Do you support unions?

Do you support unions?

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  • No and I am a Democrat

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You do understand that higher labor costs will drive up the price of the product or service, right? That is the primary reason why foreign countries can make products and ship them over here and at a lower cost than the same domestic product
Why tarrifs are important
I am dead-set against tariffs and other forms of protectionism, what you're really doing is taxing your own consumers to pay more for something.
LOL. Sending all Americans bankrupt without it! No jobs no money

Can’t have it both ways

Do you support unions?

In principal I’m neither “fer” or “agin”
That's BS too. The only way to support unions is if you purchase the products they make. If that happened Walmart would be out of business. You can't really say you support US unions and then fill your house with cheap Chinese products. If you do that, then you don't support US unions.

Of many cases, there is simply no alternative. I haven't found US-cast brake rotors in years.

You can retire whenever you damn well please and being a "government worker" doesn't permit you to collect S.S. any sooner than anyone else. If you could just quit whining,.. that'd be great!

You cannot be this stupid. It's not possible.

I don't know where you get that 95% figure, of Americans supporting unions.

He squatted and bore down mightily.

And yet YOU would go back to segregation, and making people pay for their education. No one looks backwards with such fondness as Republicans. You're still litigating voting and civil rights for non-whites and trying to limit the power of non-whites in government.

When is the USA going to live up to its own Constitution and actually have freedom and justice for all?????

This is gibberish.

Hey brother or sister let me say there’s no need to be angry at me or laughing at me. I am voting for Donald Trump most likely like you are. And I support him. So we should not be tearing each other apart here. That’s not the way forward. I support the legacy of unions and I support the strong men and women from the 1920s from the 1930s who literally had no choice but to get out there and fight for their rights. These are strong minded white people strong minded Black people. I am 100% against the teachers union leader who is calling for gun control how does it run to the Second Amendment. I’m 100% on your side my friend

Take a look at these pictures you see what I’m talking about has nothing to do with the kind of things you’re thinking about perhaps. Or the assumptions are making about me or the assumptions a few of the conservatives have made about me we’re all on the same side. Look at those white faces above look at those black faces look at those working class people those were our ancestors.

There’s nothing worse than a scab who crossed a picket line. And they certainly had a lesson talk to them back in the 1930s well that was when our country had honor and integrity unlike today

many unions of today have become corrupt and are nothing at all like the unions of the past … when it comes to America we always have hope in this country because of the glorious past

Hey brother or sister let me say there’s no need to be angry at me or laughing at me. I am voting for Donald Trump most likely like you are. And I support him. So we should not be tearing each other apart here. That’s not the way forward. I support the legacy of unions and I support the strong men and women from the 1920s from the 1930s who literally had no choice but to get out there and fight for their rights. These are strong minded white people strong minded Black people. I am 100% against the teachers union leader who is calling for gun control how does it run to the Second Amendment. I’m 100% on your side my friend

Take a look at these pictures you see what I’m talking about has nothing to do with the kind of things you’re thinking about perhaps. Or the assumptions are making about me or the assumptions a few of the conservatives have made about me we’re all on the same side. Look at those white faces above look at those black faces look at those working class people those were our ancestors.

There’s nothing worse than a scab who crossed a picket line. And they certainly had a lesson talk to them back in the 1930s well that was when our country had honor and integrity unlike today

many unions of today have become corrupt and are nothing at all like the unions of the past … when it comes to America we always have hope in this country because of the glorious past

Going back to yesteryear about unions is like when blacks go back to slavery to discuss reparations. The past doesn't matter. What we're talking about is today.
It's all about fairness, getting decent pay and benefits, etc., for one's skillset, and bargaining parity.
Yes, democracy. Sharing power. Private or public. If corporations (large companies or groups) were chartered that way to begin with, unions would obviously just be superfluous nuisances. But that's remote from the reality in this country. Profit for the biggest shareholders remains the end and be all, despite most being billionaires and Wall Street speculators who know nothing about day to day operations and couldn't care less. Unions shall remain their only check so long as this sick, profit over people culture persists.
You personally attacked me and then tried to walk it back without an apology???? No, I don't think we could get along in real life, because I have absolutely no patience for condescension and "mansplaining".

You're not listening to people, you lecturing them from your imagined position of authority. And you're getting EVERYTHING WRONG!

The irony is so thick it could be cut with chainsaw.

If Amazon wants to do business in MI, it'll pay it's employees better. Or get unionized. Simple choices. They can leave and I'm sure Bamazon will be glad to take over.

Or shrug, close the facilities, and ship stuff in from Indiana and Ohio.

If you want to work for a union company you have to join the union. If you are management you don't have to join. But if you are going to benefit from union protection then yes you have to join the union and pay your dues.

Yeah, it's wonderful...I get an avalanche of junk mail, protection money forcibly taken from me funneled to politicians I despise, and without fail, I get reamed in every contract. Thanks a fuckload, guys!
That's right. We worked hard to form a union.

IF you would be willing to make what you would be making if your company didn't have a union, that would be different. But you are going to be protected by the union. They are going to get you raises? No I'm sorry. If you won't join the union you can't work here.

Workers with union representation enjoy a significant pay premium compared to non-union workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports non-union workers earn just 85 percent of what unionized workers earn ($1,029/week vs. $1,216/week).

Unless you are willing to take a 85% pay cut. Then I would allow it.

That is idiotic. And you can't do math.

The first two years after the union came in, I took a pay CUT. Thus far, the union has cost me my unused sick time payout for six years, my safety bonuses, my profit sharing, half my 401k match, and most recently, my 401k. Thanks a fuckload!

unions are a good thing!

This is why government employees should not be permitted to unionize.
I'll give you some math. No employees means no sales

I look forward to seeing the automated Starbucks!

In Michigan we got rid of Right To Work laws. Right to work is the title Republicans gave the law when they passed it but it was more like you have no right to your job.

That's a lie. It's actually, "You can no longer be forced to pay protection money to Guido to keep your job."

Imagine you are a great employee and because of age or race they just decide to get rid of you? In right to work states they can. In Union states they have to show you did something wrong or else you were wrongfully terminated.

Every word of that is a lie.

Even if you are not in a union, you don't want to work in a Right to Work state. Republicans pushed that on Michigan. We are a very union state. Republicans work for the rich. The corporations. Not labor. They want to BREAK unions. They'll tell you how much unions and union workers suck. They are our highest paid blue collar workers of course they hate them.

If unions have truly outlived their usefulness, let's see the police and firefighters disband their unions first.

They should be prohibited. Government employees should not be permitted to unionize.

Several local, smaller police forces joined the union while I was a Teamster. The big city ones don't care about them for some reason. We had some local school transportation members too. Many big city police unions are definitely the worst so far as retaining and protecting obviously criminal employees. In general, unions shall persist so long as skilled, dangerous work remains in high demand. Any idiot will do where any idiot will do.

A number of places in this area have police represented by the Teamsters.


World wide Public Sector Unions are vital to represent the employees...

Government employee unions exist for, exactly, one purpose: to permit their members to continue to GORGE at the public trough.

Please give us lower wages and we will work hard. Motto of a terrible person

Good thing nobody but you has said that!

And look where Detroit is today. Thing is, the teacher's union is almost as bad, then there is the lawyer's union, the sports unions and the government union, even if they don't CALL themselves unions.

They're more like cartels.
LOL. Sending all Americans bankrupt without it! No jobs no money

Can’t have it both ways

Tariffs are essentially taxes on specific items, not everything. So the idea that ALL Americans will be bankrupt without tariffs is nonsense. All tariffs do is help specific businesses and sectors and screw everyone else. You do realize that when you impose a tariff on something, those countries affected will slap their own tariffs on our stuff that we export to them. And we all end up in a downward spiral where everybody gets hurt. It's a fool's errand.
Sadly, police unions protect bad cops.

For instance.

The Minneapolis police officer who knelt on George Floyd’s neck had 18 previous complaints against him, police department says

By Dakin Andone, Hollie Silverman and Melissa Alonso, CNN
Updated 5:39 PM EDT, Fri May 29, 2020

It's worse: Derek Chauvin was a training officer. Not the union-the police brass WANTED swaggering thugs as cops.


Why do you childishly find it necessary to attempt to insult me?

I LOVE my job. It was an incredible career that afforded me opportunities I never would have had in the field of my degree. Why does that bother you?

Because you are not beholden to a union.

Why are those teachers unqualified?

Because the plebe says so.

Sorry, idiot, you have nothing, poor old coot.

That is usually the case.


(bullshit removed)

Are you baked?
They should be prohibited. Government employees should not be permitted to unionize.

A number of places in this area have police represented by the Teamsters.

Government employee unions exist for, exactly, one purpose: to permit their members to continue to GORGE at the public trough.

Good thing nobody but you has said that!

They're more like cartels.
Ok so no unions. Then how do workers get ahead. And if your lesser thinking brain says "work hard" that simply is every aspect. Want one to work harder pay them more. Otherwise status quo SHOULD be the rule. Econ 101.
Then how do workers get ahead.
Acquire a skill that has more value that whatever you have now, or become more productive one way or another. Cross-train, whatever it takes to be more marketable, meaning make yourself more valuable to your employer or another employer.

Want one to work harder pay them more.

Numerous studies over more than the last 100 years show that more money does not motivate people to work harder. It sounds like you want to give workers a pay raise before they became more productive. Bad idea, there's no incentive to work harder if I already got the pay raise.
Ok so no unions. Then how do workers get ahead. And if your lesser thinking brain says "work hard" that simply is every aspect. Want one to work harder pay them more. Otherwise status quo SHOULD be the rule. Econ 101.
You make yourself more valuable to your employer. If you're no more valuable to your employer this year, than you were a year or two years ago, why are you entitled to a raise?

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