Do you think it's possible that Hillary/Romney could have been a worse president?

I've always been bitter about Hillary losing the primary for '08. She would have been much better.
I campaigned for Mitt Romney.. having said that, I'm glad he didn't win now.. the reign of terror by the left is almost over and Americans have seen the true face of SOCIALISM and it's destruction.. I believe it will be decades before Americans ever trust liberals again.
Serious question

I have doubts that ANYONE could be or has been worse at the job than him.
Romney would have been worse, McCain would have been doubt, imo..

.but Hillary would have been better...she has bigger balls... I was a huge Hillary fan in 2008, so maybe I am biased? :D
As bad as Hillary would have been, she would have not been as bad as Obama. Though I thought Romney was a crappy choice, he would have been much better than either of them. If Romney had won, the recession/depression would have been over in a few months.
Serious question

I have doubts that ANYONE could be or has been worse at the job than him.

Contrary to what people seem to believe, Presidents have very little power. In order for a President to change anything, Congress has to say "okay." EOs aren't Papal decrees. They have limits. And if a President tried doing every little thing that way he'd be impeached. And before you get too excited, President Obama hasn't used EOs as much as recent Presidents. I think largely because he's thinking about the next black candidate somewhere down the line.

No other front-runner or past Presidential candidate woulda done any better. Instead of continuously electing the country's biggest egomaniacs (who think among 310 million other people THEY should be President) we need to start electing actual talent. People whose sole claim to fame is not they speak and look well in front of a camera, but military generals and admirals, people who've risen through the ranks of some institution and thus know every bit of it instead of some flunky appointee who gets to the top without climbing up the ladder. Need more heads of intelligence agencies who were grunts once. Since much of the job of the President is foreign relations someone who actually knows something about that is preferable to someone who was only married to a President and got into politics on his coattails. Or someone who's Daddy was President.

Show me a a candidate who deserves the job and I'll get behind them real quick. As it is, I'm with Carlin, "If you vote you have no right to complain."
As much as I dislike Hillary, I think she would have done a better job.

Well it is not like the far left gave their constituents a real choice between the two.

Obama was their guy from day one.

How could anyone truly support someone that had almost no experience over someone that had been in politics for 25+ years?

I am not sure if Hilary would have done a better job, I think this path was chosen long before Obama was announced as a Candidate.

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