Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

The issue from the LOLberal perspective is that abortions should be free so that responsibility of any kind can be curtailed.
This subject has been argued to death. Yes abort you're devil rape child I don't care anymore.

Although maybe the baby might be sweet but it's your choice to add to the crime of rape by ending an innocent life. It's your choice.
I may disagree on moral grounds, but it is her right and I would in no way interfere with her right to do so.

Does the father have any right to determine the fate of his child?

Unborn? No. None. Or he shouldn't have. Or you change the whole system and give the father all the rights.

You can't have two people sharing equal rights over a fetus. It's totally unworkable.
I may disagree on moral grounds, but it is her right and I would in no way interfere with her right to do so.

Does the father have any right to determine the fate of his child?

Unborn? No. None. Or he shouldn't have. Or you change the whole system and give the father all the rights.

You can't have two people sharing equal rights over a fetus. It's totally unworkable.

If he can be on the hook for child support then why can't the father make the choice to raise the child alone after birth? Is it too much to ask a woman to carry a child 9 months(one she chose to make) in order to give it life and life with his Dad?
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I may disagree on moral grounds, but it is her right and I would in no way interfere with her right to do so.

Does the father have any right to determine the fate of his child?

Unborn? No. None. Or he shouldn't have. Or you change the whole system and give the father all the rights.

You can't have two people sharing equal rights over a fetus. It's totally unworkable.

Why not?

Women don't normally get pregnant on their own.
Does the father have any right to determine the fate of his child?

Unborn? No. None. Or he shouldn't have. Or you change the whole system and give the father all the rights.

You can't have two people sharing equal rights over a fetus. It's totally unworkable.

If he can be on the hook for child support then why can the father make the choice to raise the child alone after birth? Is it too much to ask a woman to carry a child 9 months(one she chose to make) in order to give it life and life with his Dad?

That is too much to ask. Even though it would be a nobel choice. Women make their own decisions and should be held responsible. I find it sad that most don't allow men to have a say. That tells us that the father of the child isn't important in the woman's life.
Unborn? No. None. Or he shouldn't have. Or you change the whole system and give the father all the rights.

You can't have two people sharing equal rights over a fetus. It's totally unworkable.

If he can be on the hook for child support then why can the father make the choice to raise the child alone after birth? Is it too much to ask a woman to carry a child 9 months(one she chose to make) in order to give it life and life with his Dad?

That is too much to ask. Even though it would be a nobel choice. Women make their own decisions and should be held responsible. I find it sad that most don't allow men to have a say. That tells us that the father of the child isn't important in the woman's life.

I suppose it is pointless to ask a woman who would choose to abort her child to be less selfish when dealing with the other parent.
So, the rape is not worth a criminal charge if a pregnancy ensues?

That opinion formed in your head alone, it is not anything suggested in the OP.

Rape is a felony and those convicted of rape - a crime of violence, not of lust - need to be removed from society, placed in a cage for the time prescribed by the state law in which the crime was committed and (IMO) placed on supervised parole for life.
yes, but in 95% of abortion cases that are not related to any of these red herrings, no

Indeed. It is disgusting the way victims of some of the worst crimes there are (rape and incest) are so consistently used as human shields to protect at least half a million (and then some) abortions resulting from irresponsible behavior each year.

yes, but in 95% of abortion cases that are not related to any of these red herrings, no

Indeed. It is disgusting the way victims of some of the worst crimes there are (rape and incest) are so consistently used as human shields to protect at least half a million (and then some) abortions resulting from irresponsible behavior each year.


Republican candidates keep bring it up.

You didn't answer the question.
No one should make a biological choice for a woman except the woman in question.

notice how it's mostly old white male politicians who feel the need to do that for us.

that whole barefoot and pregnant thing seems to be a little retro.
yes, but in 95% of abortion cases that are not related to any of these red herrings, no

Indeed. It is disgusting the way victims of some of the worst crimes there are (rape and incest) are so consistently used as human shields to protect at least half a million (and then some) abortions resulting from irresponsible behavior each year.


Republican candidates keep bring it up.

Bullshit. Republicans don't keep bringing it up. Every time a candidate says they are pro-life, the smokescreen around the abortion rate in this country is immediately thrown up. "What about in cases of rape or incest?" It's a HUGE diversion.

That candidate who is in the news, Murdock, was asked it during a debate. He didn't bring it up, the moderator did.

The media ALWAYS throw up that question. Every, single, time.

It's a gotcha game that has the end result of no progress on the abortion rate being made for decades.

I won't play.

[You didn't answer the question.

I most certainly did. This "yes or no" bullshit is just that; bullshit. It's a sickening tactic used to protect the million-plus other abortions each year by using crime victims as human shields to keep the conversation away from the massive irresponsibility of people who use abortion as their birth control method.

So my answer to that disgusting tactic is, "Fuck you." Stop using crime victims as a tool to institutionalize irresponsibility.

This is yet another variation of the "roll out the cancer lady" emotional blackmail tactic so beloved of the Left.

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