Do you still watch CNN, Fox News etc.


  • No

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • Just internet based sites.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Nothing much anymore, TV or internet...I am sick of it.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 5 22.7%

  • Total voters
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.

I miss news, too. I don't watch commentary. I have boycotted NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, NPR, MotherJones, the Nation, Alternet and Truthout.
If it's local news than I watch it.
My viewing of Liberal MSM amounts to a few random 30 second to 1 minute samples per week. I rarely watch Fox unless there is an interesting interview. Laura Ingraham had Shelby Steele on the other day and that was excellent.

As many have already said, there is no real news on prime time TV anymore. Even the local news stations manage to do some Trump bashing. For instance since I'm in Arizona there is local coverage of the border situation. But without fail, they will find a person with a negative view on Trump and The Wall to interview. They rarely, if ever, interview a person with a supporting view.
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.
You can average over two lies but the result will not be the truth.
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.

It's not so much what these sources cover -- it's what they purposely censor that's the issue. And Fox (especially Fox Biz) has the smallest hand on the filters on what they will discuss and air.. There is token balance as well on Fox --- which the other cable news outlets just won't do....

If you don't want a vegetable and be fed compost, your only option is LONG FORM journals.. Even there, you have to sample representative viewpoints. But the best defense is to turn off the TV, cancel your paper, and get subscriptions to National Review, The Nation (or Mother Jones), Foreign Affairs and Reason Mag... That's what's require to survive these days.. Plan on spending 20 hours a month MINIMUM to absorb all that. It's not an outrage Intravenous drip.. You actually have to think and incorporate the ideas...

Reason Mag or ReasonTV on web is by FAR the most broad interest public policy and issue discussion available. And the bonus is :113: -- they HATE retail politics and both Brand Name parties equally.... But are almost void of any international news..
Oh... And for comic relief since the Late Night shows are part of the outrage generation machine now -- watch Gutfeld Saturday nights for chuckles.... All libertarian panel and funny as heck.. Makes comedy with "equal opportunity" targets...
Oh... And for comic relief since the Late Night shows are part of the outrage generation machine now -- watch Gutfeld Saturday nights for chuckles.... All libertarian panel and funny as heck.. Makes comedy with "equal opportunity" targets...
Maybe Jordan Peterson should have a nightly talk show.

Oh... And for comic relief since the Late Night shows are part of the outrage generation machine now -- watch Gutfeld Saturday nights for chuckles.... All libertarian panel and funny as heck.. Makes comedy with "equal opportunity" targets...
You could also get a teletype directly from AP...
Oh... And for comic relief since the Late Night shows are part of the outrage generation machine now -- watch Gutfeld Saturday nights for chuckles.... All libertarian panel and funny as heck.. Makes comedy with "equal opportunity" targets...
Maybe Jordan Peterson should have a nightly talk show.

What that video shows you is that HONESTY and KNOWLEDGE always wins.. And while his match record is about 87 to ZERO -- intellectual beat-downs are ONLY funny to folks who are more informed and intellectually engaged than the Cable News crowd... Not sure they would get the "humor" in a good intellectual beat-down of a parroting moron...

There really is no great source for news anymore. The 24 hour news stations are a shit show, but a part of me also cringes when people say they get their news online.
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.

Very rarely do I watch cable news networks. I mainly read the Associate Press on the Internet and listen to NPR in the car an on the desktop.

If there is something that is breaking, I go to CNN on the television but I don’t leave it on for long once it becomes clear that they are just repeating the same stuff over and over.

I get a lot of info from Reuters on Twitter I’ve found. They’re good.
So do you?
I use to watch Fox more than others, I would switch over to CNN to get a different perspective...and try to get the truth between the two. Now, you can't do that. Fox is basically 24 hour "what is wrong with the left" TV. It is absolutely propaganda for the right. If you can't see it... sorry.
CNN is, IMO, worse. It is in-arguably "ATN"...Anti-Trump-Network. It doesn't even resemble a news station anymore. It is 24 hour marathon of how many ways we can bash the sitting President.

I miss news.
I really do.
That’s not news. It’s propaganda.

Stopped watching years ago. However it is difficult trying to eliminate left wing propaganda, when they control 90% of all media. Much easier eliminating right wing propaganda.

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