Do You Smoke Pot/Weed?

Do you smoke Pot/Weed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • I used to

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • I tried it once or twice. Got nothing out of it.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
probably like coke, heroin, Ecstasy (which I think use to be legal, forget what it was used to treat.. depression maybe..?)
lol... this just popped into my head... I remember this one ...

this must be the kinda criminals Trump was talking about?

I like that guy. It was just weird that he had real hands! Kinda freaky!
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Don't need drugs, my life is good as it is.

there is a difference between 'needing' & recreational RESPONSIBLE use.

I don't need or want recreational responsible use. If you want to that is your choice, I don't care. I don't want or need them.

Legalize it all and tax the hell out of it. Sell it only through pharmacy so they can keep track of drug addicts and provide them with help.

Good luck.
Don't need drugs, my life is good as it is.

there is a difference between 'needing' & recreational RESPONSIBLE use.

I don't need or want recreational responsible use. If you want to that is your choice, I don't care. I don't want or need them.

Legalize it all and tax the hell out of it. Sell it only through pharmacy so they can keep track of drug addicts and provide them with help.

Good luck.

absolutely.... regulate it & tax it. however as a side note, I do not believe in legalizing addictive drugs - 'illicit or prescribed'. i'm strictly talking about marijuana, which btw, is not addictive.
if there is a drug out there that can make you a better functioning person, it should be legal.
Don't need drugs, my life is good as it is.

there is a difference between 'needing' & recreational RESPONSIBLE use.

I don't need or want recreational responsible use. If you want to that is your choice, I don't care. I don't want or need them.

Legalize it all and tax the hell out of it. Sell it only through pharmacy so they can keep track of drug addicts and provide them with help.

Good luck.

I don't really see marijuana smokers as drug "addicts." Is everyone who drinks an alcoholic?
Don't need drugs, my life is good as it is.

there is a difference between 'needing' & recreational RESPONSIBLE use.

I don't need or want recreational responsible use. If you want to that is your choice, I don't care. I don't want or need them.

Legalize it all and tax the hell out of it. Sell it only through pharmacy so they can keep track of drug addicts and provide them with help.

Good luck.

I don't really see marijuana smokers as drug "addicts." Is everyone who drinks an alcoholic?

People that smoke marijuana, I don't know if they are addicted or not. I think addictions can be physical or mental, or both. If you drink one drink a night after work, every night and it is a habit are you addicted? If you need to smoke weed to help you cope, are you addicted? If you need your morning cup of coffee, are you addicted? Addiction can be many things.
Don't need drugs, my life is good as it is.

there is a difference between 'needing' & recreational RESPONSIBLE use.

I don't need or want recreational responsible use. If you want to that is your choice, I don't care. I don't want or need them.

Legalize it all and tax the hell out of it. Sell it only through pharmacy so they can keep track of drug addicts and provide them with help.

Good luck.

I don't really see marijuana smokers as drug "addicts." Is everyone who drinks an alcoholic?

People that smoke marijuana, I don't know if they are addicted or not. I think addictions can be physical or mental, or both. If you drink one drink a night after work, every night and it is a habit are you addicted? If you need to smoke weed to help you cope, are you addicted? If you need your morning cup of coffee, are you addicted? Addiction can be many things.

I'm definitely addicted to coffee! Lol! :D

If a person is using a substance to cope, then I would call that an unhealthy addiction. If you just have a drink or smoke a joint to unwind after a tough day or only do it on social occasions, I don't think that would qualify as a true addiction.
Don't need drugs, my life is good as it is.

there is a difference between 'needing' & recreational RESPONSIBLE use.

I don't need or want recreational responsible use. If you want to that is your choice, I don't care. I don't want or need them.

Legalize it all and tax the hell out of it. Sell it only through pharmacy so they can keep track of drug addicts and provide them with help.

Good luck.

I don't really see marijuana smokers as drug "addicts." Is everyone who drinks an alcoholic?

People that smoke marijuana, I don't know if they are addicted or not. I think addictions can be physical or mental, or both. If you drink one drink a night after work, every night and it is a habit are you addicted? If you need to smoke weed to help you cope, are you addicted? If you need your morning cup of coffee, are you addicted? Addiction can be many things.

there is a difference between 'addiction' & 'dependence'. I was a pack a day smoker for 26 years b4 I finally quit 16 years ago after many attempts & I know that if I puffed one drag- i'd be hooked again. that is being an addict. I could take or leave marijuana & have... no physical problems or mental as far as needing it to cope. some people may depend on it, but people can 'depend' on a lot of coping mechanisms & doesn't always have to be alcohol or drugs.
I would have to research it myself but I have been told weed is worse for your lungs.
Of course, I don't think most people smoke 20 or 40 joints a day.... not sure how that translates to pipe usage...
I would have to research it myself but I have been told weed is worse for your lungs.
Of course, I don't think most people smoke 20 or 40 joints a day.... not sure how that translates to pipe usage...

there's more to marijuana usage than just smoking it.

teas, edibles, patches, pill form...
I would have to research it myself but I have been told weed is worse for your lungs.
Of course, I don't think most people smoke 20 or 40 joints a day.... not sure how that translates to pipe usage...

I think the people who inhale smoke into their lungs aren't the brightest.
I know nothing. If I find life intolerable, maybe I can get permission from my husband ;)
probably like coke, heroin, Ecstasy (which I think use to be legal, forget what it was used to treat.. depression maybe..?)
If you have sex with a woman on ecstasy you are going to need an IV when you are done to restore your bodily fluids.

well women can masturbate all day so, not an issue for the guy. He can help as he is able....

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