Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

lol, no, GOP's proposed constitutional amendment does.

No it doesn't, it just changes the legal definition of it to something more in line with science.

I don't want to 'put words in your mouth' Windbag, but it seems to me you do not believe a women impregnated by a rapists or her father has no right to abort the fetus. Is that correct?

Are you asking if I think women have the right to commit murder?
Republican candidates keep bring it up.

Bullshit. Republicans don't keep bringing it up. Every time a candidate says they are pro-life, the smokescreen around the abortion rate in this country is immediately thrown up. "What about in cases of rape or incest?" It's a HUGE diversion.

That candidate who is in the news, Murdock, was asked it during a debate. He didn't bring it up, the moderator did.

The media ALWAYS throw up that question. Every, single, time.

It's a gotcha game that has the end result of no progress on the abortion rate being made for decades.

I won't play.

[You didn't answer the question.

I most certainly did. This "yes or no" bullshit is just that; bullshit. It's a sickening tactic used to protect the million-plus other abortions each year by using crime victims as human shields to keep the conversation away from the massive irresponsibility of people who use abortion as their birth control method.

So my answer to that disgusting tactic is, "Fuck you." Stop using crime victims as a tool to institutionalize irresponsibility.

This is yet another variation of the "roll out the cancer lady" emotional blackmail tactic so beloved of the Left.


It took me a while to find it, but I just watched the portion of the video in question to see exactly what the candidate was asked. He was NOT asked about rape at all.

See for yourself.

Start at 42:31 when the question is asked, no mention of rape or even of exceptions.

Mourdock brought it up himself.

[ame=]Indiana Senate Debate: Donnelly, Mourdock, Horning - 10/23/12 - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sorry to see that g5000 ran away from this....
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?


i support a woman's right to abort any pregnancy for any reason....

If mary didn't want to carry jesus and had rooted out.... i would have supported that too.
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes. I also believe a woman has the right to abort if the pregnancy causes a medical danger to her health. However, I do not support abortion as a means of simple birth control.
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?
Yes. More important how many fathers/husbands wouldn't have a problem living with their daughter/wife for 9 months pregnant with her rapist's child and paying for ALL her medical care.

I believe it is Her decision. What you neglect to realize though, is that a Child conceived of Rape, is just as much a Victim, as the Mother. Knowing that, if a Rape Victim does choose to Abort, I would neither block or obstruct Her will; Nor would I think less of Her, However She decided.
Bullshit. Republicans don't keep bringing it up. Every time a candidate says they are pro-life, the smokescreen around the abortion rate in this country is immediately thrown up. "What about in cases of rape or incest?" It's a HUGE diversion.

That candidate who is in the news, Murdock, was asked it during a debate. He didn't bring it up, the moderator did.

The media ALWAYS throw up that question. Every, single, time.

It's a gotcha game that has the end result of no progress on the abortion rate being made for decades.

I won't play.

I most certainly did. This "yes or no" bullshit is just that; bullshit. It's a sickening tactic used to protect the million-plus other abortions each year by using crime victims as human shields to keep the conversation away from the massive irresponsibility of people who use abortion as their birth control method.

So my answer to that disgusting tactic is, "Fuck you." Stop using crime victims as a tool to institutionalize irresponsibility.

This is yet another variation of the "roll out the cancer lady" emotional blackmail tactic so beloved of the Left.


It took me a while to find it, but I just watched the portion of the video in question to see exactly what the candidate was asked. He was NOT asked about rape at all.

See for yourself.

Start at 42:31 when the question is asked, no mention of rape or even of exceptions.

Mourdock brought it up himself.
I'm sorry to see that g5000 ran away from this....

:lol: The Pubs can bring up the legislation proposals but I guess the moderator is not supposed to bring that up... :eusa_shhh:
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Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?

That is seriously a stupid question. Abortion is legal and no one needs "support" to do it.

It's like asking if you support people who smoke. Or people who drink. Or grossly overweight people who wear spandex in public. Does Obama support filmmakers when they practice freedom of speech? Does Obama support people's choice when it comes to their own health care?

Do as you will as long as it harms no one else. If others get hurt physically, mentally or financially, you are dragging them in and you've no right to do that.

I think us taxpayers "support" people enough as it is. For many of us, the limit of our budgets have been reached, so back off. No one is stopping anyone from doing things, but it would be nice if government would get their fucking hands out of our pockets and their nose of our homes.
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I may disagree on moral grounds, but it is her right and I would in no way interfere with her right to do so.

Does the father have any right to determine the fate of his child?

The Constitution codifies the rights of individuals concerning privacy, and acknowledges the fact that the woman alone enjoys that right concerning her pregnancy. Just as the state may not compel a woman to retain a pregnancy she does not want, so too may the state not empower the father or spouse as some sort of ‘vetoing authority’:

Before birth…the issue takes on a very different cast. It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.

Inasmuch as it is the woman who physically bears the child and who is the more directly and immediately affected by the pregnancy, as between the two, the balance weighs in her favor.

“If the right of privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child." Eisenstadt v. Baird, 405 U. S., at 453. The Constitution protects individuals, men and women alike, from unjustified state interference, even when that interference is enacted into law for the benefit of their spouses.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?

That is seriously a stupid question. Abortion is legal and no one needs "support" to do it.

It's like asking if you support people who smoke. Or people who drink. Or grossly overweight people who wear spandex in public. Does Obama support filmmakers when they practice freedom of speech? Does Obama support people's choice when it comes to their own health care?

Do as you will as long as it harms no one else. If others get hurt physically, mentally or financially, you are dragging them in and you've no right to do that.

I think us taxpayers "support" people enough as it is. For many of us, the limit of our budgets have been reached, so back off. No one is stopping anyone from doing things, but it would be nice if government would get their fucking hands out of our pockets and their nose of our homes.
Or, more importantly, our bodies.

As to your assertion that no one is stopping us from doing what we want, the GOP is certainly trying its best.
As to your assertion that no one is stopping us from doing what we want, the GOP is certainly trying its best.

I agree, rape is the exception not the rule.

A more straight forward question is, where do you draw the line at abortion?

When any restriction or regulation manifests an undue burden:

The very notion that the State has a substantial interest in potential life leads to the conclusion that not all regulations must be deemed unwarranted. Not all burdens on the right to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy will be undue. In our view, the undue burden standard is the appropriate means of reconciling the State's interest with the woman's constitutionally protected liberty.

Only where state regulation imposes an undue burden on a woman's ability to make this decision does the power of the State reach into the heart of the liberty protected by the Due Process Clause.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?

That is seriously a stupid question. Abortion is legal and no one needs "support" to do it.

It's like asking if you support people who smoke. Or people who drink. Or grossly overweight people who wear spandex in public. Does Obama support filmmakers when they practice freedom of speech? Does Obama support people's choice when it comes to their own health care?

Do as you will as long as it harms no one else. If others get hurt physically, mentally or financially, you are dragging them in and you've no right to do that.

I think us taxpayers "support" people enough as it is. For many of us, the limit of our budgets have been reached, so back off. No one is stopping anyone from doing things, but it would be nice if government would get their fucking hands out of our pockets and their nose of our homes.
Or, more importantly, our bodies.

As to your assertion that no one is stopping us from doing what we want, the GOP is certainly trying its best.

Not true. Guess what? Even righties get to have a point of view that differs from lefties. You may not like their take on the world but unless and until they are a member of Congress who is actually trying to pass a piece of legislature to ban abortion I can only say toughen up and deal. Get use to people not always sharing your view of the world and "gasp" daring to speak openly about their beliefs even if those beliefs make the collective You run around like hysterical Henny Pennys screaming:

"Warning Warning! The big bad RWers are gonna take my abortion away!"

Chill. Abortion is legal and will remain legal. Find another soapbox.
That is seriously a stupid question. Abortion is legal and no one needs "support" to do it.

It's like asking if you support people who smoke. Or people who drink. Or grossly overweight people who wear spandex in public. Does Obama support filmmakers when they practice freedom of speech? Does Obama support people's choice when it comes to their own health care?

Do as you will as long as it harms no one else. If others get hurt physically, mentally or financially, you are dragging them in and you've no right to do that.

I think us taxpayers "support" people enough as it is. For many of us, the limit of our budgets have been reached, so back off. No one is stopping anyone from doing things, but it would be nice if government would get their fucking hands out of our pockets and their nose of our homes.
Or, more importantly, our bodies.

As to your assertion that no one is stopping us from doing what we want, the GOP is certainly trying its best.

Not true. Guess what? Even righties get to have a point of view that differs from lefties. You may not like their take on the world but unless and until they are a member of Congress who is actually trying to pass a piece of legislature to ban abortion I can only say toughen up and deal. Get use to people not always sharing your view of the world and "gasp" daring to speak openly about their beliefs even if those beliefs make the collective You run around like hysterical Henny Pennys screaming:

"Warning Warning! The big bad RWers are gonna take my abortion away!"

Chill. Abortion is legal and will remain legal. Find another soapbox.
You keep putting up candidates that want to decide the biological functions of women. Until you stop, you're going to be resisted.

Deal yourself, Mr. Big Government. :lol:
Do you support a Women's right to abort a pregnancy the result of rape or incest?

Yes or No?

That is seriously a stupid question. Abortion is legal and no one needs "support" to do it.

It's like asking if you support people who smoke. Or people who drink. Or grossly overweight people who wear spandex in public. Does Obama support filmmakers when they practice freedom of speech? Does Obama support people's choice when it comes to their own health care?

Do as you will as long as it harms no one else. If others get hurt physically, mentally or financially, you are dragging them in and you've no right to do that.

I think us taxpayers "support" people enough as it is. For many of us, the limit of our budgets have been reached, so back off. No one is stopping anyone from doing things, but it would be nice if government would get their fucking hands out of our pockets and their nose of our homes.

Unsurprisingly, this makes no sense.

Federal law prohibits public funding of abortion, with the exception of rape, incest, or endangerment of the mother’s life. See: Todd Akin and ‘legitimate rape.’
You keep putting up candidates that want to decide the biological functions of women. Until you stop, you're going to be resisted.

Deal yourself, Mr. Big Government. :lol:

Yeah Congress is waaaay full of legislation to ban abortion.

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