Do You Smoke Pot/Weed?

Do you smoke Pot/Weed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • I used to

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • I tried it once or twice. Got nothing out of it.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
..... unless you are on antidepressants. Devastating!
A nurse I used to work with - she has sandy blonde hair, and driove a red ford sedan. About the summer of 2004 she invites me to her parents riverlot the spend some time ( first was summer of 2003 ) fishing.

Her brother opens up what appeared to be an AVON plastic box and pulled out some marijuana, and began to smoke it, as we set motionless in the middle of the river, after getting fuel for his boat. SHE suggested we go get fuel, and he agreed.

Smoking Marijuana around......and the topic of Marijuana and otehr illicit drugs - around me, happend at my last Metropolitan job also, on a few occasions. Geeze - what is the lowest common denomiator. Golly gee - I just wonder whom Sandy haired blonde nurse is connected to, and associated with. For the like of me, I cannot fathom whom it would possible be. :rolleyes:

The summer before ( 2003 ), we were on a boat ride, her dad was driving the pontoon boat. Sandy blonde haired nurse was streteched out on the bench seat, reading the local paper. As we got near her parents riverlot ; on the bank was about ten women in bikinis. Sandy blonde haired nurse looked at me to see my expression, and I held my eye contact with her. Sandy Haired blonde nurse - ulterior motives.

Sandy haired blonde nurse ( red ford sedan ) - and dark haired blonde nurse ( white ford sedan and ford pickup truck ) ; both try to make me jealous, relationship wise ( dark haired nurse married a safety guy in our facility - sandy haired blonde nurse married a production worker ). I wonder if they knew of each other before they started working where I currently work?

Shadow 355
I would have to research it myself but I have been told weed is worse for your lungs.
Of course, I don't think most people smoke 20 or 40 joints a day.... not sure how that translates to pipe usage...
The Federal Government provides marijuana to a very tiny number of comes in 300 joints tin that are shipped monthly , which indicates the Feds see 10 joint a day as a parameter...
Worth repeating: marijuana decreases risk of lung cancer ...
Cannabis reduces tumor growth in study - Medical News .
I would have to research it myself but I have been told weed is worse for your lungs.
Of course, I don't think most people smoke 20 or 40 joints a day.... not sure how that translates to pipe usage...
The Federal Government provides marijuana to a very tiny number of comes in 300 joints tin that are shipped monthly , which indicates the Feds see 10 joint a day as a parameter...
Worth repeating: marijuana decreases risk of lung cancer ...
Cannabis reduces tumor growth in study - Medical News .

According to many medical experts at Harvard, 10 joints or less/day is considered moderate use. Heavy users hit up around 25/day (which I could never conceive of smoking in a day, at most, I might have 2 or 3 bowls out of my water pipe in a day, which is equivalent to about 1 joint).

And you are correct Tyrone. A study done by the Royal British Medical Society stated that if you smoke cigarettes only, you are 21 times more likely to get lung cancer than someone who doesn't.

If you smoke marijuana only, you are only 0.93 to 0.73 times more likely to get lung cancer than someone who never smokes.

I can't say anything about vaginal suppositories, but I can tell you about THC infused lotion.

My room mate has problems with her joints and back, so last time we were up in CO I told her to buy some of the cannabis lotion that they sell up there.

Well, she had taken a pain pill to help out (we'd just driven all day to get there), about 30 min before we got to our room, and she was still hurting after the pill should have taken effect, so I told her to try some of the lotion she'd bought.

She rubbed the joints on one side of her body with the lotion and left the other side alone to do a test. Guess what? Within 15 min, her pain had gone away on the side that she'd applied the lotion, but on the other non lotion side? Her pain had gone down, but was still very much there.

Next morning? She applied to all her joints and we drove to another town in CO, and she had ZERO pain that day.

I told her to buy something bigger than the sample size she'd tried, because it worked so well.

Had a neighbor who has joint pain as well, and she told me to go ahead and give him the rest of the sample size she'd bought, and he told me that it worked like a charm for him as well.

Best part? You can get the pain relief on your joints, but there is no high associated with it, so it's safe to use just about any time.
Don't need drugs, my life is good as it is.

there is a difference between 'needing' & recreational RESPONSIBLE use.

I don't need or want recreational responsible use. If you want to that is your choice, I don't care. I don't want or need them.

Legalize it all and tax the hell out of it. Sell it only through pharmacy so they can keep track of drug addicts and provide them with help.

Good luck.

I don't really see marijuana smokers as drug "addicts." Is everyone who drinks an alcoholic?

People that smoke marijuana, I don't know if they are addicted or not. I think addictions can be physical or mental, or both. If you drink one drink a night after work, every night and it is a habit are you addicted? If you need to smoke weed to help you cope, are you addicted? If you need your morning cup of coffee, are you addicted? Addiction can be many things.

Addictions are physical, by definition. The term means that even if you voluntarily quit, your body disagrees.

This latter-day idea of "mental" addiction is just playing loosely with words. By that definition anything one does on a regular basis would meet the definition. Having eggs for breakfast. Wearing clothes. Driving the same route to work. It cheapens the definition to treat it that loosely.

Cannabis does not have addictive properties. Some things do, this is not one of them. And it's not a "drug" anyway.


Just got done telling you that. It's been known for the thousands of years it's been used.
Established officially in this country some 70 years ago in the LaGuardia Report.

We've all seen this Psycho Today quack journalism article before. Goes right into its weasel words from the start. And again ----- it isn't a drug; it's a plant. A natural substance. No doubt this hack piece was subsidized by the same dishonest government that continues to list it as a "schedule 1 narcotic".



Just got done telling you that. It's been known for the thousands of years it's been used.
Established officially in this country some 70 years ago in the LaGuardia Report.

We've all seen this Psycho Today quack journalism article before. Goes right into its weasel words from the start. And again ----- it isn't a drug; it's a plant. A natural substance. No doubt this hack piece was subsidized by the same dishonest government that continues to list it as a "schedule 1 narcotic".


Lol. But the DEA classifies marijuana as a Class I narcotic with dangerous potential for abuse and addiction despite no data to back that up! :cuckoo: You see why I wouldn't trust the government with infringing upon our rights, such as our second amendment right? ;)
So is gambling addictive?

What does that have to do with anything? I don't really consider it an "addiction" unless a person is weak willed, TBH. There is no physical withdrawal from gambling that I'm aware of. Do people use gambling as a coping mechanism? Perhaps it's just something that they like to do and are not willing to give up, like junk food?


Just got done telling you that. It's been known for the thousands of years it's been used.
Established officially in this country some 70 years ago in the LaGuardia Report.

We've all seen this Psycho Today quack journalism article before. Goes right into its weasel words from the start. And again ----- it isn't a drug; it's a plant. A natural substance. No doubt this hack piece was subsidized by the same dishonest government that continues to list it as a "schedule 1 narcotic".


Lol. But the DEA classifies marijuana as a Class I narcotic with dangerous potential for abuse and addiction despite no data to back that up! :cuckoo: You see why I wouldn't trust the government with infringing upon our rights, such as our second amendment right? ;)

Not quite the same thing, but yes. The whole "schedule 1 narcotic" thing is based on a lie, and the weird thing is, everybody knows it, yet they go on as if it's real. In that way the federal government is a bit like reading some of the more hackerish posters on this board. :eek:
I think you can be addicted to anything.
The difference being a PHYSICAL addition or a PSYCHOLOGICAL addiction.

When I smoked 12 years ago, I had a PSYCHOLOGOICAL addiction to them. When I quit I suffered no physical withdrawal. But my mind/selfishness wanted it.

There are not set rules on these things.
So is gambling addictive?

What does that have to do with anything? I don't really consider it an "addiction" unless a person is weak willed, TBH. There is no physical withdrawal from gambling that I'm aware of. Do people use gambling as a coping mechanism? Perhaps it's just something that they like to do and are not willing to give up, like junk food?

Because we are saying pot is not addictive because there are no physical withdrawals, yet gambling is sad to be addictive.

Just trying to figure out the line of reasoning.

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