CDZ Do you think Lyndon Baines Johnsons dream of the Great Society has finally been realized?

What part of the Great Society do you object to?
Rewarding every unmarried woman with a free apartment and spending money if she could come up with a positive pregnancy test. Did wonders for the Black community, and the rest of the nation has followed.

What part of the Nuclear Family do you object to?
And your alternative?
Children living in the gutter and rummaging through dumpsters?
If Republicans hadn‘t trashed LBJs War on Poverty, we would be much better off.

As much as they have tried, they can’t get rid of Medicare and Medicaid
Robert Reich, Barack Obama and Ezekiel Emmanuel(Rahm's brother) they want to get rid of it. They just have to sell it to the population. The Baby Boomers have been used for their 15% extortion for their programs and now they must die.
Actually that would be Paul Ryan and Donald J Trump
What part of the Nuclear Family do you object to?

Even our own President, with his immense wealth has been unable to maintain a Nuclear Family.

You expect someone in abject poverty to do so?
Good intentions that went horribly wrong. A Social Experiment resembling Pavlov's dog for sure.

Interesting article published about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Yeah right Lyndon Snowjob Johnson.

Good intentions?

You mean replacing the black male head of household with a government check was a good idea destined to create stability and self reliance?

Dante would put LBJ down in the 9th Circle
If Republicans hadn‘t trashed LBJs War on Poverty, we would be much better off.

As much as they have tried, they can’t get rid of Medicare and Medicaid


When does this "War on Poverty" end?

Are you making people self-sufficient and less government dependent?
The "good intentions" of the left only serve to pave the way the way to destruction.

What part of the Great Society do you object to?

Civil Rights Act
Voting Rights Act
Food Stamps

You mean Ike's Civil Rights Bill that he tried to pass in 1957 and Senate Majority Leader LBJ trashed it as the "****** Bill" and held it up until after he became President


Lady Byrd supressing a smirk; LBJ smiling back at the winker
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As much as they have tried, they can’t get rid of Medicare and Medicaid
Why are so many left-wing docs sneaking into the GOP convention? Why must educated doctors engage in rampant medical malpractice and inflict so much murder and mayhem on us in their unfettered greed for money and lust for the carnage of human flesh?
If Republicans hadn‘t trashed LBJs War on Poverty, we would be much better off.
LBJ's Gun Control Act of 1968, with its mandatory mental health exams and extended FBI background checks, only served to more deeply entrench and further enforce existing poverty.
When does this "War on Poverty" end?
When people get off the gun control shitlists, and go back to work, or go back in business, like they did, or would have or could have before without all the DEMOCRAT government oppression and unwarranted searches and seizures of private property.
Are you making people self-sufficient and less government dependent?
The DEMOCRATS have always sought to undermine and erode the people's self-sufficiency, and foster a bigger and ever more powerful government to serve the needs of the dependent underclass which forms their voting base.
Good intentions that went horribly wrong. A Social Experiment resembling Pavlov's dog for sure.

Interesting article published about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Yeah right Lyndon Snowjob Johnson.

He didn't care about a Great Society...he just wanted to fool black Americans into voting for the political party that owned blacks as slaves, enacted jim crow laws and whose members started the kkk......and he succeeded...
This country could NOT survive ending would people pay for healthcare? Answer they wouldn't. So you WANT them to die....that IS your answer.
Good intentions that went horribly wrong. A Social Experiment resembling Pavlov's dog for sure.

Interesting article published about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Yeah right Lyndon Snowjob Johnson.

Oswald's rifle killed the last great Democratic President and replaced him with the most evil Democratic President LBJ. The Great Society was designed to ensnare Black people in the net of government dependence. He would be delighted to see how well his design worked.
Good intentions that went horribly wrong. A Social Experiment resembling Pavlov's dog for sure.

Interesting article published about 6 weeks before the shutdown.

Yeah right Lyndon Snowjob Johnson.

He didn't care about a Great Society...he just wanted to fool black Americans into voting for the political party that owned blacks as slaves, enacted jim crow laws and whose members started the kkk......and he succeeded...

Blacks had been voting Democratic since FDR

It was asshole, racist terrorists in the south who forced LBJs hand with their lynchings, bombings and beatings of peaceful demonstrators
Oswald's rifle killed the last great Democratic President and replaced him with the most evil Democratic President LBJ.

JFK avoided Civil Rights for much of his Presidency. It was not high on his agenda.

LBJ got Civil Rights legislation passed that JFK never could have
There were no good intentions....


Fake quote that has been repeatedly debunked
Blacks were already voting Democratic and LBJ lost much more than he gained by passing Civil Rights......A Democratic South

Despite the cheesy smear attempts by the northeastern liberal democrat establishment and its media, now parroted by right wingers, Johnson was always doing a little something for black and latinos from the beginning in the 1930's, when it cost him votes, like finding money to pay Prairie View A&M teachers and emphasizing English only in latino schools as a teacher during the Depression; he also aided 'Progressives' as far away as Washington state and others, not just in Texas, and was one of the few administrators of FDR's projects that made a success of them here in Texas, putting a lot of people to work. No votes in any of that for him in 1930's Texas, or for Sam Rayburn.

As for the Civil Rights bills, they wouldn't have passed at all without his strategic plotting, and many of the clauses had Sunset provisions in them as well and many only applying to 7 southern states; it was actually Nixon who made them nationwide and permanent when they came up for review in 1970. Northern states like New York and 'liberal' states like California got to keep their literacy tests, with the results that Harlem's voting turnouts barely beat Mississippi's. He also opposed turning AA into a quota system, as did Humphrey and Moynihan, but the radicals won on that and got them under Nixon as well. Nixon gave the black radicals everything they wanted, which led to their disasters today of failed cities and failed education systems, not Johnson.

Hugh Davis Graham's excellent history. The Civil Rights Era, covers it all in detail, bill numbers, dates, commissions, committee rulings, etc. along with a couple of his other excellent books; if you haven't read it you don't know squat; he spares no one any slack, liberal or conservative.

And I'm on record as being all for literacy tests and civics tests as well; it's been over 50 years in some case since black and latinos were handed their own school systems and city govts. to run, so if they still have literacy and dropout problems they're self-inflicted, so fuck them. Nobody gets to make up their own facts, right or left. Both ends of the spectrum need to find somebody else to hide their propaganda rubbish under, and tha includes the military and CIA's own lying and arrogance creating the problems due to the perceptions re Viet Nam as well.
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You mean Ike's Civil Rights Bill that he tried to pass in 1957

It had zero hope of passing as written, and ...

and Senate Majority Leader LBJ trashed it as the "****** Bill"

... we're still waiting for a single credible source he ever used that word; there should be 10's of thousands of them, given how long he was a public figure, yet there is only one source with no credibility .... the term he used is what the vast majority of educated southerners used in that day and time, including black people: 'colored'.

and held it up until after he became President

... and it passed, and in a better version, as the previous ones wouldn't. It also contained Sunset clauses to boot, also a good thing, since in many cases it would discriminate against whites in some states and that is exactly what happened when Nixon made them permanent in an attempt to get black voters back into the GOP. Nixon failed, but the illegal quota systems he signed into law stayed.


Lady Byrd supressing a smirk; LBJ smiling back at the winker

We're attacking peoples' wives now? Did you get a good laugh over Rush Limbaugh's nasty attacks on a 12 year old girl on his national radio show, too?
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I think LBJ should be hanged for being a traitor! My cousin told me all about that one Christmas.

You need to stop letting Unkotare into your house.
Eh..something tells me and Unko are not related.
Actually my cousin lived through all that.

They're both full of ... stuff. The world didn't collapse, and a few decent back people did indeed get ahead, no thanks to left wing radicals who trashed the bills and Nixon who helped them.
I think LBJ should be hanged for being a traitor! My cousin told me all about that one Christmas.

You need to stop letting Unkotare into your house.
Eh..something tells me and Unko are not related.
Actually my cousin lived through all that.

They're both full of ... stuff. The world didn't collapse, and a few decent back people did indeed get ahead, no thanks to left wing radicals who trashed the bills and Nixon who helped them.
It was LBJ that started cradle-to-grave living off of the government. Before that, you either worked in America, or starved.

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