Do you support abolishing the Federal Dept of Education?

Do you support abolishing the Fed Dept of Ed in favor of Parents and the States?

  • Yes

    Votes: 75 78.1%
  • No

    Votes: 21 21.9%

  • Total voters
Absolutely. The Federal Government has absolutely not reason, or Right, to be involved in our Kids Education at all.

And don't start with the "their just helping fund our kids Education" BS. Several studies show that most states, do to obligations and mandates the Dept of Education has put on them, spend 25% more making sure they meet those Obligations and mandates, than they get in Federal Education Funding Dollars.

Every single penny we spend on the FDE is not only a wasted penny. It's actually 1.25 Cents wasted. How wonderful, Federal Bureaucracy at it's best.

And what do we get for all this money we have sent to the FDE in the last 4 plus years it had existed?, and all the money the states spending Meeting FDE mandates and Regulations? Failing schools, Low test scores, and no accountability. What a great deal.

And Liberals wonder why Conservatives don't think Government is the Best answer to most questions.
Precisely. The best thing they could do is get outta the way and let the soverign States handle it thier own unique way as determined by thier citizens.
Ask any teacher. You can't make children learn. That's the wonders of freedom, move if you want, stay if you want
The best thing they could do is get outta the way and let the soverign States handle it thier own unique way as determined by thier citizens.

Yeah! That's right! Get out of the way so States can teach kids about how sun spots are warming the planet and that our 6,000 year old Earth was made in 6 days by God.

Wahoo Freedom!
What protection am I denying them? Their right to live in a poor mismanaged state if they so choose?

Poor people can't just pick up and move anywhere and at anytime. Even if they did, how does that make America stronger compared to the rest of the worlds education system. Let me guess, that doesn't matter, right?
Hmmm ... A bunch if kids believing in a higher power ... And the downside is what?

Exactly! No need for Biology or any Science classes! If you don't understand something in the world, meh, God made it happen! If you get sick or injured, meh, pray it away!

Imagine the spending cuts!

Rick Perry would be proud.
Poor people can pick up and move, they choose not to. If they can afford a $300 xbox, they can afford to move.

Why do I care about the rest of the worlds education system?
What protection am I denying them? Their right to live in a poor mismanaged state if they so choose?

Poor people can't just pick up and move anywhere and at anytime. Even if they did, how does that make America stronger compared to the rest of the worlds education system. Let me guess, that doesn't matter, right?

Funny thing. When the Wisconsin unions were under attack and I pointed out that if you drive out the good teachers from a state, parents and families will leave too, because their kids education is important to many parents. I was insulted from almost every "conservative" on this board about how that would never happen. Parents would never leave just due to schools.

And yet, now, a "conservative" is saying just that. Parents could, and should, leave a state.

I love the flip flopping.
What protection am I denying them? Their right to live in a poor mismanaged state if they so choose?

Poor people can't just pick up and move anywhere and at anytime. Even if they did, how does that make America stronger compared to the rest of the worlds education system. Let me guess, that doesn't matter, right?

But they can make things better than they are. If they choose to live in ignorance, we have a constitution that gives them that right. Or if you are really concerned, go help them yourself. The Federal government has only made the situation much much worse.
Flip flopping by who?

Not me, I would say that the families would move if the education system suffred. Removing teachers that think more about their union and less about their studants seems perfictly fine with me

If a teacher, on a school day, decides it's more important to march on the state capital then teach the children that are at their desks and waiting for instruction ... By all means, issue the pick slips and begin hiring immediatly
Your dissappointing me dontbestupid. I thought you was doing so good. It's my experiance that when dealing with libs that they can only maintain the company line of ignorance for a short period of time, then they run out if talking points ... You was doing so good

please, try to think for yourself and explain your position. I am clearly stating mine. And for the record, I'm not a Perry fan, I didn't like the way he ran Texas while I was there
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Do you support abolishing the Federal Dept of Education?

Of course not, what a ridiculous waste of time, there are many more important issues to address.

Do you support abolishing the Fed Dept of Ed in favor of Parents and the States?

The states and parents already administer education, the right shouldn’t politicize this important issue, particularly given the fact conservative dogma is hostile toward public education in general.
The best thing they could do is get outta the way and let the soverign States handle it thier own unique way as determined by thier citizens.

Yeah! That's right! Get out of the way so States can teach kids about how sun spots are warming the planet and that our 6,000 year old Earth was made in 6 days by God.

Wahoo Freedom!
Nice deflection and typical of a moron. You should requisition a name change to always stupid.
Flip flopping by who?

Not me, I would say that the families would move if the education system suffred. Removing teachers that think more about their union and less about their studants seems perfictly fine with me

If a teacher, on a school day, decides it's more important to march on the state capital then teach the children that are at their desks and waiting for instruction ... By all means, issue the pick slips and begin hiring immediatly

There are parents who don't give a damn for sure, but you're right that parents who care about their kids will move heaven and earth to get into the best school district they can afford. Or to get their kids out of a bad one.

Further, much of commerce and industry that wants a qualified, educated work force looks closely at the local schools before choosing to locate in a community or sometimes a state.
I'm not sure exactly what their budget is, but to me, it's not a waste if time, but a matter of a waste of money and spending, which I'm sure you think is not an issue either
What protection am I denying them? Their right to live in a poor mismanaged state if they so choose?

Poor people can't just pick up and move anywhere and at anytime. Even if they did, how does that make America stronger compared to the rest of the worlds education system. Let me guess, that doesn't matter, right?

But they can make things better than they are. If they choose to live in ignorance, we have a constitution that gives them that right.

No. We have a Constitution that ensures that right. They have the right by nature.
Poor people can't just pick up and move anywhere and at anytime. Even if they did, how does that make America stronger compared to the rest of the worlds education system. Let me guess, that doesn't matter, right?

But they can make things better than they are. If they choose to live in ignorance, we have a constitution that gives them that right.

No. We have a Constitution that ensures that right. They have the right by nature.

Semantically speaker you are correct. We are born with the right. Our constitution recognizes and guarantees it, which is a fact I am pretty sure isn't being taught much in schools these days and that maybe half the members of USMB don't grasp or understand. We need to get the federal government out of education.
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Your agreeing with the constitution dude ... I think you have strayed from your talking points

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