Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

Do you support release of "original" transcript of Trump/Ukraine call?

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If Trump did something so bad to merit three years time and money, so be it. But if not, we better start looking into those that started this wild goose chase to begin with. Particularly the ones that give sanctuary to illegal aliens without benefit of the law or voter consent...
ohh they are and thats the main reason for this new round of bullshit treason being committed by the left !and yes they are committing treason !
Treason? You have no clue when you post such a stupid comment.

he lied in a congressional hearing when he red the transcript !!! he used the lie to legitimize moving forward with impeachment [removing a duly elected president ] with A FALSE STATEMENT ! Or are you trying to say that shift read the actual transcript word for word ....and what in the Ukraine transcript is illegal ??? it never said do what we want or we will not give aide to the Ukraine !!! or is asking a country to look into corruption illegal now !

U.S. Code § 2381.Treason:

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Also, see Art. 3, sec. 3, clauses 2 & 3.
yes lying and colluding with foreign and domestic entities to overthrow a constitutionally elected administration is treason an act of war !

Yawn, you can't or won't learn. Sad.
you are a left wing socialist that believes a man can be a woman just by claiming hes a beleive that a baby in the womb is not a human being with rights, you believe that Christians are more evil than islamist radicals ,you believe that capitalism is unfair and evil and that socialism is a better way ..and so on and so on and people like you .you weak limp wristed idiot are the ones that cannot learn
and ive noticed that you are not trying to deny what they are doing is fraudulent you are denying that it does not rise to the level of treason !! interesting ...
President Trump has a brilliant son and a wife to protect, and the New York Democrats have been so nasty and hateful to members of his family, he had to move them away from New York City that is not the city it was 10 years ago. A city he benefitted in billions of ways by paying for good union work on his investments, and many, many people who boasted great paychecks on account of this generous man who is now our President who has to move mountains to protect his son from a vindictive bunch whose parents instruct their kids to punish, not to mention what publishing sleazes have done to his wife and former friends have turned on him so they will not be excluded from the Soros pie at the Clinton library free money to players. The Clinton library foundation may have closed its doors, but Soros is still paying the big bucks to destroy every aspect of the lives of every Republican family in Washington, with the most vicious vipers working against President Trump.

It won't take New York long to start their own little fiscal cave-in as they lose half their people who will be attacked by paramilitaries like Antifa who grow bolder and more threatening with each strike they perform against people who provide jobs for their community that has produced a vicious daughter who is demanding 82 TRILLION dollars from every family in 50 states to fund her false-science funding bonanza that insists on treating global warming which is a natural cycle. It's stupid to fix something that ain't broke, but NEW YORKER ALEXANDRIA CORTEZ IS GONNA GRUB FOR THE BIG BUCKS to dump American money wherever she wishes. She already destroyed a billion dollar Amazon plan to move their shipment operations to her own district.

And body waste writer Schiff the mad man is carrying on a get Trump campaign in concert with the dowager San Francisco Poop Pelosi through a forger's bonanaza of cherry picked half sentences they're going to turn into an impeachment.

Hillary Clinton is the worst thing that happened to America since the Civil War. And I blame her because no matter how many lies she gets her minions to tell, projecting all that's bad onto the innocent while the Demmie leader snakes wallow in their pits.
are you serious !! fuck Mitt Romney !! dont ever try to claim that the system is evil !! its the sytem...[the man] that you and people like have been complaining about for yrs thats carrying out this sham against the president !! you see Trump is not part of the system hes an outsider .....thats why the establishment is out to get him dont ever complain about the corrupt behind the scenes people in charge that enrich themselves like the Bidens [just a small example of how politicians get rich using government influence] again !! you are a Soros lackey ...... a useful idiot !
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
We already have the original.

Please share it with us.
Go look it up yourself. I'm sure there is a thread on this forum that has a copy of it.

Nope, dope, it's locked up in a classified server.
It's been POSTED already right here in YOUR THREAD.

WTF are you still doing in here whining and crying about wanting to see it?

Are you nuts?
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?

Dang, haven't you clowns been embarrassed enough over the last three years.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript.
It is a waste of your time to suggest that there is something in a different copy of the transcript. Whatever copy it is read from, it will still be a nothing burger. Give up on this, it's a waste of your time.
Why then keep the original transcript locked away in a super secret stand alone server...when it has already been released publicly?

That makes no sense. It is locked away in a place where it's not even supposed to be...
If Trump did something bad, he needs to be accountable. I am good with that, lets do the same with Democrats and Sanctuary cities. They didn't ask us, they imposed it on us and they did it for the contractors and big money and not humanitarianism. They never asked US. It sure as hell wasn't in the Constitution throw our people under the bus to sleep in the streets so that we make this a better place for foreign nationals that skirt immigration laws to the benefit of wealthy
demagogue assholes. Nope.
Treason? You have no clue when you post such a stupid comment.

he lied in a congressional hearing when he red the transcript !!! he used the lie to legitimize moving forward with impeachment [removing a duly elected president ] with A FALSE STATEMENT ! Or are you trying to say that shift read the actual transcript word for word ....and what in the Ukraine transcript is illegal ??? it never said do what we want or we will not give aide to the Ukraine !!! or is asking a country to look into corruption illegal now !

U.S. Code § 2381.Treason:

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

Also, see Art. 3, sec. 3, clauses 2 & 3.
yes lying and colluding with foreign and domestic entities to overthrow a constitutionally elected administration is treason an act of war !

Yawn, you can't or won't learn. Sad.
you are a left wing socialist that believes a man can be a woman just by claiming hes a beleive that a baby in the womb is not a human being with rights, you believe that Christians are more evil than islamist radicals ,you believe that capitalism is unfair and evil and that socialism is a better way ..and so on and so on and people like you .you weak limp wristed idiot are the ones that cannot learn

You're nuts.
You subversive trolls do know that the transcript was made by a GROUP of intelligence personal and not strictly Trump people that had to check it for release of any classified information and that this transcript had to be ok's by each intelligence agency before fucking morons DO KNOW THAT, don't you?......
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
oh hell yes!

tell you what, let's do this the way politics USED to be done

let's make a deal!

we release the full transcript, and y'all open up the PEACH MINT hearings and testimony

You subversive trolls do know that the transcript was made by a GROUP of intelligence personal and not strictly Trump people that had to check it for release of any classified information and that this transcript had to be ok's by each intelligence agency before fucking morons DO KNOW THAT, don't you?......
They want Trumps hand written one in blue ink only.
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not from a partial summary. If Americans could see and hear the ORIGINAL transcript - they could make up their own minds as to whether they think it was a clear-cut quid pro quo.

White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?

I'd prefer the audio of the phone call (though I suspect the audio would have missing spaces like Nixon's tapes).

There is no audio, you fucking moron.

How do you know? If there is/was, I suspect Trump's obsequious anti patriots (like you) would have deleted it or edited it.
How do you know there aren't little green men on the moon? Unless you got proof that it exists, you got nothing.
Didn’t he release the actual call?

Apparently not. White House lawyer John Eisenberg locked the ORIGINAL transcript in a classified server after Lt. Col. Vindman said it wasn't accurate? Eisenberg told Vindman not to discuss the phone call with ANYONE. Why?
We are talking about an investigation tied to the attempted murder/assassination of a prosecutor. And possibly even worse crimes than that when you consider that this was in the aftermath of a coup that ousted the democratically elected government of Ukraine. A coup that ultimately led to Russia's annexation of major gas/oil fields and a shitload of money paid to Biden.

Are you aware that? Or are you merely a willfully ignorant dumbass?
Why is the "original" transcript locked in a classified server? Releasing it could clear up the confusion. If Trump is going to read it publicly in a fireside chat - he should be reading from the ORIGINAL transcript - not the partial summary transcript.
It is a waste of your time to suggest that there is something in a different copy of the transcript. Whatever copy it is read from, it will still be a nothing burger. Give up on this, it's a waste of your time.

How do you know that? How could you know that?
Russian collusion investigation = nothing burger
Steele dossier = nothing burger
Women who got called fat = nothing burger
Women who claimed their pussies were grabbed = nothing burger
FBI investigation = nothing burger
Mueller investigation = nothing burger
Dirt on Hillary = nothing burger
Siding with Putin vs CIA = nothing burger (and wise)
Don JR meeting with Russian in Trump tower = nothing burger

Call it a hunch. This will be, too.
You subversive trolls do know that the transcript was made by a GROUP of intelligence personal and not strictly Trump people that had to check it for release of any classified information and that this transcript had to be ok's by each intelligence agency before fucking morons DO KNOW THAT, don't you?......
We know from testimony this week that Vindman, the only Ukrainian speaker there...tried to make it accurate and was shot down by the Trump goons. In fact references to Burisma were removed as well as other omissions

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