped to look at an item and you just want to go through to the next section, you have to find an aisle that no one has stopped in to get by and sometimes that can be a challenge. :)

Sorry for those who are out of work. Some of you who really will take a job below what your experience and credentials qualify you for, I have been counseling folks to dress down their resumes. There are some places who are hiring but there are so many looking for work that employers can be really picky. And they aren't likely to consider a highly qualified applicant for a lesser job because they know that person will be gone just as soon as there is a better offer. So they focus on people who aren't as likely to get a better offer and therefore will be more likley to stick around after they are trained and get good at their jobs.

And that would include a lot of Wal-mart jobs.

When my older sister and her husband retired from the New Mexico school system some years ago--back when the economy was still good--he was superintendent of schools; she has a master's degree in music and was a top vocal teacher in the state at the time they retired--they were too young to draw social security and they wanted to make a little easy mad money above their retirement income to pay for medical insurance, travel, etc. So they tried several different things, but didn't want to work full time, so they thought that well, they could be greeters at Wal-mart.

They applied to be part-time greeters, and were hired immediately; however with their experience and credentials Wal-mart wanted them to have more responsibility. Because my BIL was a football coach before he went into administration, they put him in charge of the sports department. My sister was assigned to work in the music, video, electronics area. to make a long story short, they both found themselves with more responsibility than they really wanted and they quit. But their experience put to rest all the mostly erroneous stories that Wal-mart doesn't promote its people.

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