Do you support Pastor Terry ?

Do you support what Pastor Terry is doing in burning the KORAN?

  • YES

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 22 78.6%

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  • Poll closed .
Im shocked that so few of you support the Pastor. Do you pity the Muslim extremists, do you feel sorry for them ? What about our brothers and sisters who died on 9 /11, who died in Iraq, who died in Afghanistan ...Have you NO honour, are you too PC ? Im not.........................

What about Muslims who are NOT extremists and have never harmed anyone in their lives?
All Muslims are extremists. There are NO peace loving Muslims. We, the Christians, are the infidels and Muslims are taught to destroy the infidels.
Pastor Terry Jones is determined to burn copies of the Koran (so-called Muslim holy book) on September 11 in an expression of hatred towards Muslim extremists. He's from the Dove Outreach Church in Gainesville, Fla. and he's not doing more harm than good to the Christian sector. Who would want to burn anyone's holy book, even to avenge extremists? I the YUKON man would, I support the Pastor.

Radical opponents of the Western world and Christian beliefs took over the minds of those who attacked America on September 11, 2001. It was an unthinkable act geared to change our world, which it has on numerous security measures.

Support Pastor Terry. Send him your thanks.

I believe that at first it was really just a demonstration of protest, and not necessarily a bad thing. Those wimpy muslims can take it, but our whimpy president throws our free speech out the window in the process.

Now, I do believe it needs to not happen. There needs to be another way to protest. Has anyone ever burned one of their flags? Americans need to stand against the president and other muslims on these things, and we need to hold our ground at any cost.

I will NEVER vote a muslim into any office. I will never agree with giving them any religious freedoms in America because their religion is a built-in government that will try to overthrow this great nation. Apathy should not win this one. Peace is the opposite of their goal and agenda.
All Muslims are extremists. There are NO peace loving Muslims. We, the Christians, are the infidels and Muslims are taught to destroy the infidels.

You obviously don't know the Koran. Christians are "people of the book". The people to be destroyed are the polytheists. Considering you don't understand that BASIC fact, why should we put any faith in the rest of your opinions?
I do not support what he is doing but I support his right to do it.

I feel sorry for his congregation of hateful fearful fools.

He has the right to do it just like Muslims have the right to build a mosque but that really isn't at the heart of either debate -it is whether they SHOULD.

I keep hoping this pastor is pulling this stunt so that at the last minute he will call it off as an example of the kind of forgiveness one can expect from Christ -which would highlight the difference between what one group of Muslims did in the name of their religion compared to what he did not do but could have if he wanted to indulge in that same kind (but much lesser) degree of hatred. If this isn't a stunt he intends to call off at the last minute what this guy intends to do has nothing to do with Christianity whatsoever and would in no way commemorate 9/11 in any kind of decent or honorable way. Even if he calls it off at the last minute, this is not an honorable way to commemorate 9/11 as he claims he will be doing.

This is a needless act of provocation that will only cause anger and resentment and not just among Muslims either but among millions of Christians and non-Muslim/non-Christians as well who all oppose this act as a needless provocation and a deliberate insult that can accomplish nothing good! And for what purpose? What is his goal with such an act if he intends to go through with it? This kind of stunt will never persuade anyone of the righteousness of Christ and instead can only serve to harm Christianity itself -even if he calls it off. It only gives more fodder to those who already never need any excuse to bash Christianity and show their own intolerance. And here is this bozo giving them this kind of cheesy ass excuse to keep it up.
All Muslims are extremists. There are NO peace loving Muslims. We, the Christians, are the infidels and Muslims are taught to destroy the infidels.

Your ignorance clearly demonstrates what the problem is here.

So I'm the fucking ignorant one ? Crazy Muslim cocksuckers fly aircraft into buildings, killing thousands of infidels, and they are peace loving people, but I'm the fucking ignorant prick for hating the bastards. You've got your fucking priorities wrong you dumb asshole.
Im shocked that so few of you support the Pastor. Do you pity the Muslim extremists, do you feel sorry for them ? What about our brothers and sisters who died on 9 /11, who died in Iraq, who died in Afghanistan ...Have you NO honour, are you too PC ? Im not.........................

What about Muslims who are NOT extremists and have never harmed anyone in their lives?

That's right, what about them. Where are they?

I support the idea of speaking out against terrorism. It is clear that that is what this pastor was doing. I think there may be other ways to do it, but this is what he chose.

Please, let's hear from those non-terroristic Muslims. Where are they? Those people are keepimg their mouths closed.

World outrage when a preacher who no one knows, of a church that no one knows about, says he is going to burn a Quran, but no outrage when a group of "MUSLIMS" go out ant chop off a lot of heads.

Sick world. I say, God bless America, and if the Muslim god doesn't like, he can go home.
i think it is unnecessary
but only the muslim are allowed to burn u.s and israel flags?
only unemployed idiots who blame their plight on people living on the other side of the world want to burn anything. this is the culture evolved in the mid-east. many americans are opposed to shit like this on our soil. ignorant shit.
Im shocked that so few of you support the Pastor. Do you pity the Muslim extremists, do you feel sorry for them ? What about our brothers and sisters who died on 9 /11, who died in Iraq, who died in Afghanistan ...Have you NO honour, are you too PC ? Im not.........................

What about Muslims who are NOT extremists and have never harmed anyone in their lives?

That's right, what about them. Where are they?

I support the idea of speaking out against terrorism. It is clear that that is what this pastor was doing. I think there may be other ways to do it, but this is what he chose.

Please, let's hear from those non-terroristic Muslims. Where are they? Those people are keepimg their mouths closed.

World outrage when a preacher who no one knows, of a church that no one knows about, says he is going to burn a Quran, but no outrage when a group of "MUSLIMS" go out ant chop off a lot of heads.

Sick world. I say, God bless America, and if the Muslim god doesn't like, he can go home.
no outrage? i think our western outrage is considerably more effective than burning effigies.

Im shocked that so few of you support the Pastor. Do you pity the Muslim extremists, do you feel sorry for them ? What about our brothers and sisters who died on 9 /11, who died in Iraq, who died in Afghanistan ...Have you NO honour, are you too PC ? Im not.........................

Except, you can't even spell Honor.. :eusa_eh:

So I'm the fucking ignorant one ? Crazy Muslim cocksuckers fly aircraft into buildings, killing thousands of infidels, and they are peace loving people, but I'm the fucking ignorant prick for hating the bastards. You've got your fucking priorities wrong you dumb asshole.

Yes, judging from your limited vocabulary, you sound extremely ignorant. :doubt:
Those who express hatred toward those who would destroy our society are not, repeat NOT, hateful fools.

Muslims, as a whole, would not destroy our society. You are grossly generalizing from a few bad apples to the whole orchard.

The whole orchard wants to live under sharia law, and they want all the other orchards to do the same. And all the apples have camel crotch rot, time to burn the orchard down before there's no more edible apples in the world.
Those who express hatred toward those who would destroy our society are not, repeat NOT, hateful fools.

Muslims, as a whole, would not destroy our society. You are grossly generalizing from a few bad apples to the whole orchard.

The whole orchard wants to live under sharia law, and they want all the other orchards to do the same.

Yeah. Whatever. Read all of the following web site and get back with me in a few days.

Islam Denounces Terrorism
Im shocked that so few of you support the Pastor. Do you pity the Muslim extremists, do you feel sorry for them ? What about our brothers and sisters who died on 9 /11, who died in Iraq, who died in Afghanistan ...Have you NO honour, are you too PC ? Im not.........................

What about Muslims who are NOT extremists and have never harmed anyone in their lives?

That's right, what about them. Where are they? I support the idea of speaking out against terrorism. Please, let's hear from those non-terroristic Muslims. Where are they? Those people are keepimg their mouths closed.

Islam Denounces Terrorism
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Im shocked that so few of you support the Pastor. Do you pity the Muslim extremists, do you feel sorry for them ? What about our brothers and sisters who died on 9 /11, who died in Iraq, who died in Afghanistan ...Have you NO honour, are you too PC ? Im not.........................

What about Muslims who are NOT extremists and have never harmed anyone in their lives?

That's right, what about them. Where are they?

I support the idea of speaking out against terrorism. It is clear that that is what this pastor was doing. I think there may be other ways to do it, but this is what he chose.

Please, let's hear from those non-terroristic Muslims. Where are they? Those people are keepimg their mouths closed.

World outrage when a preacher who no one knows, of a church that no one knows about, says he is going to burn a Quran, but no outrage when a group of "MUSLIMS" go out ant chop off a lot of heads.

Sick world. I say, God bless America, and if the Muslim god doesn't like, he can go home.

Of course you're making unsupported generalizations about all Muslims and that is where the problem lies. In your rank ignorance, you equate all Muslims with the few who were terrorists. There are millions of Muslims living in this country so if your generalization is correct, we should have already seen tens of thousand of instances where these Muslims "chop off a lot of heads". Can you cite even a dozen cases?

BTW, I have heard plenty of instances where mainstream Muslims spoke out against terrorism although I don't see where they have any obligation to do so just because they happen to claim the same religion as the terrorists. Maybe you can't hear them over your bigoted opinions.

So I'm the fucking ignorant one ?


Crazy Muslim cocksuckers fly aircraft into buildings, killing thousands of infidels, and they are peace loving people, but I'm the fucking ignorant prick for hating the bastards. You've got your fucking priorities wrong you dumb asshole.

There are billions of Muslims on this planet. Are you telling me they all had a hand in that terrorist attack??

(Look at me, trying to reason with a braindead speedbump LOL)

So I'm the fucking ignorant one ?


Crazy Muslim cocksuckers fly aircraft into buildings, killing thousands of infidels, and they are peace loving people, but I'm the fucking ignorant prick for hating the bastards. You've got your fucking priorities wrong you dumb asshole.

There are billions of Muslims on this planet. Are you telling me they all had a hand in that terrorist attack??

(Look at me, trying to reason with a braindead speedbump LOL)
well, between 1.2 and 1.6 billion

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