Do you support The Donald and his effort to protect Art. XII of COTUS

The people at the home called and want you back in your bed by lights out.

FO asshole. I enjoy saying that to dirt bags and punks like you. I spent more than a few years listening to asshole like you when they were caged and felt safe (like you, a punk whose only brave when hidden safely behind a keyboard).
Nah, but hey Wry, I love his protection of article XII, you know it's kinda like Obama visiting all 57 states.

Fool ^^^, and a very unoriginal fool at that. Obviously a member of the echo chamber.
The echo chamber in which of the 57 states corpse man....:lol:

Another idiot-gram ^^^: Never in the history of message boards have so manner posted so much without substance.
I take it your typing from the 55th sate then? :lol:
The people at the home called and want you back in your bed by lights out.

FO asshole. I enjoy saying that to dirt bags and punks like you. I spent more than a few years listening to asshole like you when they were caged and felt safe (like you, a punk whose only brave when hidden safely behind a keyboard).
Nah, but hey Wry, I love his protection of article XII, you know it's kinda like Obama visiting all 57 states.

Fool ^^^, and a very unoriginal fool at that. Obviously a member of the echo chamber.
The echo chamber in which of the 57 states corpse man....:lol:

Another idiot-gram ^^^: Never in the history of message boards have so manner posted so much without substance.
Why, mad because he got you between the eyes? You made fun of a misstatements, he made fun of your comrade in charge
Obama said 57 states and was mocked for it

Trump claims he will be the best Constitutional President ever and is rightfully mocked

But in a short period of time, Trump has provided tremendous ammunition to be mocked....I'm talking YUUUUGE
FO asshole. I enjoy saying that to dirt bags and punks like you. I spent more than a few years listening to asshole like you when they were caged and felt safe (like you, a punk whose only brave when hidden safely behind a keyboard).
Nah, but hey Wry, I love his protection of article XII, you know it's kinda like Obama visiting all 57 states.

Fool ^^^, and a very unoriginal fool at that. Obviously a member of the echo chamber.
The echo chamber in which of the 57 states corpse man....:lol:

Another idiot-gram ^^^: Never in the history of message boards have so manner posted so much without substance.
Why, mad because he got you between the eyes? You made fun of a misstatements, he made fun of your comrade in charge

I'm mad? Not in either meaning of the word. I understand that Trump is both a demagogue and a charlatan - that only fools and the biddable support him and only racists and fools bring up "57 States" as if it is or was substantive to any discussion.l

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out or to figure out that the majority on this board are self defined conservatives and are myopic and incapable of critical thinking and passing forward the propaganda of right wing conspirators.

The people at the home called and want you back in your bed by lights out.

FO asshole. I enjoy saying that to dirt bags and punks like you. I spent more than a few years listening to asshole like you when they were caged and felt safe (like you, a punk whose only brave when hidden safely behind a keyboard).

You liberal airheads sure are the masters of irony. At least I put my ass on the line for my country. What have you done lately other than talk trash?

USNR, '67 - 69
NTCSD & 32nd St SD
ASW WestPac

BTW, the last asshole like you I put down in an elevator in a parking garage in VA. I took my two sons to DC, and we stayed across the river. The asshole commented on my 15 yo old wearing his ball cap backwards as kids did back then.

He was about my age but wearing a ball cap in the usual manner with "BB New Jersey" on the brim. I ignored him at first but when he made a another comment I got up in his face real close and told him very quietly, "enough, asshole, another word and you might slip real hard getting out of this elevator". He didn't even have the balls to hold eye contact, and watched his own feet until we alighted from the elevator.

Man, you are older than hell! Keep talking if if makes you feel any better. I was 6 years old when you joined the Navy, and I did 23 years, active and reserve. I spent more time sitting on the toilet underway than you did in the Navy. Go try to impress someone else with your sea stories. I won't be listening.
At least I put my ass on the line for my country. What have you done lately other than talk trash?
Sure you did! Just like the "Real" Admiral Rockwell Tory of Cinematic fame, you fucking poser!

You do the math! I joined in 1978 and got in 2001. I also did a little thing called the Gulf War in there also.
Just did the math! You were 5 YO when I left for my first deployment to SEA. You were 6-7 for my second! Wow, you're a fuckin' salt! Gulf War must have been pure hell for ya...all 100 hours of it!

Sure does take a fool to dis Nam vets to brag about how their own service much later was somehow superior, you fucking poser!!!! You owe Wry an apology, dipstick!

The people at the home called and want you back in your bed by lights out.

FO asshole. I enjoy saying that to dirt bags and punks like you. I spent more than a few years listening to asshole like you when they were caged and felt safe (like you, a punk whose only brave when hidden safely behind a keyboard).

You liberal airheads sure are the masters of irony. At least I put my ass on the line for my country. What have you done lately other than talk trash?

USNR, '67 - 69
NTCSD & 32nd St SD
ASW WestPac

BTW, the last asshole like you I put down in an elevator in a parking garage in VA. I took my two sons to DC, and we stayed across the river. The asshole commented on my 15 yo old wearing his ball cap backwards as kids did back then.

He was about my age but wearing a ball cap in the usual manner with "BB New Jersey" on the brim. I ignored him at first but when he made a another comment I got up in his face real close and told him very quietly, "enough, asshole, another word and you might slip real hard getting out of this elevator". He didn't even have the balls to hold eye contact, and watched his own feet until we alighted from the elevator.

Man, you are older than hell! Keep talking if if makes you feel any better. I was 6 years old when you joined the Navy, and I did 23 years, active and reserve. I spent more time sitting on the toilet underway than you did in the Navy. Go try to impress someone else with your sea stories. I won't be listening.

I enlisted during that little conflict in SE Asia; I have some sea stories, several infact of "lifers'" who drank way to much. I won't bother to elaborate, I suspect you are the subject of some of those benders yourself.
The people at the home called and want you back in your bed by lights out.

FO asshole. I enjoy saying that to dirt bags and punks like you. I spent more than a few years listening to asshole like you when they were caged and felt safe (like you, a punk whose only brave when hidden safely behind a keyboard).

You liberal airheads sure are the masters of irony. At least I put my ass on the line for my country. What have you done lately other than talk trash?

USNR, '67 - 69
NTCSD & 32nd St SD
ASW WestPac

BTW, the last asshole like you I put down in an elevator in a parking garage in VA. I took my two sons to DC, and we stayed across the river. The asshole commented on my 15 yo old wearing his ball cap backwards as kids did back then.

He was about my age but wearing a ball cap in the usual manner with "BB New Jersey" on the brim. I ignored him at first but when he made a another comment I got up in his face real close and told him very quietly, "enough, asshole, another word and you might slip real hard getting out of this elevator". He didn't even have the balls to hold eye contact, and watched his own feet until we alighted from the elevator.

Man, you are older than hell! Keep talking if if makes you feel any better. I was 6 years old when you joined the Navy, and I did 23 years, active and reserve. I spent more time sitting on the toilet underway than you did in the Navy. Go try to impress someone else with your sea stories. I won't be listening.

I enlisted during that little conflict in SE Asia; I have some sea stories, several infact of "lifers'" who drank way to much. I won't bother to elaborate, I suspect you are the subject of some of those benders yourself.
Welcome Home Brother!
At least I put my ass on the line for my country. What have you done lately other than talk trash?
Sure you did! Just like the "Real" Admiral Rockwell Tory of Cinematic fame, you fucking poser!

You do the math! I joined in 1978 and got in 2001. I also did a little thing called the Gulf War in there also.
Just did the math! You were 5 YO when I left for my first deployment to SEA. You were 6-7 for my second! Wow, you're a fuckin' salt! Gulf War must have been pure hell for ya...all 100 hours of it!

Sure does take a fool to dis Nam vets to brag about how their own service much later was somehow superior, you fucking poser!!!! You owe Wry an apology, dipstick!

Poser? 100 hours! Read a history book you nut job! Our deployment was not 100 hours but 7 and 1/2 months!
You're just pissed because I embarrassed the shit out of someone who deserved much worse!
FO asshole. I enjoy saying that to dirt bags and punks like you. I spent more than a few years listening to asshole like you when they were caged and felt safe (like you, a punk whose only brave when hidden safely behind a keyboard).
Nah, but hey Wry, I love his protection of article XII, you know it's kinda like Obama visiting all 57 states.

Fool ^^^, and a very unoriginal fool at that. Obviously a member of the echo chamber.
The echo chamber in which of the 57 states corpse man....:lol:

Another idiot-gram ^^^: Never in the history of message boards have so manner posted so much without substance.
I take it your typing from the 55th sate then? :lol:
At least I put my ass on the line for my country. What have you done lately other than talk trash?
Sure you did! Just like the "Real" Admiral Rockwell Tory of Cinematic fame, you fucking poser!

You do the math! I joined in 1978 and got in 2001. I also did a little thing called the Gulf War in there also.
Just did the math! You were 5 YO when I left for my first deployment to SEA. You were 6-7 for my second! Wow, you're a fuckin' salt! Gulf War must have been pure hell for ya...all 100 hours of it!

Sure does take a fool to dis Nam vets to brag about how their own service much later was somehow superior, you fucking poser!!!! You owe Wry an apology, dipstick!

Poser? 100 hours! Read a history book you nut job! Our deployment was not 100 hours but 7 and 1/2 months!
You're just pissed because I embarrassed the shit out of someone who deserved much worse!
Yes, POSER!!!! Who claimed your ship was deployed for only 100 hours, shit for brains? The ground campaign of DESERT STORM started Feb 24, 1991 and ended 100 HOURS LATER on Feb 28, ass wipe; actual fucking shooting bang, bang warfare. You said you were there! You claimed YOU put your ass on the line!

When was your ass on the line during the 100 hours of the ground campaign, POSER???? Must have been very threatening on those enclosed waters of the Persian Gulf for those months during Desert Shield before the last 100 hours of Desert Storm. Hell, a dangerous wake from a tanker could have caused your ship to roll 3-5 deg and make you feel yucky in the tummy! Yup, you're a real old salt. Thanks for putting your ass on the line by spending all that time as you said:
I spent more time sitting on the toilet underway than you did in the Navy.
A toilet...really? In my 4 years active and 7 years reserve time and all the ships I've been on, however briefly, I never saw a "toilet" on one of them including the Admirals stateroom on the USS Chicago. What Navy were you a part of Old Salt?

The only person you embarrassed was yourself, you Posing asshole! And you still owe Wry an apology, POSER!

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