Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Indeed. It is disgusting the way victims of some of the worst crimes there are (rape and incest) are so consistently used as human shields to protect at least half a million (and then some) abortions resulting from irresponsible behavior each year.


Republican candidates keep bring it up.

Bullshit. Republicans don't keep bringing it up. Every time a candidate says they are pro-life, the smokescreen around the abortion rate in this country is immediately thrown up. "What about in cases of rape or incest?" It's a HUGE diversion.

That candidate who is in the news, Murdock, was asked it during a debate. He didn't bring it up, the moderator did.

The media ALWAYS throw up that question. Every, single, time.

It's a gotcha game that has the end result of no progress on the abortion rate being made for decades.

I won't play.

[You didn't answer the question.

I most certainly did. This "yes or no" bullshit is just that; bullshit. It's a sickening tactic used to protect the million-plus other abortions each year by using crime victims as human shields to keep the conversation away from the massive irresponsibility of people who use abortion as their birth control method.

So my answer to that disgusting tactic is, "Fuck you." Stop using crime victims as a tool to institutionalize irresponsibility.

This is yet another variation of the "roll out the cancer lady" emotional blackmail tactic so beloved of the Left.


You didn't answer the question. If you oppose abortion under any circumstances have the balls to say so. Don't play the spin game and pretend the question in the OP is unfair; it is a question with real world consquences to real victims who will be further victimized if they are required to spend 24-7 for the full term of a pregnancy with the issue of evil.
The senate race in Va. is interesting in that respect. Republican George Allen and democrat Tim Kane used to have remarkably similar views on abortion. Both said that abortion should be infrequent and both supported abortion in case of rape or incest. Now that he is on the National scene, Kane has suddenly become an abortion fanatic and pro-life democrats who used to support him have abandoned their support. The sneaky democrat propaganda claims that Allen would repeal Roe v. Wade but he never said such a thing.
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?

Additionally, I thiink a women has a right to an abortion if the continued pregnancy puts her life in danger.

Additionally, I think a woman has a right to an abortion for any reason whatsoever up until the end of the first trimester. After that, only if her life in endangered by the continuing pregnancy.

There should be NO late term abortions. either make up your mind in the first three months or deal with the birth.
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?

Additionally, I thiink a women has a right to an abortion if the continued pregnancy puts her life in danger.

Additionally, I think a woman has a right to an abortion for any reason whatsoever up until the end of the first trimester. After that, only if her life in endangered by the continuing pregnancy.

There should be NO late term abortions. either make up your mind in the first three months or deal with the birth.

In the words of CJ Roberts, Roe v. Wade is settled law.
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?

Additionally, I thiink a women has a right to an abortion if the continued pregnancy puts her life in danger.

Additionally, I think a woman has a right to an abortion for any reason whatsoever up until the end of the first trimester. After that, only if her life in endangered by the continuing pregnancy.

There should be NO late term abortions. either make up your mind in the first three months or deal with the birth.

In the words of CJ Roberts, Roe v. Wade is settled law.

It's also made up law. Should we have stuck with Dred Scott because it was "settled?"
Critical thinking is an alien thought wave to you, LL.

You, the father, no one but the woman in case of a pregnancy by rape has any decision-making authority.

Your type of thinking may be why we may lose the election to Obama.

Does the father have any right to determine the fate of his child?

Did you read the title of the thread, or are you as stupid as I think you are?

I wasn't specifically talking about the the thread title but with abortion in general.

Critical thinking isn't your forte'.
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?
Yes. More important how many fathers/husbands wouldn't have a problem living with their daughter/wife for 9 months pregnant with her rapist's child and paying for ALL her medical care.
yes, but in 95% of abortion cases that are not related to any of these red herrings, no

Indeed. It is disgusting the way victims of some of the worst crimes there are (rape and incest) are so consistently used as human shields to protect at least half a million (and then some) abortions resulting from irresponsible behavior each year.


Republican candidates keep bring it up.

You didn't answer the question.

You mean people keep asking them gotcha questions, don't you?
lol, no, GOP's proposed constitutional amendment does.

No it doesn't, it just changes the legal definition of it to something more in line with science.

is that what it does? or does it change the legal definition to fit your religious views?

Life, the aggregate of vital phenomena; the quality or principle by which living things are distinguished from inorganic matter, as manifested by such phenomena as metabolism, growth, reproduction, adaptation, etc.

That sounds really religious, doesn't it?
Republican candidates keep bring it up.

Bullshit. Republicans don't keep bringing it up. Every time a candidate says they are pro-life, the smokescreen around the abortion rate in this country is immediately thrown up. "What about in cases of rape or incest?" It's a HUGE diversion.

That candidate who is in the news, Murdock, was asked it during a debate. He didn't bring it up, the moderator did.

The media ALWAYS throw up that question. Every, single, time.

It's a gotcha game that has the end result of no progress on the abortion rate being made for decades.

I won't play.

[You didn't answer the question.

I most certainly did. This "yes or no" bullshit is just that; bullshit. It's a sickening tactic used to protect the million-plus other abortions each year by using crime victims as human shields to keep the conversation away from the massive irresponsibility of people who use abortion as their birth control method.

So my answer to that disgusting tactic is, "Fuck you." Stop using crime victims as a tool to institutionalize irresponsibility.

This is yet another variation of the "roll out the cancer lady" emotional blackmail tactic so beloved of the Left.


It took me a while to find it, but I just watched the portion of the video in question to see exactly what the candidate was asked. He was NOT asked about rape at all.

See for yourself.

Start at 42:31 when the question is asked, no mention of rape or even of exceptions.

Mourdock brought it up himself.

[ame=""]Indiana Senate Debate: Donnelly, Mourdock, Horning - 10/23/12 - YouTube[/ame]

He was asked about abortion, and laid out his position.

I guess that makes you a liar.

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