Do You Smoke Pot/Weed?

Do you smoke Pot/Weed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • I used to

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • I tried it once or twice. Got nothing out of it.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
I've learned something about life. Some people are lucky, some not so much.
The people that are lucky say it's all about attitude. Some of that is true, but, the more things don't break your way, the harder it is to maintain or keep a good attitude.

Anathema has a physical challenge - something he has no choice in the matter. How people treated him because of that was also out of his control. Yet another thing out of his control was someone to teach him how to deal with that in a positive way (possibly, I don't know this for sure, it's an educated guess). But people still want to mock, berate and chastise him. You can make your case as to why he deserves it, but, people should really take time to think things out and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your attitude toward him only reinforces what he already believes.

Anathema's issue, in my opinion, is not the hand that life has dealt him. We cannot control that. But that he chooses to live with misery and makes no attempt to change anything. He has stated numerous times that he believes that people should live in misery. I cannot disagree more strongly with that sentiment.

You learn a lot from misery. The should and should nots are not ours to decide.
If he said that everyone SHOULD live in misery, well, I disagree in the sense that that is not his call to make....

I wholeheartedly disagree that misery is something to be accepted. If there is a struggle to teach us things, it is the struggle to overcome adversity and to see the joy and beauty in the small things in life as well as the big.
That's called sacrifice. Doing something you don't really want to do.

I don't want anyone doing anything for me unless they want to do it with 100% happiness to do it for me because they love me that much.

My parents were even unable to do that.

I don't know that it is sacrifice. I make it a point, several times a year, to do something for someone without them knowing the source of the help. Sometimes it is a big thing and sometimes not. But the only thing the recipient knows is that I ask that they pass it on.

because it makes you feel good about yourself....

The problem with your post is the word "because".

Yes, it does feel good to help others. But that is not why I do it.

If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?
I've learned something about life. Some people are lucky, some not so much.
The people that are lucky say it's all about attitude. Some of that is true, but, the more things don't break your way, the harder it is to maintain or keep a good attitude.

Anathema has a physical challenge - something he has no choice in the matter. How people treated him because of that was also out of his control. Yet another thing out of his control was someone to teach him how to deal with that in a positive way (possibly, I don't know this for sure, it's an educated guess). But people still want to mock, berate and chastise him. You can make your case as to why he deserves it, but, people should really take time to think things out and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your attitude toward him only reinforces what he already believes.

Anathema's issue, in my opinion, is not the hand that life has dealt him. We cannot control that. But that he chooses to live with misery and makes no attempt to change anything. He has stated numerous times that he believes that people should live in misery. I cannot disagree more strongly with that sentiment.

You learn a lot from misery. The should and should nots are not ours to decide.
If he said that everyone SHOULD live in misery, well, I disagree in the sense that that is not his call to make....

I wholeheartedly disagree that misery is something to be accepted. If there is a struggle to teach us things, it is the struggle to overcome adversity and to see the joy and beauty in the small things in life as well as the big.

People have differing inner strengths. They perceive the world in different ways.
The problem with out society is that many think that have the answer on how to live life, and want to tell others how to live. We have an inability to understand or accept that there are people that just will never be happy, and, it's of no fault of their own. Because it scares people too much.
That's called sacrifice. Doing something you don't really want to do.

I don't want anyone doing anything for me unless they want to do it with 100% happiness to do it for me because they love me that much.

My parents were even unable to do that.

I don't know that it is sacrifice. I make it a point, several times a year, to do something for someone without them knowing the source of the help. Sometimes it is a big thing and sometimes not. But the only thing the recipient knows is that I ask that they pass it on.

because it makes you feel good about yourself....

The problem with your post is the word "because".

Yes, it does feel good to help others. But that is not why I do it.

If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.
That's called sacrifice. Doing something you don't really want to do.

I don't want anyone doing anything for me unless they want to do it with 100% happiness to do it for me because they love me that much.

My parents were even unable to do that.

I don't know that it is sacrifice. I make it a point, several times a year, to do something for someone without them knowing the source of the help. Sometimes it is a big thing and sometimes not. But the only thing the recipient knows is that I ask that they pass it on.

because it makes you feel good about yourself....

The problem with your post is the word "because".

Yes, it does feel good to help others. But that is not why I do it.

If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.

.... up to a point, until it becomes too inconvenient or painful for you.
The only case I have seen where people will truly sacrifice all they are and all they have is for their children.
but not all parents are like that
mine certainly were not. both were exceedingly selfish, to the point of neglect.
I was not beaten - but emotionally and psychologically? Not crying, just stating fact.

Some parents just don't love their kids. Or maybe they just don't know how....
I don't know that it is sacrifice. I make it a point, several times a year, to do something for someone without them knowing the source of the help. Sometimes it is a big thing and sometimes not. But the only thing the recipient knows is that I ask that they pass it on.

because it makes you feel good about yourself....

The problem with your post is the word "because".

Yes, it does feel good to help others. But that is not why I do it.

If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.

.... up to a point, until it becomes too inconvenient or painful for you.
The only case I have seen where people will truly sacrifice all they are and all they have is for their children.

I never said I sacrificed all I have or am. Just that I helped people who needed it.
because it makes you feel good about yourself....

The problem with your post is the word "because".

Yes, it does feel good to help others. But that is not why I do it.

If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.

.... up to a point, until it becomes too inconvenient or painful for you.
The only case I have seen where people will truly sacrifice all they are and all they have is for their children.

I never said I sacrificed all I have or am. Just that I helped people who needed it.

I'm just saying, people never give of themselves totally selflessly - they will, up to a point... that's all.
I'm making a statement about our human nature in general.
It's not a knock.
We are all assholes to varying degrees.
The problem with your post is the word "because".

Yes, it does feel good to help others. But that is not why I do it.

If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.

.... up to a point, until it becomes too inconvenient or painful for you.
The only case I have seen where people will truly sacrifice all they are and all they have is for their children.

I never said I sacrificed all I have or am. Just that I helped people who needed it.

I'm just saying, people never give of themselves totally selflessly - they will, up to a point... that's all.
I'm making a statement about our human nature in general.
It's not a knock.
We are all assholes to varying degrees.

This got really, really depressing for a thread about pot. Timeout. Everyone go away for a few minutes and spark up.
I've learned something about life. Some people are lucky, some not so much.
The people that are lucky say it's all about attitude. Some of that is true, but, the more things don't break your way, the harder it is to maintain or keep a good attitude.

Anathema has a physical challenge - something he has no choice in the matter. How people treated him because of that was also out of his control. Yet another thing out of his control was someone to teach him how to deal with that in a positive way (possibly, I don't know this for sure, it's an educated guess). But people still want to mock, berate and chastise him. You can make your case as to why he deserves it, but, people should really take time to think things out and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your attitude toward him only reinforces what he already believes.

Anathema's issue, in my opinion, is not the hand that life has dealt him. We cannot control that. But that he chooses to live with misery and makes no attempt to change anything. He has stated numerous times that he believes that people should live in misery. I cannot disagree more strongly with that sentiment.

You learn a lot from misery. The should and should nots are not ours to decide.
If he said that everyone SHOULD live in misery, well, I disagree in the sense that that is not his call to make....

I wholeheartedly disagree that misery is something to be accepted. If there is a struggle to teach us things, it is the struggle to overcome adversity and to see the joy and beauty in the small things in life as well as the big.

These are just people who go through life feeling sorry for themselves. They are miserable people with miserable lives who like to try to make other people miserable as well. ;)
The problem with your post is the word "because".

Yes, it does feel good to help others. But that is not why I do it.

If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.

.... up to a point, until it becomes too inconvenient or painful for you.
The only case I have seen where people will truly sacrifice all they are and all they have is for their children.

I never said I sacrificed all I have or am. Just that I helped people who needed it.

I'm just saying, people never give of themselves totally selflessly - they will, up to a point... that's all.
I'm making a statement about our human nature in general.
It's not a knock.
We are all assholes to varying degrees.

Speak for yourself. You are not qualified or knowledgeable enough to make determinations like that. You are basing your opinion on yourself and projecting it onto others.
If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.

.... up to a point, until it becomes too inconvenient or painful for you.
The only case I have seen where people will truly sacrifice all they are and all they have is for their children.

I never said I sacrificed all I have or am. Just that I helped people who needed it.

I'm just saying, people never give of themselves totally selflessly - they will, up to a point... that's all.
I'm making a statement about our human nature in general.
It's not a knock.
We are all assholes to varying degrees.

This got really, really depressing for a thread about pot. Timeout. Everyone go away for a few minutes and spark up.

See my post #390.
If it made you feel depressed for 1 month, would you do it?

I don't know. I think I would, but its hard to say.

All I can truly is address is my motivation. And that is to help.

.... up to a point, until it becomes too inconvenient or painful for you.
The only case I have seen where people will truly sacrifice all they are and all they have is for their children.

I never said I sacrificed all I have or am. Just that I helped people who needed it.

I'm just saying, people never give of themselves totally selflessly - they will, up to a point... that's all.
I'm making a statement about our human nature in general.
It's not a knock.
We are all assholes to varying degrees.

This got really, really depressing for a thread about pot. Timeout. Everyone go away for a few minutes and spark up.

If it weren't true, it wouldn't be depressing.
I'm just saying, everyone needs "help" to enjoy life....
I've learned something about life. Some people are lucky, some not so much.
The people that are lucky say it's all about attitude. Some of that is true, but, the more things don't break your way, the harder it is to maintain or keep a good attitude.

Anathema has a physical challenge - something he has no choice in the matter. How people treated him because of that was also out of his control. Yet another thing out of his control was someone to teach him how to deal with that in a positive way (possibly, I don't know this for sure, it's an educated guess). But people still want to mock, berate and chastise him. You can make your case as to why he deserves it, but, people should really take time to think things out and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your attitude toward him only reinforces what he already believes.

Anathema's issue, in my opinion, is not the hand that life has dealt him. We cannot control that. But that he chooses to live with misery and makes no attempt to change anything. He has stated numerous times that he believes that people should live in misery. I cannot disagree more strongly with that sentiment.

You learn a lot from misery. The should and should nots are not ours to decide.
If he said that everyone SHOULD live in misery, well, I disagree in the sense that that is not his call to make....

I wholeheartedly disagree that misery is something to be accepted. If there is a struggle to teach us things, it is the struggle to overcome adversity and to see the joy and beauty in the small things in life as well as the big.

These are just people who go through life feeling sorry for themselves. They are miserable people with miserable lives who like to try to make other people miserable as well. ;)

I don't think Anathema feels sorry for himself.
I know I don't feel sorry for myself.
There have been many times when I've done something strictly out of pity for another person without gaining a damn thing. There have been times when I've done something for someone that I really did NOT want to do but did it anyway because I care about that person. No selfishness was involved.

I've learned something about life. Some people are lucky, some not so much.
The people that are lucky say it's all about attitude. Some of that is true, but, the more things don't break your way, the harder it is to maintain or keep a good attitude.

Anathema has a physical challenge - something he has no choice in the matter. How people treated him because of that was also out of his control. Yet another thing out of his control was someone to teach him how to deal with that in a positive way (possibly, I don't know this for sure, it's an educated guess). But people still want to mock, berate and chastise him. You can make your case as to why he deserves it, but, people should really take time to think things out and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your attitude toward him only reinforces what he already believes.

Anathema's issue, in my opinion, is not the hand that life has dealt him. We cannot control that. But that he chooses to live with misery and makes no attempt to change anything. He has stated numerous times that he believes that people should live in misery. I cannot disagree more strongly with that sentiment.

You learn a lot from misery. The should and should nots are not ours to decide.
If he said that everyone SHOULD live in misery, well, I disagree in the sense that that is not his call to make....

I wholeheartedly disagree that misery is something to be accepted. If there is a struggle to teach us things, it is the struggle to overcome adversity and to see the joy and beauty in the small things in life as well as the big.

These are just people who go through life feeling sorry for themselves. They are miserable people with miserable lives who like to try to make other people miserable as well. ;)

I don't think Anathema feels sorry for himself.
I know I don't feel sorry for myself.

Yes, you both do.
I've learned something about life. Some people are lucky, some not so much.
The people that are lucky say it's all about attitude. Some of that is true, but, the more things don't break your way, the harder it is to maintain or keep a good attitude.

Anathema has a physical challenge - something he has no choice in the matter. How people treated him because of that was also out of his control. Yet another thing out of his control was someone to teach him how to deal with that in a positive way (possibly, I don't know this for sure, it's an educated guess). But people still want to mock, berate and chastise him. You can make your case as to why he deserves it, but, people should really take time to think things out and try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. Your attitude toward him only reinforces what he already believes.

Anathema's issue, in my opinion, is not the hand that life has dealt him. We cannot control that. But that he chooses to live with misery and makes no attempt to change anything. He has stated numerous times that he believes that people should live in misery. I cannot disagree more strongly with that sentiment.

You learn a lot from misery. The should and should nots are not ours to decide.
If he said that everyone SHOULD live in misery, well, I disagree in the sense that that is not his call to make....

I wholeheartedly disagree that misery is something to be accepted. If there is a struggle to teach us things, it is the struggle to overcome adversity and to see the joy and beauty in the small things in life as well as the big.

These are just people who go through life feeling sorry for themselves. They are miserable people with miserable lives who like to try to make other people miserable as well. ;)

I don't think Anathema feels sorry for himself.
I know I don't feel sorry for myself.

Not to mention, you've already told everyone that you are a selfish person. So there you have it.
When you love a person unconditionally, there are very FEW things you wouldn't do for that person. Some people, of course, are not going to understand that. You do it because you want to make the person happy, feel better, because you care about that person.
PLENTY of people have had much harder times, and they have very good attitudes towards life. Imagine being a woman in third world country if you think YOU have it bad. Stop wallowing in your own misery and toughen up!
No one gets to say how someone else should feel or live. Only state opinions. It’s interesting to hear others options – but, in the end. Telling people to toughen up and the solution to being happy etc., well, if someone choses a road, it’s their choice. Unless they ask you for help, or complain. People have a right to criticize and disagree, and, people have a right to continue whatever path they are on without apology.
No one gets to say how someone else should feel or live. Only state opinions. It’s interesting to hear others options – but, in the end. Telling people to toughen up and the solution to being happy etc., well, if someone choses a road, it’s their choice. Unless they ask you for help, or complain. People have a right to criticize and disagree, and, people have a right to continue whatever path they are on without apology.

Stupid people gonna be stupid.

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