Do You Smoke Pot/Weed?

Do you smoke Pot/Weed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • I used to

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • I tried it once or twice. Got nothing out of it.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
People that have the guts to face life with no "assistance" (Anathema) are dealing with their demon head on.
And he's 100% correct (as I am) about people. People don't care

For me it's mostly about what I feel the proper way of dealing with things is. That way is not ignoring or finding ways to avoid the consequences of what YOU have been required to deal with in life. That's YOU, not you and someone rlse or you with the help of...

I have found that people rarely uf ever provide assistance withoit some ulterior motive. I have no interest in spending my time trying to determine thise motives before accepting or declining that assistance, so I just reject it out of hand.
People that have the guts to face life with no "assistance" (Anathema) are dealing with their demon head on.
And he's 100% correct (as I am) about people. People don't care

For me it's mostly about what I feel the proper way of dealing with things is. That way is not ignoring or finding ways to avoid the consequences of what YOU have been required to deal with in life. That's YOU, not you and someone rlse or you with the help of...

I have found that people rarely uf ever provide assistance withoit some ulterior motive. I have no interest in spending my time trying to determine thise motives before accepting or declining that assistance, so I just reject it out of hand.

There is always an ulterior motive.... and, if not, they want to be kind but have limits. Like if it becomes too unpleasant or a burden, they will back off....
Anathema's issue, in my opinion, is not the hand that life has dealt him. We cannot control that. But that he chooses to live with misery and makes no attempt to change anything. He has stated numerous times that he believes that people should live in misery. I cannot disagree more strongly with that sentiment.

WB, you neex to understand that a lot of this has to do with the way I view life itself, and the purpose of life. Again, I have to believe, from your comments, thst you don't believe in an afterlife. I do; and I believe the main factor in what that afterlife is for each person is based upon whether or not you faced the misery, trauma, and despair placed before you in life or if you ignored/bypassed it.

I don't believe that people should be miserable. I believe thst people are supposed to live PROPERLY, by doing whst they SHOULD in life, rather than ehst thry WANT in life, which is generally designed to limit, bypass, or ignore what they SHOULD be doing.
I don't think Anathema feels sorry for himself.

I definitely do not feel sorry for myself. That doesn't mean I necessarily like my lot in life, but it us what it is. In my younger years I did try too change it, without success. I came to understand that we're here for and at the whims of the Divine Powers that created and rule this existence. Our wants and desires mean nothing to them. Our plans abd ideas are nothing. We are here to prove our value to them and nothing more.
Anathema may or may not be a Christian, but this is a basic TRUE Christian concept.

The difference is, you are living for your Creator. Often times, this means living with constant persecution and contempt. Hate and violence. In effect, misery. EXCEPT, if you love God, it will be willing, not pleasant, but a willful sacrifice. But still, misery.

Jesus himself said said in Matthew 10:24 - Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

He also said families would become divided and so on....
PLENTY of people have had much harder times, and they have very good attitudes towards life.

That is largely because they either believe they will be rewarded for ognoring the realities of their life or sone benefactor has given them a handout to make them feel better about themselves.
Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him” (Romans 8:8-9). Those outside of Christ are not of God because their lives are steeped in the things of the world with all its passions, their eyes blind to the Spirit of God. The Apostle John said, “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” but that person’s love “is from the world” (1 John 2:15-16).
PLENTY of people have had much harder times, and they have very good attitudes towards life.

That is largely because they either believe they will be rewarded for ognoring the realities of their life or sone benefactor has given them a handout to make them feel better about themselves.

... also, a "good" attitude is not necessarily a "realistic" attitude.
I've learned something about life. Some people are lucky, some not so much.
The people that are lucky say it's all about attitude. Some of that is true, but, the more things don't break your way, the harder it is to maintain or keep a good attitude.

Anathema has a physical challenge - something he has no choice in the matter. How people treated him because of that was also out of his control. Yet another thing out of his control was someone to teach him how to deal with that in a positive way (possibly, I don't know this for sure, it's an educated guess). But people still want to mock, berate and chastise him. You can make your case as to why he deserves it, but, people should really take time to think things out and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your attitude toward him only reinforces what he already believes.

'deserve' or not may not be exactly right... & you explain a good reason for his demeaner, but not an excuse.
I do think some people have stronger wills and personalities than others

What Anathema says is straight out of the Bible whether he realizes it or not. If you dismiss the Bible and God’s salvation plan, you have every right to live anyway you want.
I’m not saying Anathema is perfect, right, wrong. I’m just saying that he’s living a life based on his experiences and world view. We all do that. Because it doesn’t jive with what others believe they want to try to “correct” him or stand in judgment. Which only perpetuates and feeds what he already believes.
There are no excuses for any sins people commit. There is no way we can be sinless. But even if you are NOT a Christian, approaching your fellow man with love, compassion and understanding can never be a bad thing.
Anathema may or may not be a Christian, but this is a basic TRUE Christian concept.

I'm not. I grew up Christian but moved away from the church as I became an adult and no longer believe thst organized religion of any type is good or proper. I acknowledge a PRIVATE & PERSONAL form of Spirituality as the proper way to see The Divine.
I actually LIKE Oscar (I guess that comes as no surprise!)

I also like Eeyore!

It's funny, I'm actually a pretty happy person. I'm just not a phoney, so, I may come across snobbish in real life because I don't like to make small talk. I don't like to say something unless I really have something to say. Phone calls are very brief if there is no news to discuss. I don't like hearing about mundane things, and I don't like talking about them either....

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