Do you support abolishing the Federal Dept of Education?

Do you support abolishing the Fed Dept of Ed in favor of Parents and the States?

  • Yes

    Votes: 75 78.1%
  • No

    Votes: 21 21.9%

  • Total voters
I have to say, I never expected to see 80% support for abolishing it... even here.

Then you haven't paid attention to how many of us deplore the state of most of the nation's public schools and the crappy education we see most of the kids in them getting. It all comes down to effectiveness, efficiency, and excellence. The Federal government accomplishes that pretty will with national parks and interstate highways. It does not do that well with education.
I have to say, I never expected to see 80% support for abolishing it... even here.

Then you haven't paid attention to how many of us deplore the state of most of the nation's public schools and the crappy education we see most of the kids in them getting. It all comes down to effectiveness, efficiency, and excellence. The Federal government accomplishes that pretty will with national parks and interstate highways. It does not do that well with education.
The FEDE has no business in the usurping of a local issue...especially seeing that they dangle money over the heads of those that it belongs to in the first place. The DOE educates no one.
What makes you think I support that?

oh i doubt you do, but i am pointing out that the DOE helps more than just public schools.....

this thread has been a wonderful example of the fear and disinformation the right likes to use in order to win.

The DoA doesn't "help" anyone. It simply interferes and fouls everything up.

It needs to be abolished.
Should have happened when Bush and the Republicans had the power...instead? Bush allows Teddy Kennedy to write legislation that Bush gladly signed.

"No child Left Behind" A magnificent piece of bullsqueeze unneeded crap that Obama is now touting...and trying to scuttle...

(Can't blame Boooosh for everything, now can we or is he)? Obama's subversion of Congressional authority are getting rather numerous...

Obama Waives Signature Bush Education Achievement

How about those Atlanta schools and thier answer to the

Atlanta Cheating: 178 Teachers and Administrators Changed Answers to Increase Test Scores

The FED's intervention into a State/Local issue needs to go.
oh i doubt you do, but i am pointing out that the DOE helps more than just public schools.....

this thread has been a wonderful example of the fear and disinformation the right likes to use in order to win.

The DoA doesn't "help" anyone. It simply interferes and fouls everything up.

It needs to be abolished.

you stupid fuck. As i already pointed out in this thread the DOE helps state and local pay for things. The power is in the state and local boards, not the feds stupid.

10% of the overall budget of the combined public and private schools comes from the federal government.

This is a fact, everything i have said is a fact. All you have is an uneducated opinion based on nothing but what other people told you to think.

U.S. Department of Education Budget Office

Educate yourself you stupid motherfucker.

THen block grant the 10% and don't pretend that the FEDS can play a vital role in reform. Particularly because your side doesn't like it when it comes to national testing or giving IMMEDIATE relief to parents who can't wait another couple years for a solution...
In favor of returning education to Parents and the States?

For the most part, yes.

If I had to state a 100% unqualified yes or no answer, I am comfortable with a "yes."



You realise that millions of parents would be responsible for sending their children to school with peanut butter sammiches if there was no DOE to administer Title I, Free and Reduced lunch programs???!!!
In favor of returning education to Parents and the States?

For the most part, yes.

If I had to state a 100% unqualified yes or no answer, I am comfortable with a "yes."



You realise that millions of parents would be responsible for sending their children to school with peanut butter sammiches if there was no DOE to administer Title I, Free and Reduced lunch programs???!!!

OK -- it worked. I feel so guilty.. Take that Title 1 program and give it Dept Ag or HHS. Or better yet -- let them COMPETE for the honor..
In favor of returning education to Parents and the States?

For the most part, yes.

If I had to state a 100% unqualified yes or no answer, I am comfortable with a "yes."



You realise that millions of parents would be responsible for sending their children to school with peanut butter sammiches if there was no DOE to administer Title I, Free and Reduced lunch programs???!!!

We need a separate bureaucracy to issue checks?
If you can't afford to feed your children three meals a day, someone needs to get a second job.

As for the link to the DOE budget office ... Do you actually believe what they say? These are the same people (government) that says a freeze at current spending level for 10 years = a 9 trillion cut in the federal budget.
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I have to say, I never expected to see 80% support for abolishing it... even here.

Doesn't surprise me at all. The DoE and public schools as a whole have become the scapegoat for bad parents who don't want to be involved in their child's education.
For the most part, yes.

If I had to state a 100% unqualified yes or no answer, I am comfortable with a "yes."



You realise that millions of parents would be responsible for sending their children to school with peanut butter sammiches if there was no DOE to administer Title I, Free and Reduced lunch programs???!!!

We need a separate bureaucracy to issue checks?

You need a seperate bureaucracy to ensure that each student that attends school in the Land of the Free is not so famished that he cannot concentrate on the importance of learning why he or she has the individual right to join the military and openly pack fudge or munch rugs of other, same sex individuals.
If you can't afford to feed your children three meals a day, someone needs to get a second job.

And then suddenly parents have no time to help with their kid's homework and they blame the teachers and the schools.

Gee, see a pattern here?
For the most part, yes.

If I had to state a 100% unqualified yes or no answer, I am comfortable with a "yes."



You realise that millions of parents would be responsible for sending their children to school with peanut butter sammiches if there was no DOE to administer Title I, Free and Reduced lunch programs???!!!

OK -- it worked. I feel so guilty.. Take that Title 1 program and give it Dept Ag or HHS. Or better yet -- let them COMPETE for the honor..

I haven't BEGUN to Make you feel guilty!!

Without the DOE enforcing IDEA, who will make sure that every drooling gimp who needs a private nurse to change his diaper will not get a free and equal chance to succeed in The Home of The Brave?
I have to say, I never expected to see 80% support for abolishing it... even here.

Doesn't surprise me at all. The DoE and public schools as a whole have become the scapegoat for bad parents who don't want to be involved in their child's education.

Didn't recognize your sporty new avatar..

We're all smart enough to get that. I'm not blaming teachers for being piled on by layers of bureaucracies deep enough to sink a carrier. The job that DC was SUPPOSED to do is perform the triage and break the problem down. Get IMMEDIATE relief to the parents who DO give a damn. And beef programs to tackle the myriad of reasons -- outside of teacher's pervue -- for failing kids and schools. You do not like testing.. You do not like CHOICE. You do not show indignity when teachers cheat on the test results.

So the tools aren't there to fix the problem from DC. YES -- the Dept of Ed is then reduced to a SCAPEGOAT for the inherent failure to address the REAL PROBLEMS.. They didn't defend their methods. They are useless. I WANTED to continue to see good work like -- but obviously SCIENCE and ANALYSIS is unacceptable to our leftist buds..
here is my 0.02$.

with the typical successful American household having both parents at full time work I still do agree that the parents need a lot of help in keeping the education process in front of them. Its so easy to fall behind the Q if the real world demands more and more to make ends meet. Which is exactly the scenario we are seeing as we speak.

so while it sounds so good to sit here and say that parents need to be much more involved, im just not sure our current American pace of life is going to accommodate such a reality. I wish it did.

overall, I like the system in place very much. I went to Cocoa Beach High and received a great education. My parents both worked for the space program and were very busy making a good life for my sister and I. thank god for a good public school and even better teachers. SO instead of acting like rotten right wing snot nosed brats, lets support our teachers as they are a HUGE part of our community and the overall success of our Nation. Lets make sure they make a lot more money and become more accustom to being audited so they preform to our high American standards. the system is fine, it just needs a massive investment from all of us, including money.
There are great Public school districts all over the country. They are far outnumbered by the shitty ones. Those ( as I am thankful to have) who've experienced a good public education tend to assume all districts are like theirs and thus defend and support public education and all the bureaucracy that goes with it. They figure the government meddling in local affairs with worth the price.
Now, I take offense to the term "right wing snot nosed brats"...That assumes and accuses all who oppose the condition of their local schools to be bad people. I will not tolerate such generalizations. What your insult says to me is "tough shit if you think you have lousy local schools. Even though you the taxpayer think the teachers and administrators aren't doing a good job, you are to keep your mouth shut and support them anyway. After all, we on the political Left view public education as sacrosanct"....
Guess what? NOT ON MY WATCH.
Didn't recognize your sporty new avatar..
Well, it is football season.

We're all smart enough to get that.
You might be, but I think many on the right and in this thread, who are calling for an end to the DoE, are NOT smart enough to get it. I see posts saying that parents should just work two jobs so they can afford lunches for kids. But yet, we all know a parent who works two jobs has virtually no time for their kids, so that's not good. Doesn't matter though to the TPers! Kill the DoE and to Hell with any kid who can't afford to eat!

You do not like testing.. You do not like CHOICE. You do not show indignity when teachers cheat on the test results.
Are you directing that at me? I'm a liberal. I love testing and choice! Please! Bring it on!

As for the teachers cheating on tests, have you ever talked with a teacher about this? I have. I know many, and they ALL want to be able to fire bad teachers. They all think those bad apples make the rest of them look bad. They AGREE with you on this!

So the tools aren't there to fix the problem from DC.
The DoE can't fix every problem nor should they. That's not their role. Attacking them because they are not a cure all is ridiculous.
It's NAEP - Nation's Report Card Home

but obviously SCIENCE and ANALYSIS is unacceptable to our leftist buds..
Seriously? You think the Left is doesn't like Science and Analysis? Wow ...
Didn't recognize your sporty new avatar..
Well, it is football season.

We're all smart enough to get that.
You might be, but I think many on the right and in this thread, who are calling for an end to the DoE, are NOT smart enough to get it. I see posts saying that parents should just work two jobs so they can afford lunches for kids. But yet, we all know a parent who works two jobs has virtually no time for their kids, so that's not good. Doesn't matter though to the TPers! Kill the DoE and to Hell with any kid who can't afford to eat!

Are you directing that at me? I'm a liberal. I love testing and choice! Please! Bring it on!

As for the teachers cheating on tests, have you ever talked with a teacher about this? I have. I know many, and they ALL want to be able to fire bad teachers. They all think those bad apples make the rest of them look bad. They AGREE with you on this!

The DoE can't fix every problem nor should they. That's not their role. Attacking them because they are not a cure all is ridiculous.
It's NAEP - Nation's Report Card Home

but obviously SCIENCE and ANALYSIS is unacceptable to our leftist buds..
Seriously? You think the Left is doesn't like Science and Analysis? Wow ...

Then WHY the hell do they exist? They are a waste on Local resources/time and don't educate anyone.

Glad you see that they should be abolished.
Then WHY the hell do they exist? They are a waste on Local resources/time and don't educate anyone.

For those kids reading at home, take note of this. This is one of the main differences between the Left and the Right in this country.

T ... just because a Government Department is not perfect at all times and in all things, is not enough grounds to have it abolished.

See what happened there kids? The Right believe that if there is a government agency or department or plan or whatever, it must work perfectly at all times and in all ways. If it doesn't, if it even falters one time, or doesn't live up to 100% of its potential, then the entire department/agency/plan must be completely thrown out and it must be attacked as an utter failure.

It's like being in school and you can only get a 100% A grade or you get an F. There is no other option in between.

We on the Left think a B+ is pretty good :razz:
Didn't recognize your sporty new avatar..
Well, it is football season.

We're all smart enough to get that.
You might be, but I think many on the right and in this thread, who are calling for an end to the DoE, are NOT smart enough to get it. I see posts saying that parents should just work two jobs so they can afford lunches for kids. But yet, we all know a parent who works two jobs has virtually no time for their kids, so that's not good. Doesn't matter though to the TPers! Kill the DoE and to Hell with any kid who can't afford to eat!

Are you directing that at me? I'm a liberal. I love testing and choice! Please! Bring it on!

As for the teachers cheating on tests, have you ever talked with a teacher about this? I have. I know many, and they ALL want to be able to fire bad teachers. They all think those bad apples make the rest of them look bad. They AGREE with you on this!

The DoE can't fix every problem nor should they. That's not their role. Attacking them because they are not a cure all is ridiculous.
It's NAEP - Nation's Report Card Home

but obviously SCIENCE and ANALYSIS is unacceptable to our leftist buds..
Seriously? You think the Left is doesn't like Science and Analysis? Wow ...

Not so fast there CheeZeHead.. You love testing and choice? So you SUPPORT NCLB?

Because the major components of THAT were NAEP testing and assesment followed by MANDATED choice for parents to pull kids out of failing schools.. Don't give me crap about funding. I just want to know if you think all that whining and wailing about testing being racist and stupid was justified. And whether failing schools SHOULD be reorganized and reconstituted.

The left obviously WERE against testing and evaluation component of NCLB. And without that scientific data -- the FEDs would be just guessing.. So YES -- they are AGAINST Science and Analysis when it came to gathering data about the magnitude of the Pub school problem...
Lol my how some people like to romanticize the past. Was the education system great before the Feds got involved? Was the education provided for in the past better than our current system? This argument is akin to saying "these kids these days are crazy". People always perceive "back in the day" as being super Duper. When it's really just their perception.

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