Do You Take the Flu Shot?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
It's that time of year again. For me..... not NO, but hell no... My doctor gets a woody every year when the vaccine come out, starts telling me I can get it etc.... then he remembers...... I Don't take it for a host of reasons

What say you?

I get them every year....for the past 40 years.
I worked with the public and came in contact with so many of them on a daily basis.
I used to get sick every season, after getting the shots they had really cut down on the flu
and colds both for me.
I get them every year....for the past 40 years.
I worked with the public and came in contact with so many of them on a daily basis.
I used to get sick every season, after getting the shots they had really cut down on the flu
and colds both for me.
I never seem to get the flu, 3 day sniffles, yea.

Knock on wood

I get one every year with my wife

We go out to dinner afterwards
It's that time of year again. For me..... not NO, but hell no... My doctor gets a woody every year when the vaccine come out, starts telling me I can get it etc.... then he remembers...... I Don't take it for a host of reasons

What say you?

Every year. Also my kids.
Fuck no! I had the flu so bad when I was 15..and got over it. I don't need no flu shot. Nope.

Several people in my family did. It was Superflu. Yeah, I don't need no shots.
The shots are free and help prevent you and others from getting the flu

No brainer
..negative and I rarely get sick--and I'm over 50
...a nurse friend of mine who studied medicine says the shot can't make you sick--but I question that
..I get lot's of sleep and water
A pharmacist that I trust told me that the flu shots are mostly ineffective. The chance of someone getting that specific strain of flu is remote. They serve those over 80 best.
It's that time of year again. For me..... not NO, but hell no... My doctor gets a woody every year when the vaccine come out, starts telling me I can get it etc.... then he remembers...... I Don't take it for a host of reasons

What say you?

It has been proven that the Flu shot is from the original strain of Flu for that year. But the problem is the Flu is a virus and after the 3rd transmission that virus has morphed into a whole new being that the Flu shot isnt able to protect against. But the insidiousness of the shot is this. Go get a free Flu shot, it doesn't cost you a thing, yet with big Pharma knowing the ineffectiveness of the Flu still makes them, sells each dose to the gubermant, and then we get taxed for that year, and Pharma makes out like a bandit. Obama was big in the pockets of Pharma, which is why he created the Unaffordable Care Act. Big Pharma loved Obama...

The one that got away: Obamacare and the drug industry
Yes. Got one two days before the fire. Glad I did, what with all the nasties with people homeless and stuffed together.
A pharmacist that I trust told me that the flu shots are mostly ineffective. The chance of someone getting that specific strain of flu is remote. They serve those over 80 best.
They help stop the spread of the flu in the population

I started getting one seven years ago.

I’ve gotten sick with a cold once since then.

Prior to that, I was getting sick 2-4 times a year.

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