Do you smoke pot?

Do you smoke pot???

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I've never smoked anything and I never will.

God bless you always!!!

You never smoked a brisket?

:D :D
Never did much at all. Never did like it. But as I wised up I could see the Weed attraction. I was not smart enough to use only harmless stuff like Weed.

But almost anything else I came across over the years. Now, nothing but DR. pills. And the bastard Chinese Texan Doctor won't give Vicodin......Love those opiates. Yes I admit it.

I hate how Vicodin makes me feel, and still have pills from a surgery a few years back... But if you give me a Valium, oh yeah I love those . So I keep as far away from it as possible..
I did a lot of harder things in younger days too.. So much fun, yet some real stupid

Only smoked pot.

Never needed pills, crack, ICE, Acid ( LSD ) or any other hard stuff. I prefer to hit the herb than drank but Texas is against the Herb and love the drink!

You must have never used I did a 20 mile walk-a-thon back in the 1970's on mushrooms with my girlfriends and laughed hysterically the whole

There are not too many of us from the 60's-70's that didn't do acid or mushrooms..

Did you hear that in Arizona the Big pharma money stopped pot from becoming legal, but passed their corrupt ass for selling pharmaceutical marijuana?

Inside big pharma's fight to block recreational marijuana

Never needed them.

I love the herb but the other stuff was just something I never entertained...

My pot was laced once with junk and the kid that sold it to me found himself with his teeth kicked out because of it. Bad trip and it took me a week to recover and find that little punk!

So no I did not try anything harder because of the chance I could have trip hard and went more nuttier than I am. I know I write like I am on one massive trip all the damn time, wait did I ever come down from that trip from the laced herb and this is all a nightmare!?!

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Oh that is a freaky gif on your post..

I know of a few people who took hard drugs 24/7 and are dead now from it.

They used to smoke pot in the woods next to my High School , and the principle would run around trying to catch

sounds like we went to the same HS...
The last 8 years of my Navy career, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Specialist, meaning that I had to know about drug and alcohol abuse and how to spot it, as well as was responsible for determining if personnel needed to be referred to a counseling center.

Out of all the information that they gave me for marijuana, I could never figure out why it was illegal. The physical effects of cannabis were also much less than what you would get with alcohol.

So...............I decided that when I got out of the military, I would do more research on the subject, with a possibility of trying it myself. For 6 months after I retired, I spent a lot of time on the 'net researching the effects of marijuana. I checked with just about any resource I could find that sounded reliable. Harvard, the British Royal Medical Society, NORML, etc. If they had information about marijuana that sounded true (remember, I'd been a DAPA for 8 years by this time, so I was able to spot disinformation), I would cross reference it with other sites to see if they were credible.

After 6 months, I decided to do the ultimate experiment and try it for myself. The first time, I remember that I got dizzy and had bed spins when I laid down, but other than that, it was a pretty nice experience. I really enjoyed the body buzz that I got. Tried it a couple of days later to see if I wanted to keep doing it, and it was a lot milder experience, but still very enjoyable. Been 420 friendly ever since.

And, when CO legalized it for recreational, I started going up there with my roomie to check out the 420 shops. And, when I go there, I also take time to talk to the people around me to see why they are there. There are veterans with PTSD who say it helps them a LOT, there are 60 plus year old people who like it, or who use it for pain management. I mean, I've heard many stories where marijuana has helped people to get off of prescription drugs that mess with their bodies. Interestingly enough, there are very few physical effects of marijuana, and when the buzz wears off, there are zero debilitating effects. With alcohol, if you go out and get wasted the night before, you are pretty much useless until around noon the next day.

And yeah, I smoke daily if I have it around.
Never have, never will.

I think it should be decriminalized, but it also shouldn't be allowed to be smoked in public places (nor should tobacco).
By the way people, if you are not marijuana savvy, you can educate yourself quite a bit if your cable channel has VICE. There is a show on that channel called "Weediquette" that shows people who use marijuana, why they use it, and what the effects of their use has on them. It will dispel a lot of the myths that some people seem to have about marijuana.

And............if you are already a 420 friendly person, another show on the same channel that I HIGHLY recommend is "Bong Appetite", where they cook really good meals and infuse them with THC oils and cannabis flower. Gives you good ideas for stuff you might try at home.
I've smoked a ton of pot in the past, but I can't really do it anymore. After doing certain psychedelics, you realize how pointless weed is.
By the way people, if you are not marijuana savvy, you can educate yourself quite a bit if your cable channel has VICE. There is a show on that channel called "Weediquette" that shows people who use marijuana, why they use it, and what the effects of their use has on them. It will dispel a lot of the myths that some people seem to have about marijuana.

And............if you are already a 420 friendly person, another show on the same channel that I HIGHLY recommend is "Bong Appetite", where they cook really good meals and infuse them with THC oils and cannabis flower. Gives you good ideas for stuff you might try at home.

Hahahah yeah, I've seen Bong Appetite. Pretty good show. They're obsessed with weed on Vice.
There are not too many of us from the 60's-70's that didn't do acid or mushrooms..

I didn't do either. me, was just that & acid eats everything it touches.

Mushrooms.....some friends had eaten way too many and their eyes were so huge & glassy and they were tripping so bad, it scared me away from ever trying them.

I did drink, pot, Percodan, Valium, Speed, Mesculin and a few others. Gave up pills easy enough just because of my responses to them..

Percodan, Valium & Mesculin put me to sleep

Speed made my heart race so fast I couldn't move.

Pot eventually made me pass out

And drinking.....well I won't get into that episode, BUT found out it was more fun to stay sober & laugh at all the other idiots and no hangover either. :badgrin:

What is the difference between acid and mesculin?

Yes, I am sober too...Nice to wake up feeling good. I don't miss those hangovers.
Smoking it makes me cough, my sister in laws Brownies are much much better
light weight.....

My son left his vaporizer in the closet. I might try that -- if I can ever figure out how it works

You know, last year when I went to CO, I decided to buy a vape pen and some cartridges just to see what they were like. I like the vape pens because of their convenience and the fact that they look like normal e cigs and don't smell like weed.

However............they still will make you cough. Not as much as smoking flower, but they will make you cough a bit.
psychedelics I always stayed away from..( except whatever was in that pot we bought)

I love spices and one time used a ton of nutmeg in some juice I blended up. Then I went to read up on its nutritional benefits
and saw the warnings.
I was terrified Id be seeing trails soon, or end up dazed and confused on the kitchen floor.:lol:
Not in 30+ years.

Sure did in college, though. Lived next door to our dealer.

The guy was a veritable grocery store of pot, cocaine, mushrooms.

How the fuck I survived those years is a mystery.
What is the difference between acid and mesculin?

Actually IDK and had only had it once mixed in a soda & I fell asleep & missed the whole 'experience' :badgrin:

BUT according to's from the peyote cactus and gives a similar effect as acid/LSD.

Mescaline - Wikipedia
i did mescaline a few times out in the Mohave Desert back was pretty pleasant.....i did Acid a few times too and felt it was more "psychedelic" for lack of a better word,but i did it in a different setting than Mesc.....Orange Sunshine at Disnyland and Windowpane on a beach in Oregon.....quite nice....

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