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Do you support sending large U.S. ground forces to retake territory ruled by ISIS in Syria/Iraq?

Do you support sending large U.S. ground forces to retake territory ruled by ISIS in Syria/Iraq?

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Nah, not under Obama... he'd send them over there with nothing but rainbow flags and peashooters.
We can't send people into Syria, we would have to get asked and there is no way Assad would consider it.

The Iraqis could ask and I would support it.

I'd volunteer for it for that matter.

sending large U.S. ground forces to retake territory ruled by ISIS doesn't do a damn thing to quell splinter groups like the shithooks that went nuts in France. NOTHING AT ALL !!!

when moron RW's understand that simple fact of dealing with terrorists the better off we'll be ....

It does reduce the number of terrorist that will be recruited and attracted to their cause and reduces the money, resources and areas in which they will have to train. Destroying the caliphate will decrease the number of recruits. The Caliphates success attracts recruits, its failure reduces recruits and resources it will have available to do attacks.
No it does not 100% eliminate the threat, but the point here is to do everything possible to reduce the threat and this is one thing that is NOT being done at this time!

enter the majority of mid eastern countries ... play hop scotch around the globe chasing our tail ... Belgium played a big role in the paris attack ...

100,000 boots on the ground is pointless.
I support arming and training the people of Iraq and Syria to defend themselves and retake territory from ISIS. We can provide aerial and material support, but the actual fighting should be done by the Iraqis and Syrians themselves. All of this could have been avoided, if we'd employed that strategy to depose Saddam in the first place.

That strategy was employed against Saddam in the 1990s and it failed every time it was tried. Some problems require large professional military forces. Saddam did not come down until he faced one. The local forces may work eventually, but how many thousands of innocent civilians will die around the world while we wait.

Just this past two weeks, Russia lost 225 people in a plane bombing by ISIS, ISIS then killed 50 people in a well secured area of Beruit and 130 people in Paris along with 350 injured. We have supported the local forces for 18 months now and progress is too slow.
sending large U.S. ground forces to retake territory ruled by ISIS doesn't do a damn thing to quell splinter groups like the shithooks that went nuts in France. NOTHING AT ALL !!!

when moron RW's understand that simple fact of dealing with terrorists the better off we'll be ....

It does reduce the number of terrorist that will be recruited and attracted to their cause and reduces the money, resources and areas in which they will have to train. Destroying the caliphate will decrease the number of recruits. The Caliphates success attracts recruits, its failure reduces recruits and resources it will have available to do attacks.
No it does not 100% eliminate the threat, but the point here is to do everything possible to reduce the threat and this is one thing that is NOT being done at this time!

enter the majority of mid eastern countries ... play hop scotch around the globe chasing our tail ... Belgium played a big role in the paris attack ...

100,000 boots on the ground is pointless.

Belgian civilians that had trained in Caliphate and went back played a big role. 100,000 ground troops is not pointless and does far more to achieving better security than what is being currently done.
I support arming and training the people of Iraq and Syria to defend themselves and retake territory from ISIS. We can provide aerial and material support, but the actual fighting should be done by the Iraqis and Syrians themselves.
That strategy was employed against Saddam in the 1990s and it failed every time it was tried. Some problems require large professional military forces. Saddam did not come down until he faced one. The local forces may work eventually, but how many thousands of innocent civilians will die around the world while we wait.
Got a cite that shows how we trained Iraqis to bring down Saddam? Whatever was done was preliminary at best. Cite the failures. Just saying so isn't good enough.
We can't send people into Syria, we would have to get asked and there is no way Assad would consider it.

The Iraqis could ask and I would support it.

I'd volunteer for it for that matter.

Guess what, the United States already has troops in Syria, a small amount, but they are there. Assad only controls about 25% of the country and has no control over most parts of Eastern Syria which is under Islamic State control. Assad has said yes to the Russians as well and has not interfered with U.S. or coalition efforts so far to combat ISIS in Syria.

I support Iraq and Syria taking back territory ruled by ISIS and leaving us out of their petty squabbles.
sending large U.S. ground forces to retake territory ruled by ISIS doesn't do a damn thing to quell splinter groups like the shithooks that went nuts in France. NOTHING AT ALL !!!

when moron RW's understand that simple fact of dealing with terrorists the better off we'll be ....

It does reduce the number of terrorist that will be recruited and attracted to their cause and reduces the money, resources and areas in which they will have to train. Destroying the caliphate will decrease the number of recruits. The Caliphates success attracts recruits, its failure reduces recruits and resources it will have available to do attacks.
No it does not 100% eliminate the threat, but the point here is to do everything possible to reduce the threat and this is one thing that is NOT being done at this time!

enter the majority of mid eastern countries ... play hop scotch around the globe chasing our tail ... Belgium played a big role in the paris attack ...

100,000 boots on the ground is pointless.

Belgian civilians that had trained in Caliphate and went back played a big role. 100,000 ground troops is not pointless and does far more to achieving better security than what is being currently done.

guess what?

those nasty bastards can crawl under a damn rock for a decade while we spend countless dollars only to crawl out, hit a major city SOMEWHERE in the world, then crawl back under their rock for another decade .. boots on the ground is playing to their hand..

My God, more meddling? Really?? The West, especially the U.S., has caused the bloody carnage we're currently seeing in the Middle East. They've done enough damage. They should now just apologize to the Peoples' families they massacred, and then come home. We don't belong in their lands. We never did.
My God, more meddling? Really?? The West, especially the U.S., has caused the bloody carnage we're currently seeing in the Middle East. They've done enough damage. They should now just apologize to the Peoples' families they massacred, and then come home. We don't belong in their lands. We never did.

Bloody carnage has been going on in the Middle East for thousands of years. But don't let that stop you from blaming the US for all of the world's ills.
France is not sending Ground Troops into Syria or Iraq & has not asked UN to send any. Why are Republicans & FOX Propagandist pounding the war drums for US troops to invade? The EU has more than enough resources to invade & defend itself. If they aren't concerned enough to invade, then we should not attempt it in their name.

Iraq was not a threat to US until Bush attacked. North Korea & Iran did not have Nukes until Bush started attacking & threatening the Mid-East. We need to keep killing terrorist instead of creating more.

Iraq Oil Exports are only worth $40 billion a year before production cost. It cost far more than that for US troops to occupy Iraq. Making it a US territory has not proven to be a profitable venture. NeoCon Repubtards LIED about the US being "Greeted as Liberators", Cost of War, Success, Plan to Win the Peace & Build a New Better Iraq Nation! It was all LIES!!!
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ISIS has already been rolled back by 25% of their maximum land holdings. If NATO or the UN decides to put together a force,

we should honor our treaty obligations, but no more.
Obama says "Whatever ti takes".
Kerry says "Everything within our power".

Well, except ground troops. Not that. We didn't mean that.
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Stay the hell out of the Mid-East!

Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh told reporters Iran plans to double its crude oil exports as sanctions are lifted, which officials expect to happen in early 2016!

"Our exports will be doubled within a short period of time after the sanctions are lifted," Zanganeh said.

"We have no worries about selling the 500,000. God willing it will be realized. And I should not be concerned about price, others should be," he said, referring to other oil exporters.

"Under no circumstances will Iran concede its market share to others. We don't seek permission from anyone to use our rights."
My God, more meddling? Really?? The West, especially the U.S., has caused the bloody carnage we're currently seeing in the Middle East. They've done enough damage. They should now just apologize to the Peoples' families they massacred, and then come home. We don't belong in their lands. We never did.

Defending yourself is not meddling. In the United States, when a killer is on the lose, you hunt him down and kill him. When the killers live abroad, you do the same. Its self defense. We did it in World War II, this is no different. The Islamic State Caliphate in Syria/Iraq is essentially no different than Hitler's Germany in that its territory must be taken as soon as possible.
If we send in ground forces any land we take we keep, it becomes a US colony, we also keep their oil. We'll station about 2,000 battle tanks there and blast hell out of anything that comes near our new colony. If Iran starts running their big mouths we'll go blast hell out of them, shut it Iran you punks.

Retard meltdown. Wet cleanup in aisle 2!

That is the dumbest post of the year. Well, okay, tied for 1st place with about 10,000 other dumb RWnut posts.

Actually calling others names does nothing to contribute to the discussion. If your interested, say something intelligent and relevant to the discussion please.
My God, more meddling? Really?? The West, especially the U.S., has caused the bloody carnage we're currently seeing in the Middle East. They've done enough damage. They should now just apologize to the Peoples' families they massacred, and then come home. We don't belong in their lands. We never did.

Defending yourself is not meddling. In the United States, when a killer is on the lose, you hunt him down and kill him. When the killers live abroad, you do the same. Its self defense. We did it in World War II, this is no different. The Islamic State Caliphate in Syria/Iraq is essentially no different than Hitler's Germany in that its territory must be taken as soon as possible.

WWII ... a conventional war

the war on terror .... not a damn thing conventional about it. NOTHING.


Get with the present time.

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