Do you shop at Walmart?

Do you shop at Walmart?

  • Yes

    Votes: 78 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 48 38.1%

  • Total voters
I'll spend $14 on a pair of shoes at Wal Mart and they'll last like 3 or 4 months. I'll spend $25 on a pair of shoes at Target and they'll last for more than a year. Sometimes you do get more bang for your buck at other places. But if you need something cheap as a band aid then go to Wal Mart.

I have found that the work boots WalMart sells are just as good as the rest of the typical boots. Until you get into the truly high-end stuff (think Red Wing), they're all similar quality. Other than the laces ($2), the $65 Brahmas held up just as well as the $110 Wolverines.

Good to know. The shoes I've bought at Wal Mart that wore out fast, I used to cross train and play basketball. Perhaps they would have lasted longer for casual use. And I've had shoes from other places wear out fast too.

Oh, well, serious athletic shoes, yeah. I'm at the DSW for those, looking for the right orthopedic support. I wouldn't get THAT stuff at ANY discount department store.
Walmart hires most people part time to avoid giving them health insurance.

Walmart hires most people part time because the government gives Walmart incentives to do that.

yes !!!!this is especially so now with Obozocare requiring health insurance for full time employess.
part time help is common in the retail industry .
some folks like students, seniors, at home mothers ,and the disabled cant work full time make all employees full time and you deny work to those in the lower income bracket who need it
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a just one more ina long line of negative threads about walmart

instead of that what about some of the positives ,

they provide muchandise at a price those in the lower income bracket can afford
they do a lot of charity work
they employ the handicap as greeters
they employ the elderly who cant work top many hours for health reasons be in danger of losing govt benefits ,
they bring other business to the area
provide work for the support industries
they provide employment for those with limited education and provide opportunities /education to advance

they along with most of the other retail outlets DONT HAVE UNION workers .

what a fucking shame for those socialists amongst us who want to run every body else business but dont have one of there own .
no lets end this bullshit if you dont like there products /business /practices

same reason i avoid companys with union restictions on there services & products
Cost is ALWAYS a major concern. You don't get rich and stay rich by saying, "I can afford to pay more for the same thing, because this dump isn't classy enough for me." You get rich and stay rich by understanding the difference between cheap and inexpensive, and ignoring the ambience, since you're not taking THAT home with you, anyway.

People pay for atmosphere and enjoyment and value. I shop at Wal Mart more. But I enjoy shopping at Target much more. Saving marginal amounts of money is not everyone's chief concern all the time.

I pay for atmosphere and ambience in things like restaurants and movie theatres. In choosing between WalMart and Target, assuming we're talking about the ones that are both on my side of town? Puhleeze. That's like talking about whether McDonald's or Burger King has the prettier drive-through. Who cares?

Admittedly, I wouldn't shop at the WalMart OR the Target on the other side of town, but that's because my car might not be there when I come back out.

You may live in a town with a high quality Wal Mart. Let me tell you that there is a big difference in most Wal Marts and Targets.

Targets are:

- Cleaner
- Have better trained and more professional workers
- Are less crowded
- Have higher quality products
- Have less grungy people hanging out at them
People pay for atmosphere and enjoyment and value. I shop at Wal Mart more. But I enjoy shopping at Target much more. Saving marginal amounts of money is not everyone's chief concern all the time.

I pay for atmosphere and ambience in things like restaurants and movie theatres. In choosing between WalMart and Target, assuming we're talking about the ones that are both on my side of town? Puhleeze. That's like talking about whether McDonald's or Burger King has the prettier drive-through. Who cares?

Admittedly, I wouldn't shop at the WalMart OR the Target on the other side of town, but that's because my car might not be there when I come back out.

You may live in a town with a high quality Wal Mart. Let me tell you that there is a big difference in most Wal Marts and Targets.

Targets are:

- Cleaner
- Have better trained and more professional workers
- Are less crowded
- Have higher quality products
- Have less grungy people hanging out at them

Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.
I pay for atmosphere and ambience in things like restaurants and movie theatres. In choosing between WalMart and Target, assuming we're talking about the ones that are both on my side of town? Puhleeze. That's like talking about whether McDonald's or Burger King has the prettier drive-through. Who cares?

Admittedly, I wouldn't shop at the WalMart OR the Target on the other side of town, but that's because my car might not be there when I come back out.

You may live in a town with a high quality Wal Mart. Let me tell you that there is a big difference in most Wal Marts and Targets.

Targets are:

- Cleaner
- Have better trained and more professional workers
- Are less crowded
- Have higher quality products
- Have less grungy people hanging out at them

Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.

I've done the country tour of both those stores dude. You clearly are not a very observant person if you disagree.
I wouldn't shop at any store who's employees strike on Black Friday.

Sorry. I get that way whenever I have to waste my time at HuffPo.

I would shop there because employees were on strike.

I refuse to respect picket lines. And If I needed a job I would cross a picket line to get work.
Just reading this at Huffpo and looking at the comments. Made me wonder if people who disapprove of Walmart still shop there.

Walmart's Internal Compensation Documents Reveal Systematic Limit On Advancement

I shop at Wal-Mart rarely. Maybe twice a year. I fucking hate going there. They do everything they can to make the shopping experience as miserable as possible. These are my three main complaints:
a) They clutter the aisles with as many promotion and sales racks as possible, making it a royal pain in the ass to manoevre through the store (esp. when its crowded and there are dozens of fat asses, perfectly able to walk, riding on the stores motorized carts). They only offer one size buggy - big ass - so that adds to the problem.
b) They understaff the cash registers. Although they have about 40 or so registers, rarely are more than 10 in use, and usually only 4 or 5. It takes for frickin ever to get through the line.
c) They treat you like a criminal on the way out. Every time my receipt is "checked" on the way out - but "checking" really means you just hand it to someone and they glance at it. They don't verify each item in the cart is on the receipt, so they are actually treating you like a criminal with no actual purpose other than to treat you like a criminal.

If Wal-Mart didn't have those three things I'd probably shop there a lot more often. Its awfully convenient to have all that crap under one roof so I don't have to make multiple stops, but its such a royal pain in the frickin ass to shop there I try to avoid it whenever I can.
I wouldn't shop at any store who's employees strike on Black Friday.

Sorry. I get that way whenever I have to waste my time at HuffPo.

I would shop there because employees were on strike.

I refuse to respect picket lines. And If I needed a job I would cross a picket line to get work.
Why do you hate employees?

I don't hate anyone but I will not be bullied into changing my behavior.

If you don't like your job, then quit. If I needed a job and a bunch of people were refusing to work I would sure as hell cross a picket line because I would never never walk off a job I agreed to work.
I would shop there because employees were on strike.

I refuse to respect picket lines. And If I needed a job I would cross a picket line to get work.
Why do you hate employees?

I don't hate anyone but I will not be bullied into changing my behavior.

Why do you feel bullied?

If you don't like your job, then quit. If I needed a job and a bunch of people were refusing to work I would sure as hell cross a picket line because I would never never walk off a job I agreed to work.

Ahh. So you only hate employees that wish to negotiate better compensation with their employers.

Do you also hate businessmen who try to negotiate a better price for goods they buy from other businessmen? Or is their only option for a price they don't like to simply to not buy the good?
You may live in a town with a high quality Wal Mart. Let me tell you that there is a big difference in most Wal Marts and Targets.

Targets are:

- Cleaner
- Have better trained and more professional workers
- Are less crowded
- Have higher quality products
- Have less grungy people hanging out at them

Your full of shit. never have I ever had this experience and I have been ion more target and wal-marts then most people will ever.

I've done the country tour of both those stores dude. You clearly are not a very observant person if you disagree.

Bullshit. Thats right I am calling out your bullshit. What makes wal-mart more dirty???? The fact that its blue and not red??????? Or that the people care more? Cause Wal-mart has more adults working for them?
I wouldn't shop at any store who's employees strike on Black Friday.

Sorry. I get that way whenever I have to waste my time at HuffPo.

I would shop there because employees were on strike.

I refuse to respect picket lines. And If I needed a job I would cross a picket line to get work.

I make a point of shopping at businesses where the unions are on strike. I got a bit further though, I look at labels. If there is an indication it was made in a union shop, I won't buy it. I'll pay more for an import than something made by a union. I once changed check out lines at the supermarket just because I didn't want to stand in the same line as a man wearing an SEIU purple shirt.
Why do you hate employees?

I don't hate anyone but I will not be bullied into changing my behavior.

Why do you feel bullied?

Have you ever crossed a picket line? I have and those refusing to do their jobs like to try and intimidate others who want to work.

If you don't like your job, then quit. If I needed a job and a bunch of people were refusing to work I would sure as hell cross a picket line because I would never never walk off a job I agreed to work.

Ahh. So you only hate employees that wish to negotiate better compensation with their employers.

Shutting down a business is not negotiating. If you accepted a job offer then you also agreed to work under the terms of the job offer. An honorable person does what he says he'll do.

If you want to renegotiate then fine go ahead but show up for work while you are renegotiating and if you and your employer can't come to an agreement then you give notice and quit your job.

Do you also hate businessmen who try to negotiate a better price for goods they buy from other businessmen? Or is their only option for a price they don't like to simply to not buy the good?

How many businessmen organize picket lines in front of other businesses to protest a price?

If you don't like the price you're paying and a vendor won't negotiate then you find another vendor and in the cases , as with some of the stuff I buy, where there is only one source you sometimes have to pay up but I'm not going to have a hundred people march in front of another company because I don't like the prices there.
Walmart hires most people part time to avoid giving them health insurance.

Walmart hires most people part time because the government gives Walmart incentives to do that.

Good point. More of those unintended consequences. Government do-gooding making it uneconomical for employers to give people enough hours to empower them to purchase things which would improve their lives.

Are you claiming that before Obamacare Wal*Mart hired people for fulltime work to supply them with benefits?
I don't hate anyone but I will not be bullied into changing my behavior.

Why do you feel bullied?

Have you ever crossed a picket line? I have and those refusing to do their jobs like to try and intimidate others who want to work.

If they are breaking the law you should call the cops. If they are just hurting your feelings then you're a pussy.

How many businessmen organize picket lines in front of other businesses to protest a price?
Why would that be effective? Should the tactics employees use to get the deal they want be determined by what would be best used by their employers in negotiation with other businesses? That wouldn't even make sense.
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I find the walmart merchandise doesn't last long to be complete bullshit. I had a pair of Levi jeans I paid 40 dollars for and I have a pair of jeans from Walmart I paid 13 dollars for.....I still have the cheap jeans the levi's didn't last long.

I'll spend $14 on a pair of shoes at Wal Mart and they'll last like 3 or 4 months. I'll spend $25 on a pair of shoes at Target and they'll last for more than a year. Sometimes you do get more bang for your buck at other places. But if you need something cheap as a band aid then go to Wal Mart.

You really don't care about your foot health, do you?

You are a typical Republican: penny wise and pound foolish.
I find the walmart merchandise doesn't last long to be complete bullshit. I had a pair of Levi jeans I paid 40 dollars for and I have a pair of jeans from Walmart I paid 13 dollars for.....I still have the cheap jeans the levi's didn't last long.

I'll spend $14 on a pair of shoes at Wal Mart and they'll last like 3 or 4 months. I'll spend $25 on a pair of shoes at Target and they'll last for more than a year. Sometimes you do get more bang for your buck at other places. But if you need something cheap as a band aid then go to Wal Mart.

Before WalMart completely gutted their shoe department, I routinely bought everyday slip-ons there for $10, and was still wearing them over a year later. Gotta know how to pick your shoes.

I find the walmart merchandise doesn't last long to be complete bullshit. I had a pair of Levi jeans I paid 40 dollars for and I have a pair of jeans from Walmart I paid 13 dollars for.....I still have the cheap jeans the levi's didn't last long.

I'll spend $14 on a pair of shoes at Wal Mart and they'll last like 3 or 4 months. I'll spend $25 on a pair of shoes at Target and they'll last for more than a year. Sometimes you do get more bang for your buck at other places. But if you need something cheap as a band aid then go to Wal Mart.

Before WalMart completely gutted their shoe department, I routinely bought everyday slip-ons there for $10, and was still wearing them over a year later. Gotta know how to pick your shoes.

As Wal-Mart destroys it competitors, it no longer needs to offer as much variety or even as low price.

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