Do you support abolishing the Federal Dept of Education?

Do you support abolishing the Fed Dept of Ed in favor of Parents and the States?

  • Yes

    Votes: 75 78.1%
  • No

    Votes: 21 21.9%

  • Total voters
Then WHY the hell do they exist? They are a waste on Local resources/time and don't educate anyone.

For those kids reading at home, take note of this. This is one of the main differences between the Left and the Right in this country.

T ... just because a Government Department is not perfect at all times and in all things, is not enough grounds to have it abolished.

See what happened there kids? The Right believe that if there is a government agency or department or plan or whatever, it must work perfectly at all times and in all ways. If it doesn't, if it even falters one time, or doesn't live up to 100% of its potential, then the entire department/agency/plan must be completely thrown out and it must be attacked as an utter failure.

It's like being in school and you can only get a 100% A grade or you get an F. There is no other option in between.

We on the Left think a B+ is pretty good :razz:

No, Stupid. It doesn't follow that just because an agency might not run well that it must be abolished. But that's just your strawman bullshit. Nobody is making THAT argument other than you, Stupid.

But if there is no valid basis for a FEDERAL Department in the first place, the fact that it runs like shit SHOULD help get it abolished. See how that works, STupid? No you probably don't.

Try to keep up, Stupid.

That's a good Stupid puppy. Good boy! << Liability pats Stupid on his head. >>
Before we had the DOE we had the best schools in the world. See what happens when you turn something over to the government. Look at the success the Dept Of Education has had and you can get a glimpse of what's in store for health care. We are on the road from world class health care to the worst health care in the world. Anything the government touches turns to shit. The less they touch the better.
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Lol @ the T

Nothing can fix every problem. Hell, I have yet to see a conservative advocate getting rid of traffic lights because accidents still happen. What the cons know but won't admit is that there is not ONE program, company or entity that is infallible. But hey take the problems that every program has and pretends that because it isn't error free it should not exist.
Lol @ the T

Nothing can fix every problem. Hell, I have yet to see a conservative advocate getting rid of traffic lights because accidents still happen. What the cons know but won't admit is that there is not ONE program, company or entity that is infallible. But hey take the problems that every program has and pretends that because it isn't error free it should not exist.
Whom said Conservatives did want that? You need to knuckle down on responsibility of the individual don't you?
Let's recap:

The FEDERAL Government's Department of Education has no valid Constitutional basis to even exist in the first place.

Moreover, it runs like shit.

The former point is a good basis to abolish it.

The second point is an additional basis together with the first point.

I'm more interested in seeing a logical and Constitutionally valid explanation for why there should be a FEDERAL Department of Education.
Before we had the DOE we had the best schools in the world. See what happens when you turn something over to the government. Look at the success the Dept Of Education has had and you can get a glimpse of what's in store for health care. We are on the road from world class health care to the worst health care in the world. Anything the government touches turns to shit. The less they touch the better.

according to who?
Then WHY the hell do they exist? They are a waste on Local resources/time and don't educate anyone.

For those kids reading at home, take note of this. This is one of the main differences between the Left and the Right in this country.

T ... just because a Government Department is not perfect at all times and in all things, is not enough grounds to have it abolished.

See what happened there kids? The Right believe that if there is a government agency or department or plan or whatever, it must work perfectly at all times and in all ways. If it doesn't, if it even falters one time, or doesn't live up to 100% of its potential, then the entire department/agency/plan must be completely thrown out and it must be attacked as an utter failure.

It's like being in school and you can only get a 100% A grade or you get an F. There is no other option in between.

We on the Left think a B+ is pretty good :razz:

No, Stupid. It doesn't follow that just because an agency might not run well that it must be abolished. But that's just your strawman bullshit. Nobody is making THAT argument other than you, Stupid.

Actually, The T did. I was responding to him.
Lol @ the T

Nothing can fix every problem. Hell, I have yet to see a conservative advocate getting rid of traffic lights because accidents still happen. What the cons know but won't admit is that there is not ONE program, company or entity that is infallible. But hey take the problems that every program has and pretends that because it isn't error free it should not exist.
Whom said Conservatives did want that? You need to knuckle down on responsibility of the individual don't you?

Did want what? All I'm saying is just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean you get rid of it, if you did you wouldn't have anything at all.
The first time I learned that the "blame the partent" was a complete scam was when my youngest (then going into the 9th grade) had failed the math portion of the TASK test. The school called me to tell me that my daughter wasn't going into the 9th grade as planned. I asked and recieved a meeting for the next day.

I walked in there and the major players were all there, math teacher, studant counceller etc. They said tgeir peice about how her scores were not high enough, then it was my turn.

"what was kaylas last report card grade in math?"

"sir, I understand your ..."

"what was her grade?"


"how am I supposed to help my child at home, when the information from you is telling me that kayla is getting an 88 in math and getting a 81 in science? Which do you think she needs work in more?"

"I'm not sure how she got the 88 sir"

"how about the grade before that? And the grade before that? Or before that? She has never gotten a low grade in math ... What is going on?"

"I'm sure ms (whatever her name was) would be glad to help Kayla during the summer ..."

"I don't know who screwed this up, but I'm pretty sure it's either the teacher or what she is teaching. Kayla has been on honor roll sense first grade, now your telling that she is going to make honor roll THIS YEAR and not advance to the next grade? Explain that to me?"

they gave her another test and advanced her to the next grade where she is still on honor roll.

I understand in some cases that it is the parents, but your going to have a hard time explaining to me some of the issues that this situation raised in my mind. The DOE needs to go
Absolutely. The Federal Government has absolutely not reason, or Right, to be involved in our Kids Education at all.

And don't start with the "their just helping fund our kids Education" BS. Several studies show that most states, do to obligations and mandates the Dept of Education has put on them, spend 25% more making sure they meet those Obligations and mandates, than they get in Federal Education Funding Dollars.

Every single penny we spend on the FDE is not only a wasted penny. It's actually 1.25 Cents wasted. How wonderful, Federal Bureaucracy at it's best.

And what do we get for all this money we have sent to the FDE in the last 4 plus years it had existed?, and all the money the states spending Meeting FDE mandates and Regulations? Failing schools, Low test scores, and no accountability. What a great deal.

And Liberals wonder why Conservatives don't think Government is the Best answer to most questions.
I understand in some cases that it is the parents, but your going to have a hard time explaining to me some of the issues that this situation raised in my mind. The DOE needs to go

I would love to hear how you think the DoE is responsible for what happened in your story.
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Anything ... ANYTHING that destracts ANYONE involved with the education of the youth of this country needs to go.

There is so much crap that schools have to do that doesn't include teaching children that they don't have much time to do so now

Do you know why money doesn't solve the issue? Because the money goes to administaters instead of teachers. We still have 1 teacher and 20-30 studants in a class room, but now as apposed to the past, there is an army of administraters, nurses, councellers, assistants to the coucellers, deans, assistants to the deans ... It goes on and on.

Some of this is union, some is state, some is fed. I'm of the "scorched earth" mentallity ... Trash it all and rebuild with things that work
"just get rid of it" isn't a persuasive answer even when you say it while stamping your feet. This "free market education" idea the cons have just doesn't add up. Rich states and better managed states will have an awesome education system and fuck the other kids who aren't as 1) well off or 2) have a well managed state.

That sure would make America stronger, right?
If the citizins in Mississippi don't want to pay local taxes for a better school system, then they get what they pay for.

If the school district I am in doesn't have good schools, you won't see me living there for long. I'm willing to pay for my childrens education, that others only see it as daycare isn't my problem
As you can guess I'm not much into the "we need to make sure everyone has a fair shot" ... No, we don't ... The parents of said child needs to make sure their child has a fair chance. Their child is not my responcibility
I learned a long time ago that you can give all the oppertunity in the world to someone, and if they are not willing to act, it's all wasted.

Give a poor man a million dollars and he will file for bankrupty in a year... Because poor is what he is comfertable with and nothing that you do will help that situation. If you find yourself not willing to make a difference, then you have no reason to complain.
As you can guess I'm not much into the "we need to make sure everyone has a fair shot" ... No, we don't ... The parents of said child needs to make sure their child has a fair chance. Their child is not my responcibility
An indiviudualist if I have ever read one...sure they aren't your responsibility...but even those you aren't responsible for deserve yours and MY protection of thier right to individual liberty. ;)
If you live in a poor mismanaged state ... Then get the vote, or move to a better run snd managed state
If the citizins in Mississippi don't want to pay local taxes for a better school system, then they get what they pay for.

Yeah! That's right! Fuck those kids! Fuck their future! Who cares about helping our fellow citizens? Nah! Fuck 'em!

Yay for Freedom!

/end Tea Party rant
What protection am I denying them? Their right to live in a poor mismanaged state if they so choose?

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