Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

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You subversive trolls do know that the transcript was made by a GROUP of intelligence personal and not strictly Trump people that had to check it for release of any classified information and that this transcript had to be ok's by each intelligence agency before fucking morons DO KNOW THAT, don't you?......
We know from testimony this week that Vindman, the only Ukrainian speaker there...tried to make it accurate and was shot down by the Trump goons. In fact references to Burisma were removed as well as other omissions
It was HIS OPINION, AS A LEFTIST OPERSTIVE to try and make things look different., and was the CIA OPERATIVE ABD FORMER BIDEN AID who was the 3rd hand whidtleblower....ALL THESE FACTS will come out at the SENATE SIDE of this sham and expose all you leftist subversives for exactly who and what you are to the VOTING PUBLIC!!!....IF they even get that far once Barr and Durham also present THEIR EVIDENCE against all coup members. Including The Hildebeast (although they HAVE REOPENED her part in the COMEY investigation where he spelled out her HUNDREDS OF FELONIES only to give her the DEEP STATE pass) and now has emails going right to the Surrender Monkey....he would look good in an orange jumpsuit!!!
Wait so is the OP admitting the transcript that has been released shows nothing criminal...
Wait so is the OP admitting the transcript that has been released shows nothing criminal...
Nice try..but FAIL

The Trump White House released the least damaging version that they could...because they HAD to

And IT was damning.

The original must be pretty friggin bad
Didn’t he release the actual call?

Apparently not. White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?

Gee chief Smelly Feet...maybe it was put in deep-freeze because the WH is full of leaking commie twats like you. Three chiefs (real chiefs unlike you) haven't been able to clear the building of the trash the Kenyan left behind to spy on a real President.
Now show us the ORIGINAL that is locked in a classified server.

You just quoted the transcript in question, and then felt compelled to search for yet something else. What this demonstrates is that you were unable to find anything bad about Trump's call. If you had found a smoking gun in the transcript that you quoted, you would have absolutely ZERO interest in finding the next document in the witch hunt. You have clearly demonstrated that you do not see enough in Trump's phone call as it was quoted in this thread and in the news to justify impeachment.
The only transcript that lefties are interested in is one that has a smoking gun that brings Trump down. The nothing burger transcript that is now public did not contain anything that justifies impeachment, so they are desperately seeking yet another transcript that "must" contain the smoking gun that they obviously didn't find in what is now public. This thread clearly demonstrates that lefties have given up on the now public transcript, and are off to find the next thing in the witch hunt promised land.
If trump is going read something at his "fire side chat"...He needs to read the transcript....not his doctored summary...

What is he afraid of....if the call was" perfect?"
  • trump is a DICK....
That fireside chat ought to be something else. Will Trump put on a Russian accent as he reads Zelensky's dialogue? Make it truly entertaining?
No, of course he is not going to read the "real" transcript. That includes him saying he's keeping the military aid until he gets dirt on Biden. We've had that "summary" available for weeks now. Why does he need to read it? Does he think his supporters can't read?
That fireside chat ought to be something else. Will Trump put on a Russian accent as he reads Zelensky's dialogue? Make it truly entertaining?
No, of course he is not going to read the "real" transcript. That includes him saying he's keeping the military aid until he gets dirt on Biden. We've had that "summary" available for weeks now. Why does he need to read it? Does he think his supporters can't read?

The "real transcript?" This means you are acknowledging that there is absolutely nothing that justifies impeachment in the nothing burger transcript. It's not good enough for you, so now you need the "real" transcript that contains the smoking gun that you can't find in the nothing burger copy. Lol...
That fireside chat ought to be something else. Will Trump put on a Russian accent as he reads Zelensky's dialogue? Make it truly entertaining?

The Russian collusion thing didn't work out for the lefties, which is why they have moved on to the Ukraine thing. perpetuating the collusion thing demonstrates that you know the Ukraine phone call hoax looks worse than the Russian collusion hoax.
That fireside chat ought to be something else. Will Trump put on a Russian accent as he reads Zelensky's dialogue? Make it truly entertaining?

The Russian collusion thing didn't work out for the lefties, which is why they have moved on to the Ukraine thing. perpetuating the collusion thing demonstrates that you know the Ukraine phone call hoax looks worse than the Russian collusion hoax.

They're just not havin' a very good 'season'....

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, ‘lynching,’one after another lead balloons.

I have asked several of the troglodytes what they would consider doing if Trump wins again, and they feign never having considered the possibility.

Must be too painful.
Facing mounting evidence, some Senate Republicans argued privately this week that they should acknowledge the arrangement while saying it was not illegal and not impeachable.

Growing number of GOP senators consider acknowledging Trump’s quid pro quo on Ukraine

I hope they do acknowledge it - and then try to defend it in the Senate Impeachment Trial.

That would leave out lindsey graham. He just said last week that a quid pro quo is a crime and impeachable. I wonder how he's going to do a 180 and claim he either didn't say the following or come up with some other excuse. I find it interesting that he says outside of the phone call. That statement alone says the phone call shows quid pro quo.

Lindsey Graham may support impeaching Trump if 'quid pro quo' proven

"Sure," Graham said when asked if there was anything that could persuade him to support Trump's impeachment. "Show me something that is a crime. If you could show me that Trump actually was engaging in a quid pro quo, outside the phone call, that would be very disturbing."
I want to see and hear the "actual" recording/transcript of the phone call - not a sanitized version! Don't you?
I want to see and hear the "actual" recording/transcript of the phone call - not a sanitized version! Don't you?
Fake question

Information posed and thus “question” asked counter to facts already evidenced. Fake
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I want to see and hear the "actual" recording/transcript of the phone call - not a sanitized version! Don't you?

What this demonstrates is that you were unable to find anything bad about Trump's call as it was released in the nothing burger version that is public. If you had found a smoking gun in it, you would have absolutely ZERO interest in finding the next document in the witch hunt. You have clearly demonstrated that you do not see enough in Trump's phone call as it was quoted in this thread and in the news to justify impeachment.
I voted no, because it was a confidential call from one head of state to another. The Democrats are chagrined because they're not in charge of the White House and its duties any more.

They're scheming to turn the United States of America into a Communist country that doesn't account to anybody. That's the goal of the Democrat Party.
I voted no, because it was a confidential call from one head of state to another. The Democrats are chagrined because they're not in charge of the White House and its duties any more.

They're scheming to turn the United States of America into a Communist country that doesn't account to anybody. That's the goal of the Democrat Party.

Confidential? Trump released it.

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