Do You Smoke Pot/Weed?

Do you smoke Pot/Weed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 19 35.8%
  • I used to

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • I tried it once or twice. Got nothing out of it.

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 1.9%

  • Total voters
This idea that life is some sort of endurance test to see how much misery you can take is ridiculous.

I take it you believe there is no afterlife. I respect that but personally disagree. I believe life us a test of the Soul to determine its worthiness to move on to something better, or worse, or try again.

Life is exactly what you make it. If you are miserable, you did that to yourself. If you cannot find joy in each day, you have wasted the life and love you could have.

My misery is partially self-inflicted, partially Fate and partially induced by the people and society I was born into. We could argue the percentages on the blame poe, but that would be largely pointless.
What you SHOULD do is be joyful in life. Because that joy is contagious. So, by finding your own happiness you help others do the same. It works the same with misery.

I find little if anything to be joyful about in life. Nor do I care about abyone else's joy when I have little to none myself.
What you SHOULD do is be joyful in life. Because that joy is contagious. So, by finding your own happiness you help others do the same. It works the same with misery.

I find little if anything to be joyful about in life. Nor do I care about abyone else's joy when I have little to none myself.

You're wife must be miserable too, having to deal with you.
What you SHOULD do is be joyful in life. Because that joy is contagious. So, by finding your own happiness you help others do the same. It works the same with misery.

I find little if anything to be joyful about in life. Nor do I care about abyone else's joy when I have little to none myself.

No one can tell you how to live your life. You know the options, and, if you have a wife that is also content with the way things are, and, no others are hurt in the process, that is your decision.

It's not my place to judge. I have my own issues that I choose not to change, and are detrimental as well.
But ultimately, they are our choices.
Not everyone wants joy in life.
Even those that want it, some just don't have it.
Be grateful if you do. It's not always a choice.
I disagree.
If you are content and accepting of your circumstance, and don't want to do the work to change.
So be it.
What you SHOULD do is be joyful in life. Because that joy is contagious. So, by finding your own happiness you help others do the same. It works the same with misery.

I find little if anything to be joyful about in life. Nor do I care about abyone else's joy when I have little to none myself.

No one can tell you how to live your life. You know the options, and, if you have a wife that is also content with the way things are, and, no others are hurt in the process, that is your decision.

It's not my place to judge. I have my own issues that I choose not to change, and are detrimental as well.
But ultimately, they are our choices.

let's just say I had a conversation a while ago with him, & i'm surprised he's even having conversations with us ' sub par' humans... ie females.
Seeking help is a waste unless you WANT to change and are willing to WORK at it.
he's not anti-female.
he's anti alpha-female.
many men are
who said they do not want to exist?
if Anathema said it, I missed it
Seeking help is a waste unless you WANT to change and are willing to WORK at it.
Sometimes they just need to talk and not self isolate..

people here ARE talking
some people don't want to bother to talk unless there are answers
or you can meet their needs
otherwise, it's garbage.
no one REALLY cares about you.

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